129 research outputs found

    Residents' perceptions of a night float system

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    Background. A Night Float (NF) system has been implemented by many institutions to address increasing concerns about residents' work hours. The purpose of our study was to examine the perceptions of residents towards a NF system. Methods. A 115-item questionnaire was developed to assess residents' perceptions of the NF rotation as compared with a regular call month. The categories included patient care, education, medical errors, and overall satisfaction. Internal Medicine housestaff (post-graduate years 1-3) from three hospital settings at the University of Pittsburgh completed the questionnaire. Results. The response rate was 90% (n = 149). Of these, 74 had completed the NF rotation. The housestaff felt that the quality of patient care was improved because of NF (41% agreed and 18% disagreed). A majority also felt that better care was provided by a rested physician in spite of being less familiar with the patient (46% agreed and 21% disagreed). Most felt that there was less emphasis on education (65%) and more emphasis on service (52%) during NF. Overall, the residents felt more rested during their call months (83%) and strongly supported the 80-hour workweek requirement (77%). Conclusion. Housestaff felt that the overall quality of patient care was improved by a NF system. The perceived improved quality of care by a rested physician coupled with a perceived decrease in the emphasis on education may have significant implications in housestaff training. © 2009 Jasti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Breast density and polymorphisms in genes coding for CYP1A2 and COMT: the Multiethnic Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Mammographic density is a strong predictor of breast cancer risk and is increased by hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Some associations with genetic polymorphisms in enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism have been described. This cross-sectional analysis examined the relation between mammographic density and the CYP1A2*1F and COMT Val(58 )Met polymorphisms among 332 breast cancer cases and 254 controls in the Hawaii component of the Multiethnic Cohort. METHODS: Mammographic density, before diagnosis in cases, was quantified by using a validated computer-assisted method. Blood samples were genotyped by standard PCR/RFLP methods. Adjusted mean percent density was calculated by genotype using mixed models with the unstructured covariance option. RESULTS: A positive association between the C allele in the CYP1A2*1F gene and percent density, but not the dense area, was suggested (p = 0.11). The relation was limited to controls (p = 0.045), postmenopausal women not using HRT (p = 0.08), and normal weight subjects (p = 0.046). We did not observe any relation between the COMT Val(58 )Met polymorphism and breast density. CONCLUSION: The lack of an association between the CYP1A2 genotype and the size of the dense areas suggests an effect on the non-dense, i.e., fatty breast tissue. The discrepancies among studies may be due to differential susceptibility; changes in enzyme activity as a result of the CYP1A2*1F polymorphism may influence breast tissue differently depending on hormonal status. Larger studies with the ability to look at interactions would be useful to elucidate the influence of genetic variation in CYP1A2 and COMT on the risk of developing breast cancer

    The contribution of RCTs to quality management and their feasibility in practice

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    The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is generally accepted as the most reliable method of conducting clinical research. To obtain an unbiased evaluation of the effectiveness of spine surgery, patients should be randomly assigned to either new or standard treatment. The aim of the present article is to provide a short overview of the advantages and challenges of RCTs and to present a summary of the conclusions of the Cochrane Reviews in spine surgery and later published trials in order to evaluate their contribution to quality management and feasibility in practice. From the searches, 130 RCTs were included, 95 from Cochrane Reviews and systematic reviews, and 35 from additional search. No study comparing surgery with sham surgery was identified. The first RCT in spine surgery was published in 1974 and compared debridement and ambulatory treatment in tuberculosis of the spine. The contribution of RCTs in spinal surgery has markedly increased over the last 10 years, which indicates that RCTs are feasible in this field. The results demonstrate missing quality specifications. Despite the number of published trials there is conflicting or limited evidence to support various techniques of instrumentation. The only intervention that receives strong evidence is discectomy for faster relief in carefully selected patients due to lumbar disc prolapse with sciatica. For future trials, authors, referees, and editors are recommended to follow the CONSORT statement. RCTs provide evidence to support clinical opinions before implementation of new techniques, but the individual clinical experience is still important for the doctor who has to face the patient

    Why we need easy access to all data from all clinical trials and how to accomplish it

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    International calls for registering all trials involving humans and for sharing the results, and sometimes also the raw data and the trial protocols, have increased in recent years. Such calls have come, for example, from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Health Organization (WHO), the US National Institutes of Heath, the US Congress, the European Commission, the European ombudsman, journal editors, The Cochrane Collaboration, and several funders, for example the UK Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation

    A simulation model approach to analysis of the business case for eliminating health care disparities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Purchasers can play an important role in eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in health care. A need exists to develop a compelling "business case" from the employer perspective to put, and keep, the issue of racial/ethnic disparities in health care on the quality improvement agenda for health plans and providers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To illustrate a method for calculating an employer business case for disparity reduction and to compare the business case in two clinical areas, we conducted analyses of the direct (medical care costs paid by employers) and indirect (absenteeism, productivity) effects of eliminating known racial/ethnic disparities in mammography screening and appropriate medication use for patients with asthma. We used Markov simulation models to estimate the consequences, for defined populations of African-American employees or health plan members, of a 10% increase in HEDIS mammography rates or a 10% increase in appropriate medication use among either adults or children/adolescents with asthma.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The savings per employed African-American woman aged 50-65 associated with a 10% increase in HEDIS mammography rate, from direct medical expenses and indirect costs (absenteeism, productivity) combined, was 50.Thefindingsforasthmaweremorefavorablefromanemployerpointofviewatapproximately50. The findings for asthma were more favorable from an employer point of view at approximately 1,660 per person if raising medication adherence rates in African-American employees or dependents by 10%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For the employer business case, both clinical scenarios modeled showed positive results. There is a greater potential financial gain related to eliminating a disparity in asthma medications than there is for eliminating a disparity in mammography rates.</p

    Reporting bias in medical research - a narrative review

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    Reporting bias represents a major problem in the assessment of health care interventions. Several prominent cases have been described in the literature, for example, in the reporting of trials of antidepressants, Class I anti-arrhythmic drugs, and selective COX-2 inhibitors. The aim of this narrative review is to gain an overview of reporting bias in the medical literature, focussing on publication bias and selective outcome reporting. We explore whether these types of bias have been shown in areas beyond the well-known cases noted above, in order to gain an impression of how widespread the problem is. For this purpose, we screened relevant articles on reporting bias that had previously been obtained by the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care in the context of its health technology assessment reports and other research work, together with the reference lists of these articles