20 research outputs found
Individuals and Social Structure
Treatments of contextual effects in the social science literature have traditionally focused on statistical phenomena more than on social processes. Typically, the existence of contextual processes has been inferred on the basis of "group-level" effects (as contrasted with "individual-level" effects). This article seeks to redress that imbalance by focusing on underlying processes through which social structure and social interaction may impinge upon individuals. Four alternative generating mechanisms for contextual effects are discussed, along with their implications for model specification and estimation; only one of these, however, is found to be compatible with the notion of modeling individual outcomes as a result of group processes (endogenous feedback). Methods for consistent parameter estimation in endogenous feedback models are presented, based on maximum likelihood estimators for models with lattice autoregressive structure and their extension to models with lattice autocorrelated error structures. Moreover, since the latter often arise by failure to specify contextual processes explicitly, conventional statistical definitions of contextual effects are shown to be confounded with the resulting specification bias.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68634/2/10.1177_004912417900700404.pd
Report of the CSSDA Consulting Committee
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66730/2/10.1177_106939716700200303.pd
Individuals Writ Large: An Epilogue on the "Ecological Fallacy"
This item requires a subscription to Political Analysis Online
The Impact of Political Events on Mass Publics: the Time Dimension of Public Opinion and an Approach to Dynamic Analysis.
Ph.D.Political scienceUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/157422/1/7529215.pd
Mass-Media and Voters (Pre-Election Study 1994)
Media usage and voting decision. Topics: Most interesting topics in the media; prediction of general economic development and personal living conditions; most important political problems; currently most able party; preference for chancellor; behavior at the polls in the last Federal Parliament election 1990 and party preference (Sunday question, first vote, second vote); reasons for vote splitting; preference for absentee ballot; most sympathetic party; coalition preference; habitual election inclination; assessment of the problem-solving ability of the established parties; media usage with daily newspapers and television; self-assessment of interest in politics; postmaterialism; self-assessment on a left-right continuum; good and bad sides of the SPD, the CSU and the FDP, the Greens and the PDS; party membership; union membership; religiousness. Also encoded were: day of interview; interview week; municipality code; city size.Mediennutzung und Wahlentscheidung. Themen: Interessanteste Themen in den Medien; Prognose der allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und der persönlichen Lebensverhältnisse; wichtigste politische Probleme; derzeit kompetenteste Partei; Kanzlerpräferenz; Wahlverhalten bei der letzten Bundestagswahl 1990 und Parteipräferenz (Sonntagsfrage, Erststimme, Zweitstimme); Gründe für Stimmensplitting; Präferenz für Briefwahl; sympathischste Partei; Koalitionspräferenz; habituelle Wahlneigung; Einschätzung der Problemlösungskompetenz der etablierten Parteien; Medienkonsum bei Tageszeitungen und Fernsehen; Selbsteinschätzung des Politikinteresses; Postmaterialismus; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum; gute und schlechte Seiten der SPD, der CSU und der FDP, der Grünen und der PDS; Parteimitgliedschaft; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Religiosität; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Schulbildung; Beruf; Berufliche Position; Berufstätigkeit; Haushaltseinkommen; Haushaltszusammensetzung. Zusätzlich verkodet wurden: Interviewtag; Interviewwoche; Gemeindekennziffer; Ortsgröße
Mass-Media and Voters (Federal Parliament Election Study 1994)
Media usage and voting decision. Topics: Most interesting topics in the media; prediction of general economic development and personal living conditions; most important political problems; currently most able party; preference for chancellor; behavior at the polls in the last Federal Parliament election 1990 and party preference (Sunday question); habitual voting inclination; assessment of problem-solving ability of established parties; media usage for daily newspapers and television; self-assessment of interest in politics; party membership. Also encoded were: day of interview; interview week; municipality code; city size.Mediennutzung und Wahlentscheidung. Themen: Interessanteste Themen in den Medien; Prognose der allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und der persönlichen Lebensverhältnisse; wichtigste politische Probleme; derzeit kompetenteste Partei; Kanzlerpräferenz; Wahlverhalten bei der letzten Bundestagswahl 1990 und Parteipräferenz (Sonntagsfrage); habituelle Wahlneigung; Einschätzung der Problemlösungskompetenz der etablierten Parteien; Medienkonsum bei Tageszeitungen und Fernsehen; Selbsteinschätzung des Politikinteresses; Parteimitgliedschaft. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Beruf; Berufliche Position; Berufstätigkeit; Haushaltseinkommen; Haushaltszusammensetzung. Zusätzlich verkodet wurden: Interviewtag; Interviewwoche; Gemeindekennziffer; Ortsgröße
Internet y sociedad
El Instituto Stanford para el Estudio Cuantitativo de la Sociedad (Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society, SIQSS) se fundó en 1998 a propuesta de Norman H. Nie, actual director de este organismo. Uno de los principales objetivos del centro es la realización de una investigación cuantitativa de los cambios sociales que permita conocer la realidad social y la percepción de la misma por parte del público. «Internet podría convertirse en la última tecnología aislacionista, pues reduce la participación de la sociedad más de lo que antes hizo la televisión.» Es un fenómeno absorbente donde el usuario incrementa el tiempo de utilización a medida que va conociendo el sistema. Dada la velocidad a la que está cambiando Internet, los datos preliminares de este estudio son de interés informativo para conocer la actualidad norteamericana.= Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society, SIQSS, was established in 1998 thanks to the interest and effort of Norman H. Nie, its current director. One of the main goals this center strives for is to conduct quantitative research on social changes, gain knowledge on social realities and their public perception. «Internet could become the most recent isolating technology, as it reduces the participation of society in a higher degree than television did at a time». It becomes an absorbing phenomenon where a user gradually increases the time devoted to Internet, as he/she becomes more knowledgeable of the system. Given the speed at which the Net is changing, the preliminary data of this study provide interesting insight on the current attitude toward Internet in the North American society