43 research outputs found

    A healthy lifestyle: The product of opportunities and preferences

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    In this explorative study we examine factors explaining individual choice of lifestyle. The empirical analysis of smoking, exercising and diet show that the mechanisms determining people’s lifestyle are complex. We argue that the economic models on the demand for health is a meaningful framework for analysing this issue, but that it needs some refinements. A suggestion for further analytical work is therefore to reformulate the model to incorporate own past behaviour (habits), the society individuals belongs to (traditions and norms), as well as a more immediate effect on utility of lifestyle.Health demand models; lifestyle; ordered probit analysis

    General Practice: Four Empirical Essays on GP Behaviour and Individuals’ Preferences for GPs

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    On June 1, 2001 a reform took place in Norwegian general practice. This implied some advantages of importance to empirical analysis. First, a new organisation and a new payment system were introduced, which makes it possible to perform before-after analysis. Second, the GPs' preferred list-sizes are known, which makes it possible to analyse the effect of patient constraints for individual GPs. Third, the size and composition of patient-lists are known on the individual practice level. Previously, it was not known whether consultations provided during a certain period were given to a large or a small number of persons, and this made it difficult to compare practice styles. If, for instance, two GPs provide the same number of services during one year, but GP A is responsible for twice as many patients as GP B, GP B has a more service-intensive practice style. When information on the number of patients on the list is not known, we might erroneously conclude that A and B have the same practice style. Last, but not least, the population filled in an entry form ahead of the nationwide reform - which gives us information on preferences for GPs for the whole population. Report 2004: 1 "General Practice: Four Empirical Essays on GP Behaviour and Individuals Preferences for GPs" focuses on the General Practitioner reform. Four essays show different impacts this reform had on the general practitioners practice and preferences in the population. Summing up the reform in general practice is very well suited for collecting interesting data and doing empirical analysis. The first three analyses in this doctoral thesis by Hilde LurÄs are based on the evaluation of the list patient trial (in four municipalities in 1993-1996). The last analysis is based on the evaluation of the nationwide reform in 2001.General practice; Payment systems; Capitation; Service provision; Preferences; Applied econometrics

    The interaction between patient shortage and patients waiting time

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    We study the interaction between patient shortage and patients' waiting time to get an appointment. From a theoretical model we predict that physicians experiencing a shortage of patients offer their patients a shorter waiting time than their unconstrained colleagues. This happens because a shorter waiting time is expected to lower the threshold for seeking care, and hence, to increase the number of patient-initiated contacts. But it also happens because a shorter waiting time can be a mean to attract new patients. The hypotheses are supported by some preliminary results from a sample of Norwegian general practitioners participating in a capitation trial.General practitioner; patient shortage; waiting time

    Patient switching in a list patient system

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    We study whether the information patients have about physician quality when they choose a physician, influences their probability of switching physicians. We also study whether a physician with unfavorable characteristics, as perceived by patients (ex post), can compensate for patient switching by providing a higher quantity of services to his patients. If so, a trade-off exists between quality characteristics and quantity of services in the physician services market. From panel data covering the entire population of Norwegian general practitioners, we find that information on physician quality, as perceived by patients, has a huge effect on the volume of patients switching physicians. We also find that although physicians who experience patient shortages in general provide more services to their patients than physicians who have enough patients, the increased level of service provision only has a very small impact on the number of patients who decide to switch. We conclude that a higher level of service provision does not seem to compensate for negative characteristics (patients’ impression of competence, empathy etc) of less popular physicians. We suggest that information about the volume of patient switching at the physician practice level should be made public.Switching; Economic motives; Capitation; General practice; Patient shortage

    Fastlegeordningen - Utvikling i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornĂžydhet

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    Rapporten har disse funnene: Antallet kontakter med allmennlege har forandret seg lite i perioden 1999 til 2005. Gjennomsnittlig antall kontakter i lĂžpet av de siste 12 mĂ„neder er 2,91 i 2005. ‱ God kapasitet pĂ„ kommunenivĂ„ samvarierer positivt med antall kontakter med allmennlege: antallet kontakter er stĂžrre i kommuner der mer enn halvparten av legene har ledige listeplasser. ‱ Andelen som har hatt kontakt med spesialisthelsetjenesten har ikke blitt mindre etter innfĂžringen av fastlegeordningen i 2001. ‱ God kapasitet pĂ„ kommunenivĂ„ samvarierer positivt med antall kontakter med spesialisthelsetjenesten: antallet kontakter med spesialisthelsetjenesten er stĂžrre i kommuner der mer enn halvparten av legene har ledige listeplasser. ‱ Ventetiden fra timebestilling til konsultasjon hos allmennlege har falt jevnt fra 1999 til 2005. Det er en jevn Ăžkning i andelen som fĂ„r time samme dag, og en jevn nedgang i andelen som mĂ„ vente mer enn 14 dager pĂ„ konsultasjon. ‱ God kapasitet pĂ„ kommunenivĂ„ gir kortere ventetid: Ventetiden er signifikant kortere i kommuner der mer enn halvparten av legene har ledige listeplasser ‱ God kapasitet pĂ„ legenivĂ„ gir kortere ventetid: Leger som har mer enn 100 ledige plasser pĂ„ sin liste tilbyr kortere ventetid enn leger som ikke har ledig kapasitet. ‱ Det har skjedd en utvikling i befolkningens fornĂžydhet i perioden 2002-2005: Befolkningen er mer fornĂžyd med ventetiden til konsultasjon Befolkningen er mer fornĂžyd med konsultasjonslengden Ingen endringer i oppfatningen av fastlegens henvisningspraksis Befolkningen er mindre fornĂžyd med relasjonen til legen Befolkningen er mindre fornĂžyd med legens faglige dyktighet. ‱ Myndighetene trenger et redskap for Ă„ overvĂ„ke utviklingen i befolkningens bruk av, tilgjengelig til og fornĂžydhet med fastlegene. LevekĂ„rsundersĂžkelsene koplet med fastlegedatabasen kan vĂŠre et hensiktsmessig og billig redskap for Ă„ ivareta en slik overvĂ„kingsfunksjon.legetjenester; fastlegeordningen

    Bruk av paneldatametoder til Ă„ belyse allmennlegers henvisningsmĂžnster

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    Fordi paneldata gir oss muligheter til Ă„ kontrollere for individspesifikk og/eller tidsspesifikk heterogenitet er det mange fordeler ved Ă„ benytte denne typen data i Ăžkonometriske undersĂžkelser (BiĂžrn, 2000). Hensikten med denne rapporten er ikke resultater per se, det sentrale er snarere Ă„ gjennomgĂ„ og Ă„ diskutere de empiriske spesifikasjonene som ligger til grunn nĂ„r vi estimerer pĂ„ et paneldatasett. Å illustrere disse metodene med utgangspunkt i en faktisk problemstilling og et faktisk datasett bringer frem nye elementer og gir dermed en bedre innsikt og forstĂ„else for de Ăžkonometriske metodene som er hovedtemaet for rapporten. Vi har valgt Ă„ ta utgangspunkt i et paneldatasett innsamlet og tilrettelagt i forbindelse med evalueringen av fastlegeforsĂžket. Bakgrunnen for denne datainnsamlingen var et Ăžnske om Ă„ belyse hva som faktisk skjer med antallet henvisninger nĂ„r dagens allmennlegetjeneste blir erstattet av en ny organisering, og en ny avlĂžnningsordning for allmennlegene. Resultater fra undersĂžkelsen, samt politikkimplikasjoner av funnene er tidligere publisert (Iversen og LurĂ„s 2000). For Ă„ kunne se sammenhenger mellom hypoteser, data, empiriske spesifikasjoner og analyser vil vi likevel gjennomgĂ„ hypotesene som ligger til grunn for datainnsamlingen.Paneldata; legers henvisningsmĂžnster;