436 research outputs found

    A Catalog of GAL4 Drivers for Labeling and Manipulating Circadian Clock Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Daily rhythms of physiology, metabolism, and behavior are orchestrated by a central circadian clock. In mice, this clock is coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which consists of 20,000 neurons, making it challenging to characterize individual neurons. In Drosophila, the clock is controlled by only 150 clock neurons that distribute across the fly's brain. Here, we describe a comprehensive set of genetic drivers to facilitate individual characterization of Drosophila clock neurons. We screened GAL4 lines that were obtained from Drosophila stock centers and identified 63 lines that exhibit expression in subsets of central clock neurons. Furthermore, we generated split-GAL4 lines that exhibit specific expression in subsets of clock neurons such as the 2 DN2 neurons and the 6 LPN neurons. Together with existing driver lines, these newly identified ones are versatile tools that will facilitate a better understanding of the Drosophila central circadian clock

    Towards Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation

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    Referring Expression Segmentation (RES) is an emerging task in computer vision, which segments the target instances in images based on text descriptions. However, its development is plagued by the expensive segmentation labels. To address this issue, we propose a new learning task for RES called Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation (Omni-RES), which aims to make full use of unlabeled, fully labeled and weakly labeled data, e.g., referring points or grounding boxes, for efficient RES training. To accomplish this task, we also propose a novel yet strong baseline method for Omni-RES based on the recently popular teacher-student learning, where the weak labels are not directly transformed into supervision signals but used as a yardstick to select and refine high-quality pseudo-masks for teacher-student learning. To validate the proposed Omni-RES method, we apply it to a set of state-of-the-art RES models and conduct extensive experiments on a bunch of RES datasets. The experimental results yield the obvious merits of Omni-RES than the fully-supervised and semi-supervised training schemes. For instance, with only 10% fully labeled data, Omni-RES can help the base model achieve 100% fully supervised performance, and it also outperform the semi-supervised alternative by a large margin, e.g., +14.93% on RefCOCO and +14.95% on RefCOCO+, respectively. More importantly, Omni-RES also enable the use of large-scale vision-langauges like Visual Genome to facilitate low-cost RES training, and achieve new SOTA performance of RES, e.g., 80.66 on RefCOCO

    Cheap and Quick: Efficient Vision-Language Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models

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    Recently, growing interest has been aroused in extending the multimodal capability of large language models (LLMs), e.g., vision-language (VL) learning, which is regarded as the next milestone of artificial general intelligence. However, existing solutions are prohibitively expensive, which not only need to optimize excessive parameters, but also require another large-scale pre-training before VL instruction tuning. In this paper, we propose a novel and affordable solution for the effective VL adaption of LLMs, called Mixture-of-Modality Adaptation (MMA). Instead of using large neural networks to connect the image encoder and LLM, MMA adopts lightweight modules, i.e., adapters, to bridge the gap between LLMs and VL tasks, which also enables the joint optimization of the image and language models. Meanwhile, MMA is also equipped with a routing algorithm to help LLMs achieve an automatic shift between single- and multi-modal instructions without compromising their ability of natural language understanding. To validate MMA, we apply it to a recent LLM called LLaMA and term this formed large vision-language instructed model as LaVIN. To validate MMA and LaVIN, we conduct extensive experiments under two setups, namely multimodal science question answering and multimodal dialogue. The experimental results not only demonstrate the competitive performance and the superior training efficiency of LaVIN than existing multimodal LLMs, but also confirm its great potential as a general-purpose chatbot. More importantly, the actual expenditure of LaVIN is extremely cheap, e.g., only 1.4 training hours with 3.8M trainable parameters, greatly confirming the effectiveness of MMA. Our project is released at https://luogen1996.github.io/lavin

    3D-STMN: Dependency-Driven Superpoint-Text Matching Network for End-to-End 3D Referring Expression Segmentation

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    In 3D Referring Expression Segmentation (3D-RES), the earlier approach adopts a two-stage paradigm, extracting segmentation proposals and then matching them with referring expressions. However, this conventional paradigm encounters significant challenges, most notably in terms of the generation of lackluster initial proposals and a pronounced deceleration in inference speed. Recognizing these limitations, we introduce an innovative end-to-end Superpoint-Text Matching Network (3D-STMN) that is enriched by dependency-driven insights. One of the keystones of our model is the Superpoint-Text Matching (STM) mechanism. Unlike traditional methods that navigate through instance proposals, STM directly correlates linguistic indications with their respective superpoints, clusters of semantically related points. This architectural decision empowers our model to efficiently harness cross-modal semantic relationships, primarily leveraging densely annotated superpoint-text pairs, as opposed to the more sparse instance-text pairs. In pursuit of enhancing the role of text in guiding the segmentation process, we further incorporate the Dependency-Driven Interaction (DDI) module to deepen the network's semantic comprehension of referring expressions. Using the dependency trees as a beacon, this module discerns the intricate relationships between primary terms and their associated descriptors in expressions, thereby elevating both the localization and segmentation capacities of our model. Comprehensive experiments on the ScanRefer benchmark reveal that our model not only set new performance standards, registering an mIoU gain of 11.7 points but also achieve a staggering enhancement in inference speed, surpassing traditional methods by 95.7 times. The code and models are available at https://github.com/sosppxo/3D-STMN

    Towards Efficient Visual Adaption via Structural Re-parameterization

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    Parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) is an emerging research spot aimed at inexpensively adapting large-scale pre-trained models to downstream tasks. Recent advances have achieved great success in saving storage costs for various vision tasks by updating or injecting a small number of parameters instead of full fine-tuning. However, we notice that most existing PETL methods still incur non-negligible latency during inference. In this paper, we propose a parameter-efficient and computationally friendly adapter for giant vision models, called RepAdapter. Specifically, we prove that the adaption modules, even with a complex structure, can be seamlessly integrated into most giant vision models via structural re-parameterization. This property makes RepAdapter zero-cost during inference. In addition to computation efficiency, RepAdapter is more effective and lightweight than existing PETL methods due to its sparse structure and our careful deployment. To validate RepAdapter, we conduct extensive experiments on 27 benchmark datasets of three vision tasks, i.e., image and video classifications and semantic segmentation. Experimental results show the superior performance and efficiency of RepAdapter than the state-of-the-art PETL methods. For instance, by updating only 0.6% parameters, we can improve the performance of ViT from 38.8 to 55.1 on Sun397. Its generalizability is also well validated by a bunch of vision models, i.e., ViT, CLIP, Swin-Transformer and ConvNeXt. Our source code is released at https://github.com/luogen1996/RepAdapter
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