17 research outputs found

    Research Article SEM and AES Analysis of Corrosion in Steel Cans of Meat and Poultry Food Industry Influenced by Microorganisms Affecting the Competitiveness in Northwest of Mexico

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    The food industry of meat and poultry food is very important activity in the economy of the northwest of Mexico where the Sonora state (with Hermosillo and Santa Ana cities as arid and semiarid zones and Guaymas as marine regions) and Baja California state (Mexicali as arid zone and Tijuana as marine region) are located. The meat and poultry industries produce meat, milk, and eggs, which are recommended for their nutritive properties. An evaluation of micro-and nanocorrosion was made with an optical sensor used to detect microorganisms (MO) inside of the steel cans. The techniques applied to evaluate the deterioration were the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), to obtain the morphology of microorganisms formed in the internal area of the metallic containers. Also the chemical composition to identify and determine the conditions for growth of microorganisms was obtained with respect to moisture and temperature in each region analyzed. The sulfur was the principal pollutant agent in arid and semiarid zones and chloride in marine zones that promoted the corrosion process. The presence of corrosion in the food industry decreases their competitiveness

    Creation Process of the Digital Platform to Foster Healthy and Active Aging: enbuenaedad

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    Andalusia is a region in the south of Spain with 8,4 million inhabitants of which 1,3 million are over 65 years old. Andalusia has been recognized as Reference Site by the European Commission within the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging. The Regional Ministry of Health of Andalusia has put in place strategies to promote healthy and active aging. One of these strategies is enbuenaedad, a digital platform which main aim is to foster active and healthy aging. The target audience is people over 55 years old, caregivers of older adults, as well as health and other key professionals who work with this population. Content sections are inspired in the three pillars of the World Health Organization (WHO) policy framework for active and healthy aging: health, participation, and security, but introducing an additional one which is lifelong learning. One of the strengths of this platform is the creation process. Using a co-thinking design, all target groups get voice under the umbrella of empathy and are empowered by providing support, training, knowledge, and best practices. For its development, dissemination, maintenance, and improvement, the project advocates the unavoidable participation of key stakeholders representing all sectors involved: The Senior Council of Andalusia; Primary Health Care professionals; local authorities; Guadalinfo agents; Permanent Adult Education; and Active Participation Centers. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained within the process support this project. Since its launching, 10,779 users have registered to the platform with more than 157,000 visits. Focusing on WHO four pillars on active and healthy aging Enbuenaedad is based on, preliminary results show effectiveness regarding participation and social interaction. Furthermore, achieving high participation coverage is a necessary but not sufficient input to the provision of adequate approach to older people. More comprehensive evaluation of the four pillars must be taken to ensure a holistic approach. A challenge is a cooperation between three traditionally independent sectors, cooperative work between health, social services, and education is crucial for the future sustainability of this intervention

    Incidence of frailty: a systematic review of scientific literature from a public health perspective

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    Introduction. Because of the dynamic nature of frailty, prospective epidemiological data are essential to calibrate an adequate public health response. Methods. A systematic review of literature on frailty incidence was conducted within the European Joint Action ADVANTAGE. Results. Of the 6 studies included, only 3 were specifically aimed at estimating frailty incidence, and only 2 provided disaggregated results by at least gender. The mean followup length (1-22.2 years; median 5.1), sample size (74-6306 individuals), and age of participants (≥ 30-65) varied greatly across studies. The adoption of incidence proportions rather than rates further limited comparability of results. After removing one outlier, incidence ranged from 5% (follow-up 22.2 years; age ≥ 30) to 13% (follow-up 1 year, age ≥ 55). Conclusions. Well-designed prospective studies of frailty are necessary. To facilitate comparison across studies and over time, incidence should be estimated in person-time rate. Analyses of factors associated with the development of frailty are needed to identify high-risk groups

    Prevalence of frailty at population level in European ADVANTAGE Joint Action Member States: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction. Although frailty is common among community-dwelling older adults, its prevalence in Europe and how this varies between countries is unclear. Methods. A systematic review and meta-analysis of literature on frailty prevalence in 22 European countries involved in the Joint Action ADVANTAGE was conducted. Results. Sixty-two papers, representing 68 unique datasets were included. Meta-analysis showed an overall estimated frailty prevalence of 18% (95% confidence interval, CI, 15- 21%). The prevalence in community (n = 53) vs non-community based studies (n = 15) was 12% (95% CI 10-15%) and 45% (95% CI 27-63%), respectively. Pooled prevalence in community studies adopting a physical phenotype was 12% (95% CI 10-14%, n = 45) vs 16% (95% CI 7-29%, n = 8) for all other definitions. Sub-analysis of a subgroup of studies assessed as high-quality (n = 47) gave a pooled estimate of 17% (95% CI 13-21%). Conclusions. The considerable and significant heterogeneity found warrants the development of common methodological approaches to provide accurate and comparable frailty prevalence estimates at population-level

    Incidencia de los proyectos de Vinculación con la Sociedad de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Vol 2

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    Con este mismo título, en diciembre de 2021, apareció el primer volumen de este trabajo. La intención fue sistematizar algunos proyectos de vinculación que habían logrado impactos sociales en términos cualitativos y de innovación educativa. En esa oportunidad se presentó una obra con diez capítulos de reflexión, sistematización, análisis y descripción de la trascendental importancia que implica, para la UPS, la vinculación con la sociedad. Ahora, al cumplir la UPS 28 años de vida institucional, presentamos este segundo volumen, que recoge en 14 capítulos el trabajo de 3 docentes, administrativos, estudiantes e investigadores invitados de distintos campos científicos. Es la continuación de la sistematización de los proyectos de vinculación emblemáticos que se han desarrollado en las sedes de Cuenca, Quito y Guayaquil de la universidad. EN cada uno de ellos se podrá encontrar el esfuerzo que la UPS ha desarrollado en estos 28 años, desde su fundación, para conseguir transformaciones sociales. Fiel a su misión y visión institucional, ha desplegado un arduo trabajo en el capo científico, tecnológico y cultural, dándose a conocer como una institución de excelencia académica, producción científica, responsabilidad social y capacidad de incidir en el desarrollo de la sociedad ecuatorian

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    Bibliografic Resources on Chemical Risk Administration and Prevention

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    Fundamento: La documentación producida por las instituciones públicas y privadas en relación al riesgo químico constituye una herramienta esencial para la prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo es localizar y revisar los documentos sobre gestión de la prevención de riesgo químico dirigido a PYMES en España desde 1995 hasta 2004. Métodos: La metodología seguida para la selección de los materiales bibliográficos ha sido la consulta de bases de datos automatizadas y páginas web. Resultados: Se han identificado 812 documentos. La mayoría corresponde a literatura gris. La temática más frecuente ha sido la de seguridad y el objetivo más frecuente del trabajo/documento es la prevención. La mayoría de los documentos se dirigen a los técnicos prevencionistas. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que si bien se están publicando en España una gran diversidad de documentos destinados a la prevención de riesgo químico parece conveniente: 1) incrementar su difusión; 2) prestar atención a la comunicación de los riesgos, 3) investigar y traducir la investigación en buenas prácticas.Background: The documentation produced by public and private institutions in relation to the chemical risk constitutes an essential tool for prevention. The objective of this research is to locate and to revise the documents related to the management of the prevention of chemical risk focus to PYMES in Spain from 1995 to 2004. Methods: The methodology carried out for the selection of the bibliographical materials has been the consultation of automated databases and Web pages. Results: 812 documents have been identified. Most corresponds to grey literature. The thematic more frequent has been the security and the most frequent objective of die papers has been the prevention. Most of the documents go to the technical sector. Conclusions: The results suggest that although that there is a great diversity of documents in Spain dedicated to the prevention of chemical risk it seems convenient: 1) to increase their diffusion, 2) to pay attention to the communication of the risks, 3) to investigate and to translate the research in good practice

    SEM and AES Analysis of Corrosion in Steel Cans of Meat and Poultry Food Industry Influenced by Microorganisms Affecting the Competitiveness in Northwest of Mexico

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    The food industry of meat and poultry food is very important activity in the economy of the northwest of Mexico where the Sonora state (with Hermosillo and Santa Ana cities as arid and semiarid zones and Guaymas as marine regions) and Baja California state (Mexicali as arid zone and Tijuana as marine region) are located. The meat and poultry industries produce meat, milk, and eggs, which are recommended for their nutritive properties. An evaluation of micro- and nanocorrosion was made with an optical sensor used to detect microorganisms (MO) inside of the steel cans. The techniques applied to evaluate the deterioration were the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), to obtain the morphology of microorganisms formed in the internal area of the metallic containers. Also the chemical composition to identify and determine the conditions for growth of microorganisms was obtained with respect to moisture and temperature in each region analyzed. The sulfur was the principal pollutant agent in arid and semiarid zones and chloride in marine zones that promoted the corrosion process. The presence of corrosion in the food industry decreases their competitiveness