203 research outputs found

    Preprint: Bringing immersive enjoyment to hyperbaric oxygen chamber users using virtual reality glasses

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on REHAB2015. This paper proposed a novel immersive entertainment system for the users of hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber. The system is a hybrid of hardware and software, the scheme is described in this paper. The hardware is combined by a HMD (i.e. virtual reality glasses shell), a smartphone and a waterproof bag. The software is able to transfer the stereoscopic images of the 3D game to the screen of the smartphone synchronously. The comparison and selection of the hardware are discussed according to the practical running scene of the clinical hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Finally, a preliminary guideline for designing this kind of system is raised accordingly.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on REHAB201

    Preprint Virtual Reality Assistant Technology for Learning Primary Geography

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on ICWL2015. A virtual reality based enhanced technology for learning primary geography is proposed, which synthesizes several latest information technologies including virtual reality(VR), 3D geographical information system(GIS), 3D visualization and multimodal human-computer-interaction (HCI). The main functions of the proposed system are introduced, i.e. Buffer analysis, Overlay analysis, Space convex hull calculation, Space convex decomposition, 3D topology analysis and 3D space intersection detection. The multimodal technologies are employed in the system to enhance the immersive perception of the users.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on ICWL201

    Preprint Imagining In-Air Interaction for Hemiplegia Sufferer

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on 2015 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR2015). In this paper, we described the imagination scenarios of a touch-less interaction technology for hemiplegia, which can support either hand or foot interaction with the smartphone or head mounted device (HMD). The computer vision interaction technology is implemented in our previous work, which provides a core support for gesture interaction by accurately detecting and tracking the hand or foot gesture. The patients interact with the application using hand/foot gesture motion in the camera view.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on 2015 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR2015

    From Three-Body game to Metaverse

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    This paper aims to study the concept of the metaverse as reflected in the Three-Body game in the TV series The Three-Body Problem, as well as the current development status of the metaverse in the real world. Firstly, the Three-Body game in The Three-Body problem is analyzed and explained to uncover the underlying metaverse knowledge. Then, through a literature review, the implementation and application scenarios of the metaverse in various industries are investigated from the databases Web of Science and Scopus, using keywords such as “metaverse”, “Three-Body”, “virtual world”, “virtual reality games”, and “human-computer interaction”. Nearly 10,000 relevant articles were retrieved, and 20 articles were selected for in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis. Subsequently, the content of the literature is summarized from three aspects: the current development status of the metaverse, advancements in virtual reality technology, and advancements in human-computer interaction technology. The application status and technological progress of the metaverse in various industries and the existing technological limitations are discussed. By extending the concept of the metaverse from science fiction, this paper provides research ideas for the future development of the metaverse

    Preprint: Bigdata Oriented Multimedia Mobile Health Applications

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on JOMS. In this paper, two mHealth applications are introduced, which can be employed as the terminals of bigdata based health service to collect information for electronic medical records (EMRs). The first one is a hybrid system for improving the user experience in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber by 3D stereoscopic virtual reality glasses and immersive perception. Several HMDs have been tested and compared. The second application is a voice interactive serious game as a likely solution for providing assistive rehabilitation tool for therapists. The recorder of the voice of patients could be analysed to evaluate the long-time rehabilitation results and further to predict the rehabilitation process.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on JOMS. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1509.0677

    3D visual analysis of seabed on smartphone

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    We create a 'virtual-seabed' platform to realize the 3D visual analysis of seabed on smartphone. The 3D seabed platform is based on a 'section-drilling' model, implementing visualization and analysis of the integrated data of seabed on the 3D browser on smartphone. Some 3D visual analysis functions are developed. This work presents a thorough and interesting way of presenting seabed data on smartphone, which raises many application possibilities. This platform is another practical proof based on our WebVRGIS platform.Comment: 2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis

    Preprint A Game Based Assistive Tool for Rehabilitation of Dysphonic Patients

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on 3rd International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT) at IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 (VR2015). An assistive training tool for rehabilitation of dysphonic patients is designed and developed according to the practical clinical needs. The assistive tool employs a space flight game as the attractive logic part, and microphone arrays as input device, which is getting rid of ambient noise by setting a specific orientation. The therapist can guide the patient to play the game as well as the voice training simultaneously side by side, while not interfere the patient voice. The voice information can be recorded and extracted for evaluating the long-time rehabilitation progress. This paper outlines a design science approach for the development of an initial useful software prototype of such a tool, considering 'Intuitive', 'Entertainment', 'Incentive' as main design factors.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on 3rd International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT) at IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 (VR2015

    Nonrigid Optical Flow Ground Truth for Real-World Scenes with Time-Varying Shading Effects

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    In this paper we present a dense ground truth dataset of nonrigidly deforming real-world scenes. Our dataset contains both long and short video sequences, and enables the quantitatively evaluation for RGB based tracking and registration methods. To construct ground truth for the RGB sequences, we simultaneously capture Near-Infrared (NIR) image sequences where dense markers - visible only in NIR - represent ground truth positions. This allows for comparison with automatically tracked RGB positions and the formation of error metrics. Most previous datasets containing nonrigidly deforming sequences are based on synthetic data. Our capture protocol enables us to acquire real-world deforming objects with realistic photometric effects - such as blur and illumination change - as well as occlusion and complex deformations. A public evaluation website is constructed to allow for ranking of RGB image based optical flow and other dense tracking algorithms, with various statistical measures. Furthermore, we present an RGB-NIR multispectral optical flow model allowing for energy optimization by adoptively combining featured information from both the RGB and the complementary NIR channels. In our experiments we evaluate eight existing RGB based optical flow methods on our new dataset. We also evaluate our hybrid optical flow algorithm by comparing to two existing multispectral approaches, as well as varying our input channels across RGB, NIR and RGB-NIR.Comment: preprint of our paper accepted by RA-L'1

    Preprint Extending Touch-less Interaction on Vision Based Wearable Device

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2015. A touch-less interaction technology on vision based wearable device is designed and evaluated. Users interact with the application with dynamic hands/feet gestures in front of the camera. Several proof-of-concept prototypes with eleven dynamic gestures are developed based on the touch-less interaction. At last, a comparing user study evaluation is proposed to demonstrate the usability of the touch-less approach, as well as the impact on user's emotion, running on a wearable framework or Google Glass.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 201

    Preprint Clinical Feedback and Technology Selection of Game Based Dysphonic Rehabilitation Tool

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    This is the preprint version of our paper on 2015 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth2015). An assistive training tool software for rehabilitation of dysphonic patients is evaluated according to the practical clinical feedback from the treatments. One stroke sufferer and one parkinson sufferer have provided earnest suggestions for the improvement of our tool software. The assistive tool employs a serious game as the attractive logic part, and running on the tablet with normal microphone as input device. Seven pitch estimation algorithms have been evaluated and compared with selected patients voice database. A series of benchmarks have been generated during the evaluation process for technology selection.Comment: This is the preprint version of our paper on 2015 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth2015
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