447 research outputs found

    Very high quality factor measured in annealed fused silica

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    We present the results of quality factor measurements for rod samples made of fused silica. To decrease the dissipation we annealed our samples. The highest quality factor that we observed was Q=(2.03±0.01)×108Q=(2.03\pm0.01)\times10^8 for a mode at 384 Hz. This is the highest published value of QQ in fused silica measured to date.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Note on Generalized Janus Configurations

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    We study several aspects of generalized Janus configuration, which includes a theta term. We investigate the vacuum structure of the theory and find that unlike the Janus configuration without theta term there is no nontrivial vacuum. We also discuss BPS soliton configuration both by supersymmetry analysis and from energy functional. The half BPS configurations could be realized by introducing transverse (p,q)-strings in original brane configuration corresponding to generalized Janus configuration. It turns out the BPS soliton could be taken as modified dyon. We discuss the solution of half BPS equations for the sharp interface case. Moreover we construct less supersymmetric Janus configuration with theta term.Comment: 27 pages; References adde

    On the stability and spectrum of non-supersymmetric AdS(5) solutions of M-theory compactified on Kahler-Einstein spaces

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    Eleven-dimensional supergravity admits non-supersymmetric solutions of the form AdS(5)xM(6) where M(6) is a positive Kahler-Einstein space. We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for such solutions to be stable against linearized bosonic supergravity perturbations can be expressed as a condition on the spectrum of the Laplacian acting on (1,1)-forms on M(6). For M(6)=CP(3), this condition is satisfied, although there are scalars saturating the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. If M(6) is a product S(2)xM(4) (where M(4) is Kahler-Einstein) then there is an instability if M(4) has a continuous isometry. We show that a potential non-perturbative instability due to 5-brane nucleation does not occur. The bosonic Kaluza-Klein spectrum is determined in terms of eigenvalues of operators on M(6).Comment: 21 pages. v2: Includes SU(4) quantum numbers for CP3 case, typos fixed, refs adde

    Mergers and Typical Black Hole Microstates

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    We use mergers of microstates to obtain the first smooth horizonless microstate solutions corresponding to a BPS three-charge black hole with a classically large horizon area. These microstates have very long throats, that become infinite in the classical limit; nevertheless, their curvature is everywhere small. Having a classically-infinite throat makes these microstates very similar to the typical microstates of this black hole. A rough CFT analysis confirms this intuition, and indicates a possible class of dual CFT microstates. We also analyze the properties and the merging of microstates corresponding to zero-entropy BPS black holes and black rings. We find that these solutions have the same size as the horizon size of their classical counterparts, and we examine the changes of internal structure of these microstates during mergers.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures. v2 references adde

    Superconductivity, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, and Raman Scattering Studies of Heterofullerides with Cs and Mg

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    In the present study, the results of investigation of physical properties of heterofullerides A3−xMxC60 (A=K, Rb, Cs, M=Be, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Tl, x=1,2); as well as RbCsTlC60, KCsTlC60, and KMg2C60 are described. All of the fullerides were synthesized by the exchange reactions of alkaline fullerides with anhydrous metal halides. Superconductivity was found in RbCsTlC60 and KCsTlC60

    Spacetime in String Theory

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    We give a brief overview of the nature of spacetime emerging from string theory. This is radically different from the familiar spacetime of Einstein's relativity. At a perturbative level, the spacetime metric appears as ``coupling constants" in a two dimensional quantum field theory. Nonperturbatively (with certain boundary conditions), spacetime is not fundamental but must be reconstructed from a holographic, dual theory.Comment: 20 pages; references adde

    Thermal noise in half infinite mirrors with non-uniform loss: a slab of excess loss in a half infinite mirror

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    We calculate the thermal noise in half-infinite mirrors containing a layer of arbitrary thickness and depth made of excessively lossy material but with the same elastic material properties as the substrate. For the special case of a thin lossy layer on the surface of the mirror, the excess noise scales as the ratio of the coating loss to the substrate loss and as the ratio of the coating thickness to the laser beam spot size. Assuming a silica substrate with a loss function of 3x10-8 the coating loss must be less than 3x10-5 for a 6 cm spot size and a 7 micrometers thick coating to avoid increasing the spectral density of displacement noise by more than 10%. A similar number is obtained for sapphire test masses.Comment: Passed LSC (internal) review. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. (5/2001) Replacement: Minor typo in Eq. 17 correcte

    1/4-BPS M-theory bubbles with SO(3) x SO(4) symmetry

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    In this paper we generalize the work of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena on the classification of 1/2-BPS M-theory solutions to a specific class of 1/4-BPS configurations. We are interested in the solutions of 11 dimensional supergravity with SO(3)×SO(4)SO(3)\times SO(4) symmetry, and it is shown that such solutions are constructed over a one-parameter familiy of 4 dimensional almost Calabi-Yau spaces. Through analytic continuations we can obtain M-theory solutions having AdS2×S3AdS_2\times S^3 or AdS3×S2AdS_3\times S^2 factors. It is shown that our result is equivalent to the AdSAdS solutions which have been recently reported as the near-horizon geometry of M2 or M5-branes wrapped on 2 or 4-cycles in Calabi-Yau threefolds. We also discuss the hierarchy of M-theory bubbles with different number of supersymmetries.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3.cls; v2. revised version. showed that our results agree with previous works hep-th/0605146 and hep-th/061219

    Aspects of Puff Field Theory

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    We describe some features of the recently constructed "Puff Field Theory," and present arguments in favor of it being a field theory decoupled from gravity. We construct its supergravity dual and calculate the entropy of this theory in the limit of large 't Hooft coupling. We also determine the leading irrelevant operator that governs its deviation from N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    A Spin Chain for the Symmetric Product CFT_2

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    We consider "gauge invariant" operators in Sym^N T^4, the symmetric product orbifold of N copies of the 2d supersymmetric sigma model with T^4 target. We discuss a spin chain representation for single-cycle operators and study their two point functions at large N. We perform systematic calculations at the orbifold point ("tree level"), where non-trivial mixing is already present, and some sample calculations to first order in the blow-up mode of the orbifold ("one loop").Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure
