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12 research outputs found
Book Review: Tratamiento Psicoanalítico Telefónico (Psychoanalytic Treatment by Telephone)
Lutenberg J.
Lutenberg J.
Scarfone D.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Technology-Assisted Psychoanalysis
Argentieri S.
Aronson J.K.
+28 more
Aronson J.K.
Aryan A.
Brainsky S.
Carlino R.
Chodorow N.J.
Fink B.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Hanly C.
Hutto B.
Lacan J.
Lemma A.
Lindon J.
Lutenberg J.
Lutenberg J.
Lutenberg J.
Richards A.K.
Richards A.K.
Rodriguez de la Sierra L.
Sachs D.
Sachs D.
Scharff D.
Scharff J.S.
Snyder E.
Symington N.
Yamin Habib L.E
Zalusky S.
Zalusky S.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Clinical issues in analyses over the telephone and the internet
Argentieri S
Aronson JK
+23 more
Aronson JK
Brainsky S
Carlino R
Freud S
Freud S
Jill Savege Scharff
Leffert M
Lindon J
Lutenberg J
Lutenberg J
Mirkin M
Richards AK
Robertiello RC
Rodriguez de la sierra L
Sachs D
Saul LJ
Scharff JS
Yamin habib LE
Zalusky S
Zalusky S
Zalusky S
Zalusky S
Zalusky S
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Puzzle of Interminable Treatments
Arlow J.
Bion W. R.
+21 more
Bion W. R.
Bion W. R.
Britton R.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Gedo J.
Glennon S. S.
Green A.
Green A.
Howard B. Levine
Lacan J.
Levine H. B.
Lutenberg J.
McDougall J.
Renik O.
Roussillon R.
Wallerstein R.S.
Winnicott D. W.
Winnicott D. W.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Caulobacter crescentus cell envelope: effect of growth conditions on murein and outer membrane protein composition
Agabian-Keshishian N.
Ames G.
+21 more
Armstrong J. M.
Caldwell H. D.
Chow T. C.
Ells H. A.
Goodwin S. D.
Hopper J. E.
Koplow J.
Laemmli U. K.
Lowry 0.
Lutenberg B.
O'Farrell P. H.
Osborn M. J.
Poindexter J. S.
Schleifer K. H.
Schmidt J. M.
Schwarz U.
Shapiro L.
Shapiro L.
Shapiro L.
Spackman D. H.
Studier F. W.
Publication venue
'American Society for Microbiology'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Book Review: El Narcisismo Y El Trabajo Del Analista: Paradojas, Obstáculos Y Transformaciones
Ahumada J.L.
Aslan C.M.
+31 more
Aslan C.M.
Aslan C.M.
Baranger M.
Baranger W.
Bernardi R.
Bion W.R.
Bion W.R.
Bleger J.
Ezriel H.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Giovacchini P.L.
Green A.
Green A.
Klein M.
Lagache D.
Lutenberg J.
Maldonado J.L.
Maldonado J.L.
Maldonado J.L.
Maldonado J.L.
Maldonado J.L.
Maldonado J.L.
Marty P.
Money-Kyrle R.E.
Moreno J.
Pontalis J.-B.
Rosenfeld H.
Rosenfeld H.
Strachey J.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
δ-Toxin, unlike melittin, has only hemolytic activity and no antimicrobial activity: Rationalization of this specific biological activity
A. W. Bernheimer
B. Lutenberg
+27 more
D. Andreu
D. Andreu
D. R. Strom
E. Atherton
E. S. P. Reddy
E. Thiaudiere
G. Raghunathan
G. Saberwal
H. G. Boman
H. G. Boman
H.-C. Chen
I. R. Mellor
J. E. Alouf
J. E. Fitton
J. H. Freer
J. Vitala
M. Bhakoo
M. Bodanszky
M. Thelestam
M. Zasloff
M. Zasloff
R. I. Lehrer
Ramakrishnan Nagaraj
S. M. Hammonds
T. Nagaraj
Vishnu Mukund Dhople
Y. P. Yianni
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of beta-lactams on peptidoglycan metabolism of Haemophilus influenzae grown in animals
Allen N. E.
Beauchamp D.
+28 more
Blaszczak L. C.
Clairoux N.
Cozens R. M.
Dar M.
Day S. E. J.
Gilbert P.
Herriott R. M.
Iuomanen E.
Kelly N. M.
Laemmli U. K.
Lorian V.
Lutenberg E. J. J.
Malonin F.
Malouin F.
Malouin F.
Malouin F.
Mendelman P. M.
Parr T. R.
Pisabarro A. G.
Powell J. K
Preston D. A.
Serfass D. A.
Spratt B. G.
Tremblay L. D.
Tuomanen E.
Tuomanen E.
Tuomanen E.
Waxman D. J.
Publication venue
'American Society for Microbiology'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The colourless canvas: Representation, therapeutic action and the creation of mind
Ahumada J
Aisenstein M
+44 more
Alexander F
Baranger M
Baranger M
Bibring E
Bion WR
Bion WR
Bion WR
Bion WR
Bion WR
Bion WR
Bion WR
Botella C
Cassorla R
Ferro A
Freud S
Freud S
Freud S
Freud S
Freud S
Freud S
Green A
Green A
Green A
Green A
Heimann P
Hoffman IZ
Howard B. Levine
Lecours S
Levine HB
Levine HB
Levine HB
Lutenberg J
Mcdougall J
Mitrani JL
Natterson J
Ogden TH
Ogden TH
Racker H
Rocha barros E
Rolland J‐C
Stern D
Stolorow RD
Widlöcher D
Winnicott DW
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
‘Void existence’ as against ‘annihilation existence’: Differentiating two qualities in primitive mental states
Alvarez A
Alvarez A
+48 more
Alvarez A
Anzieu D
Bick E
Bick E
Bion WR
Donnet JL
Duparc F
Eliot TS
Ende M
Eshel O
Feldman M
Freud S
Freud S
Green A
Green A
Green A
Green A
Irit Hameiri Valdarsky
Joseph B
Keinan N
Lutenberg JM
Marty P
Marty P
Meltzer D
Meltzer D
Meltzer D
Meltzer D
Mitrani J
Mitrani J
Mitrani J
Mitrani J
Pound E
Quinodoz D
Rosenfeld H
Roussillon R
Schellekes A
Segal H
Smadja C
Symington J
Tustin F
Tustin F
Tustin F
Winnicott DW
Winnicott DW
Winnicott DW
Winnicott DW
Winnicott DW
Winnicott DW
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text