50 research outputs found


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    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease, which are the characteristics characterized by high levels of sugar in the body. Based on the studies that have been made, the decline in density is one complication that occurs in this disease. Decrease in bone density is thought to cause the resorption on alveolar bone and thinning of the cortical bone. Even resorption the alveolar bone is heavily influenced by local factors such as the condition of periodontal tissue inflammation (periodontitis) does not mean that systemic factors do not influence. The cortical bone thinning influence of systemic factors is quite large. Effect of systemic and local causes bone damage, so it needs to be extent, to show the relationship between the decrease in alveolar bone and the cortical bone thinning. The aims of this study are analyze the relationship between the decrease in alveolar bone and mandible cortical bone inpatient's periodontitis with type-2 diabetes mellitus by the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT-3D). This type of this research is the analytical description of the sample derived from the radiographs CBCT-3D of patient's periodontitis with type-2 diabetes mellitus, who visited the RSGM FKG Unpad of 2 January 2010 - May 30, 2011, with specified criteria of sample and obtained 21 data. Region of the research performed on patients with the mandible alveolar and cortical bone which is divided into 10 regional sections. Analyzes were conducted in two stages. The first analysis with multiple regression analysis in which all three variables were measured simultaneously and the second with a partial regression analysis in which all three variables are calculated separately. Results of the study found a decrease in alveolar bone substantial in region anterior by sagital viuw and coronal. The maximum value of the alveolar resorption is in the left anterior region with a large range from 4.51 to 4.99 mm from sagital and 5.2 to 5.7 mm from the coronal. The thinning of the mandible cortical bone thinning ranged from 0.59 to 0.62 mm. Between the decrease in alveolar bone of the thinning in cortical bone significant in the posterior it's shown in the region M2, 3 and M1, while for other regions like's regions P, C and I did not show significance

    Anatomi leher dan kondisi patologisnya: Pemeriksaan USG

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    Objectives: This study is aimed to introduce an overview of the anatomy of the neck region as well as an overview of some pathological conditions that can be seen through Ultrasound. Literature Review: There was a characteristic in the anatomy of the neck by Ultrasound. Anatomy of the neck on Ultrasound, divided into several areas with its characteristics. Ultrasound can thoroughly assess pathological conditions related to anatomy.   Conclusion: Ultrasound was a modality that can be used to see the condition of the anatomy, including the neck area. Pathological conditions were also able to be appropriately seen through Ultrasound

    Sensitivity of panoramic radiographs in diagnosing maxillary sinusitis: a scoping review

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity of using this panoramic radiograph in diagnosing maxillary sinusitis. Review: Scoping Review with article searches was carried out through NCBI's PubMed database, Science Direct, and EbscoHost from January 2020 to March 2021, with the inclusion criteria being articles published in 2010-2020.   Conclusion: Panoramic radiographs were found to be less sensitive for diagnosing maxillary sinusitis, but due to the low availability and accessibility of CBCT and CT, and related to their expensive cost and high radiation, panoramic radiographs are considered to be quite optimal

    Differences between male and female mandibular length growth according to panoramic radiograph

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    Evaluation of the mandible was used for age and sex determination in the forensic field and it established the treatment planning in dentistry. The present study aims to determine mandibular length growth on male and female group aged   9-25 years old using panoramic radiograph. The research was conducted using analytical cross-sectional design method. The subject of this research was 412 panoramic radioraphs of patients aged 9-25 years old. It involved a totalsamples of 207 males and 205 females. This research was conducted from May to October 2017 in RSGM Padjadjaran University Bandung to meassure the length and height of mandibula from the point in condyleus to mentone. The MannWhitney test results showed a significant difference in mandibular length between men and women and no significant difference between the right andleft mandibular length in men and women. There is a difference between male and female mandibular length growth, in which the increase of growth of mandibular length in female is earlier than that of male. Male mandibular length is greater than female

    Gambaran kualitas tulang pada wanita berdasarkan kelompok usia melalui radiografi panoramik

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    Objectives: The purpose of this research is to find out what is the average width and  bone density in the neck of a condylus, in female patient using a panoramic radiograph based on age. Material and Methods: Descriptive research method was used and the sample taken in this cross sectional survey was secondary data of digital panoramic radiographs taken from patients who sought treatment in RSGM Sekeloa, Bandung for the period of January 2017 to April 2017 which were 60 female patients. The samples were divided to two groups between age 26-45 and age 46 and above as many as 30 samples per group. Results: The mean for width of neck of condyle in female patients for age 26-45 is 9.12 mm and for age 46 and above is 8.79 mm. The mean for trabecular percentage of the neck of condyle in female patients is 34.11% for age 26-45 and 33.79% for age 46 and above. Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that average width and density of neck condyle of women's age more than 46 years seen decrease when compared with previous age group

    Densitas tulang mandibula pengguna obat anti hipertensi calcium channel blocker (CCB) melalui radiograf panoramik

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    Objectives: The purpose of this research was to describe radiographic density of mandibular bone in calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users. Bone density in the mandible is assessed from the trabecular. Panoramic radiograph is a routine examination that is often done in dentistry that can be used to assess changes in quality in the form of changes in bone density in users of anti-hypertensive calcium channel blockers Material and Methods: This research is a descriptive study of 21 panoramic radiographs of calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users aged 40-75 years. Panoramic radiograph archive density checks in the distal region of the foramen mentale and the mandibular angular region using software image j, with the final result was the percentage between bone and marrow. Results: This research showed the average radiographic density in male using calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs was 18.81% and the average radiographic density in female was 20.92%. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study found that the average radiographic density of female patients taking antihypertensive drugs calcium channel blockers was higher than male

    Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic radiography: a scoping review

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    Objectives: This review article is aimed to determine the imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic radiography. Review: This research is a descriptive research using the scoping review method based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Scoping Review (PRISMA-Scr) which was conducted from February 2021 to April 2021. The search for literature related to the research topic was carried out through database of scientific articles on PMC NCBI, Pubmed NCBI, and Garuda as well as hand searching. The identified articles were screened by checking for duplicates, reading the titles and abstracts, and reading the entire articles. A total of 16 articles were included out of 161 articles in total. Conclusion: Imaging of odontogenic keratocyst of the jaw by panoramic radiography is most commonly found in the 1st and 2nd decades of life and in males, the lesions are unilocular or multilocular radiolucent and have an envelopmental shape in which the outline of the cyst surrounds the entire unerupted tooth. OKCs have well-defined with sclerotic or scalloped margins, most often occur in the posterior mandible and often associated with impacted 3rd molars, root resorption was a rare occurrence

    Bilateral radicular cyst mimicking dentigerous cyst: a case report

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    Objectives: The aim of this case report is to describe radiographically the specific features of periapical cysts to differentiate them from dentigerous cyst lesions despite their similar clinical appearance. Case Report: A 21-year-old female patient came to Dental Hospital in Bandung with a referral for a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)  examination with a clinical diagnosis of suspected right mandibular dentigerous cyst and left mandibular periapical cyst. The patient said that during the past month, swelling had appeared on both sides of the jaw, which was getting bigger, the pain was intermittent, and it was disturbing when eating. Intraoral examination showed gingival enlargement, muccobucal fold disappeared. Extraoral examination, facial asymmetry was found due to unilateral swelling.  Radiographic examinations showed both lesions were oval, unilocular, radiolucent internal structures with an average density of 4.7-32 HU resembling soft tissue density, corticated or radiopaque borders, caused expansion of the mandibular corpus buccally and lingually and to mesial and distal, cortical thinning and displacement of the inferior mandibular canal. Conclusion: Lesions on the jaws have almost the same clinical appearance, but through CBCT examination the type of lesion can be well determined. Periapical cyst lesion with large size has a clinical appearance like dentigerous lesions, but radiographically will show a different specific picture.&nbsp

    Canalis sinuosus approximation on an impacted maxillary canine: a case report

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    Objectives: This case report is aimed to report the finding of canalis sinuosus on an impacted maxillary canine using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination. Case Report: A 21-year-old male was referred from orthodontic department to radiology department UNPAD Dental Hospital for CBCT to determine the treatment of malalignment asymptomatic maxillary canine. The case revealed the presence of canalis that was identified as a canalis sinuosus, a branch of the anterior superior alveolar nerve that rarely known by a practitioner, at the apex of impacted right maxillary canine. Conclusion: The information of this anatomical variation is important for professionals due to damage that may be caused during treatment. The use of advanced imaging examination is recommended to acknowledge the individual anatomical variation before determining the proper treatment planning

    Evaluasi gambaran radiografi CBCT fraktur kepala kondilus pada anak

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    Objectives: was to evaluate the radiographic of CBCT fractures in the neck of condyle Case Report: 11 years old boy was referred from the emergency department of RSGM UNPAD for CBCT radiographic examination with a suspected clinical diagnosis of left condyle fracture. The patient had an accident falling while playing one day ago. The patient complained of pain in the left ear, pain when opening the mouth and experiencing facial asymmetry. The CBCT radiograph shows a fragment of the condyle head and has a medial displacement Conclusion: CBCT can see the fragments' location in the fracture and changes in size and position direction that occur, whereas conventional radiographs are very difficult to see the condition. &nbsp