10 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Process of Microwave Plasma Ashing of Photoresist Films from Semiconductor Wafers Using the Method of Optical Emission Spectroscopy

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    The results of the analysis of photoresist protection coating removal dynamics in oxygen microwave plasma as well as the character of light emission intensity change of spectral line O1 (λ=844,6 nm), used to control the removal of photoresist in case of processing a big number of silicon wafers, are presented. The obtained results enable supplementing phenomenological model of plasmachemical destruction of photoresist films in the volume of oxygen microwave plasma

    Investigation of the Method of Dynamic Microwave Power Redistribution in a Resonator-Type Plasmatron

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    The investigation results of a dynamic microwave power fmicrowave = 2, 45 ± 0,05 GHz redistribution in a 9000 cm3 reaction-discharge chamber of a microwave resonator-type plasmatron are presented. In order to redistribute the microwave power, a rotating metallic four-blade L-form dissector placed above the reaction-discharge chamber was used. The microwave power in the local points at the axis of the chamber with plasma and without it was measured applying the "active probe" method. During the experiments the chamber contained silicon plates. Periodical interchange of maximum and minimum microwave power values along the chamber axis was established experimentally. Note, when the dissector was rotating, the range of maximum and minimum "active probe" values dispersion decreased. It has been established that during the dissector rotation the microwave power in the local discharge areas changes with periodic repetition every quarter of revolution

    Investigation of Silicon Wafers’ Influence on the Local Microwave Power Values in a Resonator-Type Plasmatron

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    The article concerns the investigation results of the ø100 mm silicon wafers' influence on the microwave power value fMW=2.45 ± 0.05 GHz in local points on the axis of a reaction-discharge chamber with the volume of about 9000 cm3 of a resonator-type plasmatron. The experiments were carried out in the conditions of the dynamic microwave power redistribution inside a volumetric resonator by using a moving dissector. To register microwave power in the plasma volume, the method of "the active probe" was used. It has been experimentally established that the decrease of distance between the silicon wafers results in the decrease of local microwave power values between them up to 50%. The investigation results of the silicon wafers' influence on the microwave power distribution structure in the gas discharge area indicate the presence of power distribution nonuniformity in the discharge area volume

    The Influence of Microwave CF4 Plasma Activation on the Characteristics of Reactive Ion Etching of Mono-Si

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    The experiments have shown that microwave preliminary ionization of the plasma-forming gas increases the rate of the reactive ion etching of monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) by four and more times in comparison with the etching process without it. It is established that the mode of plasma activation (the power of microwave discharge) and the value of plasma-forming gas pressure significantly affect the characteristics of mono-Si surface micro-roughness obtained in the result of etching.mixtures are mainly in the boiling point and the GWP


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    The efficiency of a cavity microwave resonator using for getting large volume (more than 4000 cm3) low vacuum plasma for group treatment of products in the microelectronics technology has been evaluated. The results showed that the value of electric field breakdown intensity about E0 ≈ 110 V/cm in a resonator system for low vacuum can be already achieved at a microwave power higher than 50 W. As far as the conditions of exciting and maintaining the microwave plasma for technological application are concerned, the conditions of preserving resonating properties at exciting plasma with a volume of 9000 cm3 in resonator and in case of placing a various number of silicon wafers in the microwave discharge have been analyzed. The results of the calculations show that at the presence of plasma the quality factor of the cavity resonator change caused by its partial loading with semiconductor wafers leads to the decrease of resonator’s total quality factor by 2,5 times. In order to excite microwave discharge at total quality factor of loaded resonator Q ≈ 200, the value E0 ≈ 110 V/cm can be provided with using microwave magnetron of medium power level ( Pgen ≈ 650 W).Проведена оценка эффективности использования объемных СВЧ-резонаторов для создания плазмы большого объема (более 4000 см3) низкого вакуума для целей групповой обработки изделий в технологии микроэлектроники. Результаты показали, что в резонаторной системе величина пробивной напряженности электрического поля порядка E0 ≈ 110 QUOTE В/см для низкого вакуума может достигаться уже при СВЧ-мощностях свыше 50 Вт. Применительно к условиям возбуждения и поддержания СВЧ-плазмы технологического назначения проведен анализ условий сохранения резонатором резонирующих свойств при возбуждении в нем плазмы объемом около 9000 см3 и помещении в СВЧ-разряд разного количества кремниевых пластин. Результаты расчетов показывают, что изменение добротности объемного резонатора, обусловленной частичным заполнением его полупроводниковыми пластинами, приводит к уменьшению общей добротности нагруженного резонатора до 2,5 раз. При этом, к примеру, для возбуждения СВЧ-разряда при общей добротности нагруженного резонатора Q ≈ 200 величина QUOTE E0 ≈ 110 В/см обеспечивается использованием СВЧ-магнетрона среднего уровня мощности ( Pвозд ≈ 650 Вт)

    Investigation of silicon wafers' influence on the local microwave power values in a resonator-type plasmatron

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    The article concerns the investigation results of the ø100 mm silicon wafers' influence on the microwave power value fMW=2.45 ± 0.05 GHz in local points on the axis of a reaction-discharge chamber with the volume of about 9000 cm3 of a resonator-type plasmatron. The experiments were carried out in the conditions of the dynamic microwave power redistribution inside a volumetric resonator by using a moving dissector. To register microwave power in the plasma volume, the method of "the active probe" was used. It has been experimentally established that the decrease of distance between the silicon wafers results in the decrease of local microwave power values between them up to 50%. The investigation results of the silicon wafers' influence on the microwave power distribution structure in the gas discharge area indicate the presence of power distribution nonuniformity in the discharge area volume

    Investigation of method of dynamic microwave power redistribution in a resonator-type plasmatron

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    The investigation results of a dynamic microwave power fmicrowave = 2.45 ± 0.05 GHz redistribution in a 9000 cm3 reaction-discharge chamber of a microwave resonator-type plasmatron are presented. In order to redistribute the microwave power, a rotating metallic four-blade L-form dissector placed above the reaction-discharge chamber was used. The microwave power in the local points at the axis of the chamber with plasma and without it was measured applying the "active probe" method. During the experiments the chamber contained silicon wafers. Periodical interchange of maximum and minimum microwave power values along the chamber axis was established experimentally. Note, when the dissector was rotating, the range of maximum and minimum "active probe" values dispersion decreased. It has been established that during the dissector rotation the microwave power in the local discharge areas changes with periodic repetition every quarter of revolution


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    The efficiency of a cavity microwave resonator using for getting large volume (more than 4000 cm3) low vacuum plasma for group treatment of products in the microelectronics technology has been evaluated. The results showed that the value of electric field breakdown intensity about E0 ≈ 110 V/cm in a resonator system for low vacuum can be already achieved at a microwave power higher than 50 W. As far as the conditions of exciting and maintaining the microwave plasma for technological application are concerned, the conditions of preserving resonating properties at exciting plasma with a volume of 9000 cm3 in resonator and in case of placing a various number of silicon wafers in the microwave discharge have been analyzed. The results of the calculations show that at the presence of plasma the quality factor of the cavity resonator change caused by its partial loading with semiconductor wafers leads to the decrease of resonator’s total quality factor by 2,5 times. In order to excite microwave discharge at total quality factor of loaded resonator Q ≈ 200, the value E0 ≈ 110 V/cm can be provided with using microwave magnetron of medium power level ( Pgen ≈ 650 W)

    Investigation of the stability of microwave discharge in oxygen in a resonator type plasmatron

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    The stability of maintaining microwave discharge in O2 was researched. The results showed that the pulses of registered signals of the integrated optical emission from microwave plasma and of the magnetron current are similar in shape. It was found that under certain regimes of the power supply of the microwave magnetron the pulses of microwave plasma luminescence are characterized by a repetition of their form from cycle to cycle during the process of plasma forming. This allows to provide the reproducibility of duration of microwave plasma chemical materials treatment

    Investigation of method of dynamic microwave power redistribution in a resonator-type plasmatron

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    The investigation results of a dynamic microwave power fmicrowave = 2.45±0.05 GHz redistribution in a 9 000 cm3 reaction-discharge chamber of a microwave resonator-type plasmatron are presented. In order to redistribute the microwave power, a rotating metallic four-blade L-form dissector placed above the reaction-discharge chamber was used