5 research outputs found

    Immune-inflammatory concept of the pathogenesis of chronic heart failure in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Dilated cardiomyopathy is common in dogs. This form of cardiomyopathy is the main cause of death due to heart disease in dogs. Death can occur suddenly in clinically normal animals as a result of the progression of congestive heart failure (CHF). The pathogenesis of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy involves activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation, which leads to further progression of the condition. Heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias, reduced cerebral blood flow, the involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis. Aim: This study aimed to determine the immunological and inflammatory mechanisms surrounding the development of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study were dogs with a dilated form of cardiomyopathy (n=159), complicated by various functional classes of heart failure syndrome. Evaluation of myocardial remodeling, systolic function, and systemic hemodynamics was performed using EMP-860 Vet and PU-2200V ultrasound scanners according to the standard technique. Electrocardiography was performed with all dogs in right lateral recumbency using the EK1T-04 Midas electrocardiograph (50 mm/s speed and 1 mV gain = 1 cm). Results: In some affected animals, especially in cases of compensated dilated cardiomyopathy, leukocytosis was noted. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy complicated by heart failure syndrome of various functional classes, the number of neutrophils was significantly increased, and the number of lymphocytes was decreased by 1.9-2.1 times when compared with those in clinically normal animals. In dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy, neutrophilic leukocytosis develops with a simple regenerative shift to the left. The results of immunological studies indicate that dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy develop T lymphocytopenia as compared with clinically normal animals. Conclusion: The central component of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is the activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation. The development of CHF in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias, reduced cerebral blood flow, involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis

    Immune-inflammatory concept of the pathogenesis of chronic heart failure in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Dilated cardiomyopathy is common in dogs. This form of cardiomyopathy is the main cause of death due to heart disease in dogs. Death can occur suddenly in clinically normal animals as a result of the progression of congestive heart failure (CHF). The pathogenesis of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy involves activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation. which leads to further progression of the condition. Heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle. systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythinias, reduced cerebral blood flow, the involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis. Aim: This study aimed to determine the immunological and inflammatory mechanisms surrounding the development of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study were dogs with a dilated form of cardiomyopathy (n=159), complicated by various functional classes of heart failure syndrome. Evaluation of myocardial remodeling, systolic function, and systemic hemodynamics was performed using EMP-860 Vet and PU-2200V ultrasound scanners according to the standard technique. Electrocardiography was performed with all dogs in right lateral recumbency using the EK IT-04 Midas electrocardiograph (50 minis speed and 1 mV gain = 1 cm). Results: In some affected animals, especially in cases of compensated dilated cardiomyopathy, leukocytosis was noted. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy complicated by heart failure syndrome of various functional classes, the number of neutrophils was significantly increased, and the number of lymphocytes was decreased by 1.9-2.1 times when compared with those in clinically normal animals. In dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy, neutrophilic leukocytosis develops with a simple regenerative shift to the left. The results of immunological studies indicate that dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy develop T lymphocytopenia as compared with clinically normal animals. Conclusion: The central component of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is the activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation. The development of CHF in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias, reduced cerebral blood flow, involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis

    Search for promising strains of probiotic microbiota isolated from different biotopes of healthy cats for use in the control of surgical infections

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    Despite the introduction of modern methods of treatment, the creation of new generations of antibacterial agents, and the constant improvement of aseptic and antiseptic methods, the treat-ment of purulent-inflammatory processes remains one of the most complex and urgent problems in veterinary practice. The article presents the results of the isolation of indigenous microbiota from various biotopes of healthy cats, as well as the study of their biological marker properties for the selection of the most optimal strains in probiotic medicines for the control of surgical infections. It was demonstrated that isolated cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which we isolated, re-vealed high sensitivity to antibiotics of the β-lactam group (excepting L. acidophilus No. 24, L. planta-rum “Victoria” No. 22, L. rhamnosus No. 5, L. rhamnosus No. 20, and L. rhamnosus No. 26, which showed a significant variability in sensitivity to antibacterial drugs of this group, indicating the great poten-tial of these microorganisms) and resistance to aminoglycosides, lincosamides, and fluoroquin-olones (with the exception of gatifloxacin, which showed high efficiency in relation to all lactic acid microorganisms). The adhesive properties of the isolated lactobacteria and bifidobacteria were var-iable, even within the same species. It was found that the B. adolescentis No. 23 strain of the Bifidobac-terium genus, as well as the L. plantarum No. 8, L. plantarum “Victoria” No. 22, L. rhamnosus No. 6, L. rhamnosus No. 26, L. acidophilus No. 12, and L. acidophilus No. 24 strains of the Lactobacillus genus had the highest adhesive activity. Thus, when conducting a detailed analysis of the biological marker properties of candidate cultures (determining their sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, studying the adhesive properties, and antagonistic activity in relation to causative agents of surgical infection in cats), it was found that the most promising are L. plantarum “Victoria” No. 22, L. rhamnosus No. 26, and L. acidophilus No. 24. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Fecal Microbiota Analysis in Cats with Intestinal Dysbiosis of Varying Severity

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    Recent studies have shown that the gut microbiota plays an important role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal diseases in various animal species. There are only limited data on the microbiome in cats with varying grades of dysbiosis. The purpose of the study was a detailed analysis of the quantitative and qualitative fecal microbiota spectrum in cats with intestinal dysbiosis of varying severity. The data obtained indicate that, depending on the dysbiosis severity in cats, the intestinal microbiome landscape changes significantly. It has been established that, depending on the dysbiosis severity, there is a shift in the balance between the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pools and in the nature of the isolation of specific bacteria forms, in the amount of obligate microbiota isolation, as well as individual facultative strains. When analyzing the serotyping of E. coli cultures isolated at various grades of intestinal dysbiosis severity, differences were found both in the isolation amount of various serotypes from one animal and in the prevalence of certain serotypes for each disease severity. A retrospective analysis of the fecal microbiota sensitivity in cats with dysbiosis to antibacterial drugs showed that, depending on the disease severity, the number of isolates sensitive to antibiotics increases significantly. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Clinical and hematological parameters for selecting the optimal dose of the phytopreparation "deprim", containing an extract of the herb hypericum perforatum l., in husbandry

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    Only industrial technologies can provide a high level of profitability of pork production, which provides for year-round keeping of pigs in premises with maximum mechanization and automation of production processes. However, under such conditions, animals are exposed to a whole complex of stress factors, which negatively affects the state of the immune system. As you know, stress occurs when external environmental conditions do not correspond to the internal reserves of the body, which leads to its depletion and the development of a General adaptive syndrome, which is manifested by changes in the behavior of animals, their hormonal status and, especially, the development of immunodeficiency. This causes the development of alimentary anemia, delayed growth and development of piglets, decreased appetite, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis and bronchopneumonia, which brings significant losses to the pig industry. One of the modern directions of research in veterinary practice is the search for environmentally safe preventive means of stimulating nonspecific immunity, mainly of natural origin, and studying their impact on the state of resistance, preservation, growth and productivity of young animals. Among a large number of medicines, the best products are developed on the basis of natural components. Hypericum perforatum has a lot of medical properties. In this regard, we have studied the effect of various doses of the phytopreparation "Deprim", containing an extract of the herb Hypericum perforatum L., on the productivity and safety of piglets and the establishment of its optimal dose in pig farming. This manuscript shows that the use of "Deprim" herbal medicine in piglets in two courses at a dose of 5, 10 and 15 mg / kg of fat contributed to a significant increase in body weight. It was found that after 10 days of giving the herbal medicine, the body weight of animals in the 3 experimental group significantly increased (p<0.01) by 1.06 times, compared to the control group. After 20 days of the experiment, we also observed positive dynamics in the animals only in the piglets of the 3 experimental group – a significant (p<0.05) increase of 1.08 times compared to the control group. It should be noted that in animals of all experimental groups, a month after giving the animals a phytopreparation, its positive effect on the growth of live weight was noted. Thus, 60 day-old piglets of the first, second and third experimental groups had a significant increase in animal body weight of 1.04 (p<0.05); 1.10 (p<0.05) and 1.15 (p<0.001) times, respectively. The prospect of further research is to determine the lymphocytic profile (the content of B-and Tlymphocytes, types of the latter), as well as the level of proinflammatory cytokines in order to establish a more precise mechanism of action of the phytopreparation "Deprim" on the immune system of piglets. © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved