886 research outputs found
Designing temperature sensors for rocket engine: Organisational change through technological innovation in a french SME.
organisational change
Creating Knowledge in a High-Tech French SME.
This paper deals with organizational learning and knowledge creation in Allcapt, a high-tech French SME, through two different experiences : A technological innovation, dealing with the design of temperature sensors for Ariane V launcher, and an organizational innovation, dealing with human resource management. The paper results from a field research conducted in Allcaptâs plant between 1996-2000. The various stages and steps of the technological and organizational dimensions of problem solving are presented in order to add to existing case studies on organizational learning and knowledge creation, as they are useful to make comparative studies. The same data is also used to propose a deconstruction of the concept of organizational learning and knowledge creation in its different components according to the case in hand. For Allcapt, the proposed relevant deconstruction is the âtechnologicalâ and the âorganizationalâ aspects of learning and knowledge creation. Allcapt succeeded in the technological innovation challenge, but has been less successful in the organizational aspects, as demonstrated by attempts at innovative experiences in human resource management. This supports the notion that the success in one aspect will not guarantee success in the second aspect, and some of the reasons explaining this divergence are presented in the paper.organizational learning, knowledge creation
Russland im Weltraum: Die 2020er Jahre
Zu Beginn der 2020er Jahre und 60 Jahre nach dem Flug von Jurij Gagarin steht das russische Weltraumprogramm vor ernsten Herausforderungen: Es muss eine klare Strategie zu allen wichtigen Richtungen des Weltraumprogramms entwickelt werden, die technologischen, industriellen und finanziellen Möglichkeiten sind sehr begrenzt und es besteht angesichts der anhaltenden Konfrontation eine zunehmende Ungewissheit hinsichtlich der Zukunft der Weltraumkooperation mit dem Westen. Dies alles erzeugt fĂŒr Russland ernste auĂen- und innenpolitische Risiken. Es mag paradox erscheinen, doch besteht eines der wichtigsten Interessen Moskaus ausgerechnet in der Beibehaltung der Weltraumkooperation mit Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten
RevictimizaciĂłn con la cĂĄmara Gesell como prueba anticipada en los delitos de violaciĂłn sexual, FiscalĂa Provincial Mixta de Soritor, 2021
La investigaciĂłn de tipo bĂĄsica y enfoque cualitativo contĂł con el objetivo general
de determinar si la cĂĄmara Gesell como prueba anticipada en los procesos por
delitos de violaciĂłn sexual evita la revictimizaciĂłn, en la FiscalĂa Provincial Mixta de
Soritor, 2021, se empleó el método inductivo. Las técnicas empleadas fueron la
entrevista y el anĂĄlisis documental, por ello se utilizĂł los instrumentos guĂa de
entrevista y de anĂĄlisis documental respectivamente. Entre los principales
resultados se tiene que existen consecuencias procesales positivas y negativas en
torno a la obligatoriedad de cĂĄmara Gesell como prueba anticipada; y que tal
imposiciĂłn no evita la victimizaciĂłn secundaria. La investigaciĂłn concluyĂł que la
realizaciĂłn de la cĂĄmara Gesell como prueba anticipada en los procesos por delitos
de violaciĂłn sexual no evita la revictimizaciĂłn de la parte agraviada, en los procesos
tramitados en la FiscalĂa Provincial Mixta de Soritor, 2021, ya que, pese a la
programaciĂłn de la misma existieron casos en los cuales existiĂł victimizaciĂłn
Quelques approches sociologiques de réseaux sociaux
Le prĂ©sent article poursuit un double objectif. Il prĂ©sente les diffĂ©rentes approches sociologiques du concept-image de rĂ©seau qui prolifĂšrent depuis les annĂ©es soixante-dix, donnant ainsi lâimpression dâun domaine Ă©mergent. Il souhaite montrer quâil ne sâagit, cependant, ni dâun phĂ©nomĂšne inĂ©dit ni dâun nouvel objet dâĂ©tude. AprĂšs avoir rĂ©sumĂ© les utilisations prĂ©coces de ce concept ainsi que ses diffĂ©rentes sources dâinspiration, lâarticle prĂ©sente et commente lâessentiel des approches qui y ont recours en sociologie Ă©conomique, en sociologie des organisations et en sociologie de lâinnovation, Ă partir de problĂ©matiques, de mĂ©thodes et dâoutils dâanalyse diffĂ©rents. Si les rĂ©seaux ont toujours existĂ© et si divers corps de littĂ©rature en ont rendu compte, pour des raisons expliquĂ©es dans lâarticle, le concept-image de rĂ©seau a dĂ©sormais acquis un nouveau statut qui sert de grille de lecture pour les diverses analyses des rapports sociaux et facilite lâinterdisciplinaritĂ©.The object of this paper is twofold. It comments upon the sociological approaches dealing with the image-concept of networks. Such approaches have proliferated since the 1970s, contributing to the perception of networking as a new phenomenon. The paper argues that this phenomenon is neither an emerging one nor a new area of study. After describing some pioneering work which influenced network analysis, the present study proposes a summary of sociological approaches in economic sociology, in the sociology of organisations and in the sociology of innovation. All refer to networks with a variety of perspectives, methods and analytical tools. However, if networks have always existed, and if several authors in social sciences and humanities have tried to make sense of them, the image-concept of network is increasingly used as a new framework to interpret the social world, and thus, contributes to multidisciplinarity
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