25 research outputs found
The effects of deciduous teeth injuries on permanent successors
U radu se raspravlja o problematici ozljeda zubi, koje su posljednjih decenija u stalnom porastu pa zbog toga raste i pažnja, koja se posveÄuje problematici njihova zbrinjavanja. Prikazane su neke od moguÄih posljedica ozljeda mlijeÄnih zubi, koje su utjecale na razvoj i nicanje njihova trajnog nasljednika. Opisuje se sluÄaj sedamgodiÅ”njeg djeÄaka, koji je u ranom djetinjstvu pretrpio traumu mlijeÄnih zubi, koja je rezultirala oÅ”teÄenjem zametka trajnih zubi, u smislu poremeÄaja kalcija i prekida njihovog daljeg normalnog razvoja. Drugi opisani sluÄaj je dilaceracija trajnog zametka, koja je nastupila kao posljedica traumatskog oÅ”teÄenja mlijeÄnih zubi, u doba kad je pacijent bio star tri godine.The work considers the problems related to traumatic dental injuries
which have been constantly increasing in the last decades and in consequence the attention given to the problem of their medical therapy has been also increased. Possible effects of traumatic deciduous teeth injuries on the development and dention of their permanent successors are presented. A case of 7-year old boy is described who suffered in his early childhood a traumatic injury resulting in the impairment of the permanent teeth manifested by the calcification disturbance and the interruption of their normal development. Another case described represents a disintegration of the permanent tooth resulting from the traumatic impairment of the deciduous teeth when the patient was 3 years old
Clinical Comparison of Flowable Composite to Other Fissure Sealing Materials ā A 12 Months Study
The subject of the study was the clinical analysis of six different sealing materials over a 12-months period. It was
neccesary to prove the clinical success of sealing with flowable composite with the use of adhesive system and preventing
effect of sealants on caries developement. Our study included children aged from 6 to 15, and we sealed 326 teeth with
materials from the group of flowable composites in combination with adhesive system (Admira Bond+Admira Flow, Excite+
Tetric Flow) and other sealing resins (Teethmate F1, Admira Seal, Helioseal Clear Chroma, Fissurit FX). Over a
12-months period, the total retention was 83.3% (Tetric Flow), 81.5% (Admira Seal), 81.5% (Fissurit FX), 76.4% (Teethmate
F1), 75.9% (Helioseal Clear Chroma) and 74.6% (Admira Flow). Only 5 molars (1.5%) developed clinical caries, so
fissure sealing has showed to be an excelent prevention of occlusal caries. Flowable composites used with adhesive system
are equal to other sealing materials. Sealing materials show great and durable preventive effect against caries development
in the fissure system. Since there are many different sealing materials, adhesives, flowable composites on the market
and many different pretreatments of the enamel, future studies are necessary and should have an aim to investigate
the best technique and material for fissure sealing
Caries Incidence in Children With Regard to Their Oral Hygiene Habits and Past Caries Experience
Incidencija karijesa u djece Äesto je u vezi s odreÄenim životnim navikama svakoga pojedinca. ViÅ”eÄimbeniÄna uzrokovanost zubnoga karijesa otežava nam djelovanje na njegove etioloÅ”ke Äimbenike nastanka, ali dobro poznavanje tih Äimbenika može nom pomoÄi u prevenciji karijesa kao najhumanijem i najekonomiÄnijem naÄinu djelovanja protiv krijesa, danas joÅ” uvijek vrlo znaÄajnog javnozdravstvenog problema.
Svrha ovoga rada bila je prosuditi odreÄene pravilnosti u incidenciji karijesa u djece u mlijeÄnoj i trajnoj denticiji s obzirom na kliniÄke i nekliniÄke varijable koje se mogu prikupiti u svakodnevnom kliniÄkom radu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 301 ispitaniku, stanovnicima Petrinje i Topuskog. Dob ispitanika bila je od 3 do 6 i 11 do 14 godine. U mlaÄoj dobnoj skupini sudjelovalo je 74 ispitanika, a u starijoj 227. Svaki od ispitanika bio je podvrgnut istome postupku. Upitnikom se pojedinaÄno istražila razina i naÄin provedbe oralne higijene, uporaba dodatnih sredstava za njezino održavanje (antimikrobna sredstva, fluoridi), prehrambene navike, sastav konzumiranih namirnica te druÅ”tveno-ekonomski status. KliniÄki pregled napravio je iskusan ispitivaÄ. Nalaz je obuhvaÄao dentalni status, odreÄivanje koliÄine stimulirane sline, procjena indeksa oralne higijene (Green-Vermillion), a zabilježeno je i postojanje ortodontske anomalije. Na osnovi prikupljenih i statistiÄki obraÄenih podataka doÅ”lo se do sljedeÄih zakljuÄaka: djeca ruralnog i subruralnoga dijela naÅ”e zemlje, a osobito iz ratnih podruÄja, pokazuju vrlo visoke vrijednosti dmft/DMFT i i dmfs/DMFS indeksa. DMFT indeks iznosio je 6,67, a dmft 7,7. Dobivena vrijednost SiC indeksa iznosila je 10,89. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zakljuÄiti da smo joÅ” veoma daleko od postavljenih ciljeva WHO i FDI za unapreÄenje oralnoga zdravlja .Postoji jako velik postotak ortodontskih anomalija, 68,72% u starijoj populaciji i 39,19% u mlaÄoj ispitnoj skupini. Istraživanjem je potvrÄeno odreÄeno pravilo distribucije karijesnih lezija prema zubu i Äeljusti. Ta spoznaja, uz prikupljanje nekliniÄkih varijabli, može uvelike koristiti u svakodnevnoj kliniÄkoj praksi te omoguÄiti brzo i toÄno dijagnosticiranje. Tada se uz pravilnu preventivu i kurativnu skrb lakÅ”e može postiÄi razina oralnoga zdravlja.Caries incidence in children is frequently connected to certain life habits of each individual. Multifactorial etiology of dental caries make it difficult to act on etiological factors, but if we get to know them better it can help us to prevent tooth decay as one of the most humane and economical ways of acting against caries, which is still an important issue of public health.
The aim of this study was to establish certain regularities in caries incidence in children during primary and permanent dentition, with regard to clinical and nonclinical variables which can be gathered in everyday clinical work. The study was conducted on 301 subjects, inhabitans of Petrinja and Topusko. The subjects were age from 3-6 and 11-14 years. Seventy-four subjcts participated in the younger age group and 227 in the older. All the subjects were under the same protocol. The questionnaire examined the level of oral hygiene, use of additional supplements (antibacterial agents, fluorides), eating habits, nutrition and socio-economical status. Clinical examination was made by one experienced examiner. It consisted of a dental examination, determination of the quantity of stimulated saliva and evaluation of oral hygiene index (Green-Vermillion). Orthodontic anomaly was also noted. On the basis of the collected and statistically processed data we reached the following conclusion: children in rural an sub-rural areas of Croatia, especially in parts affected by the recent war, show very high values of dmft/DMFT. DMFT index was 6.67 and dmft 7.7. The obtained value of SiC index was 10.89. On the basis of these results we can conclude that we are still far away from the goals set by WHO and FDI to improve oral health.We also found a very high percentage of orthodontic anomalies, from 68.72% in the older group to 39.19% in the younger. The study confirmed the rule of the distribution of caries lesions towards the tooth and jaw. This knowledge, with the collecting of non-clinical variables, can be effectively used in everyday clinical practice and allows quick and accurate diagnosis with the right preventive and curative care to improve the level of oral health
Karieszuwachs an den zahnflachen bei den Schulkindern
U ovom radu iznose se podaci o zahvaÄenosti pojedinih ploha trajnih zubi karijesom djece zagrebaÄkih osmogodiÅ”njih Å”kola. Pregledana su 942 djeteta, otprilike jednaki broj iz pojedinih razreda, tako da se može uzeti da su bile jednoliko zastupljene skupine djece od 7 do 15 godina. Ovdje izneseni rezultati, nedvojbeno pokazuju, da se zahvaÄenost zubi karijesom najÄeÅ”Äe oÄituje na okluzalnim i cervikalnim plohama prvih molara, frontalnih zubi i premolara. PokuÅ”a li se protumaÄiti ova pojava, dolazi se do zakljuÄka, da su uzroci ovakvog redoslijeda nastanka karijesa na pojedinim plohama u vezi s vremenom nicanja pojedinih zubi, zadržavanjem pojedinih mlijeÄnih zubi u ustima, anatomskom konfiguracijom zubi i stanjem higijene usne Å”upljine.The paper presents details about the occurrence of caries on different surfaces of permanent teeth in childern of elementary schools in the city of Zagreb.The group consisted of 942 children 7 to 15 years old which were examined, about the same member of them from the single grades, in order to obtain equal subgroups at the same age. The results show undoubtedly that the occlusal and cervical surfaces of the first permanent molars are those which are the most frequently affected. Trying to explain this the authors come to the conclusion that such an order of caries incidence on the particular surfaces might be associated with the time of eruption of the teeth, with the time of persistance of different deciduous teeth in the mouth., with the shape of the teeth and with oral hygiene.In dieser Arbeit werden die Angaben der einzƤhlner ZahnflƤchen bei den Volkschulkindern in Zagreb angefĆ¼hrt. Es wurden 942 Kinder nur mit Sonde und Spiegel untersucht, umgefƤhr dieselbe Anzahl aus jeder der acht Schulklassen, so dass man annehmen kann dass die einzƤhinen JahrgƤnge gleichmƤssig vertreten sind. Die Angegebenen Resultate zeigen offenbar dass die ZƤhne von der kariƶsen Zerstƶrung hauptsƤchlich an der okluzalen und cervikalen FlƤchen der ersten Molaren, Frontalen ZƤhnen und Premolaren. Beim Versuch die angegebene Reihenfolge aufzuklƤren, komm man zu der Schlussfolgerung dass die GrĆ¼nde dafĆ¼r mit der Tatsache des Ausbruches einzƤhlner ZƤhne, des LƤngern Aufenthaltes einzƤhlner MilchzƤhne im Kiefer, anatomischer Konfiguration und mit dem Zustande der Hygiene des Mundes abhƤngig sind
Einige Konstatationen Ć¼ber die verbreitung, lokalisation und inzidenz der Zahnkaries bei volkschulkindern einer Schule in zagreb im Jahre 1972. und 1973.
Prilikom fluoridaci je i periodiÄke sanacije zubi veÄeg dijela djece, uÄenika Osnovne Å”kole Ā»i. GunduliÄĀ« vrÅ”ena je registracija karijesa i njegova lokalizacija na zubima. Rezultati ovih pregleda navedeni su u 4 tablice od kojih tab. 1 prikazuje raÅ”irenost zubnog karijesa izraženu KEP-om zubi, istih Å”kolskih godiÅ”ta. Tab. 2 prikazuje aktivnost karijesa iste djece nakon godine dana, prikazanu brojem novih lezija.
Tab. 3 prikazuje lokalizacije karijesa u 1972. i 1973. godini. Tab. 4 usporeÄuje raÅ”irenost karijesa prikazanu KEP-om zubi djece triju Å”kola, od kojih su zubi djece u prvoj Å”koli sanirani i fluoridirani (Ā»I. GunduliÄĀ«), u drugoj samo fluoridirani (Ā»V. NemetĀ«), a u treÄoj Å”koli zubi djece nisu niti sanirani niti fluoridirani (ZapreÅ”iÄ). Iz podataka dobivenih i navedenih u tablicama može se zakljuÄiti kolika je važnost za spreÄavanje i suzbijanje zubnog karijesa, ne samo fluoridacija nego i redovita sanacija zubi.During fluoridiation and periodical treatment of teeth in a greater part of the children attending the elementary school Ā»I. GunduliÄĀ«, the caries and the localization on the teeth were registered. The results of these examinations have been given in 4 tables of which Table I. shows an incidence of dental caries, presented by DMF, of the teeth in the same age groups of school children. Table II. shows the activity of caries in the same children after a year, presented by the number of new lesions. Table III. shows the localization of caries in 1972 and 1973. Table IV. compares the incidence of caries, presented by DMF, in children of three schools, of which the teeth of the children attending the first school (Ā»I. GunduliÄĀ«) were treated and the fluoridation was undertaken, fluoridation only was carried out in the second school (Ā»V. NemetĀ«) while in the third school the children\u27s teeth were neither treated nor was fluoridation undertaken (ZapreÅ”iÄ).
From the data obtained and presented in these tables one may draw a conclusion about the importance of prevention and of combating dental caries not only by fluoridation but also by regular examination and treatment of the teeth.WƤhrend der Fluoridierung und sistematischer Sanierung der ZƤhne des grƶssten Teiles der Kinder der Schule Ā»I. GunduliÄĀ« in Zagreb, wurden auch die kariƶsen Defekte und ihre Lokalisation registriert. Die gewonnenen Resultate der Untersuchung der ZƤhne der Kindern wurden in 4 Tabellen zusammengefasst In der ersten wird der Kariesbefall mittels des DMF Faktors der ZƤhne, bei Kinder derselben Schuljahren, in der zweiten wird die AktivitƤt der Karies nach einem Jahre mittels neuer Laesionen bei denselben Kindern ausgedrĆ¼ckt. Die dritte Tabelle zeigt die Lokalisation der neuen Kariesdefekte bei denselben Kindern nach einem Jahre. Die vierte Tabelle ist fĆ¼r unsere BeschlĆ¼sse am wichtigsten. Es werden die DMF Unterschiede die wƤhrend eines Jahres bei den ZƤhnen der Kinder die fluoridiert und saniert, die nur fluoridiert und den ZƤhnen die Ć¼berhaupt nicht fluoridiert und saniert waren, verglichen. Ausserdem werden auch die Zuwachsraten des DMF Faktors bei Kindern zweier nicht sanierten Schulklassen der Schule Ā»I. GunduliÄĀ« in Zagreb vorgebracht. Die Angaben aus den beiliegenden Tabellen lassen die Folgerung ziehen dass zur BekƤmpfung und VerhĆ¼tung der Zahnkaries nicht nur eine sistematische Zahnprofilaxis, sondern auch eine plan- mƤssige Sanation der kariƶsen ZƤhne notwending sein werden
The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Preschool Children in Zagreb
Krajem godine 1994. u vrtiÄima je u Zagrebu provedeno istraživanje kojemu je cilj bio utvrditi pojavnost karijesa u djece predÅ”kolske dobi. Istraživanjem je obuhvaÄeno 117 djevojÄica i 117 djeÄaka, ukupno 234.
Rezultati su pokazali da se pojavnost karijesa poveÄala u usporedbi s istraživanjima provedenim prije pet do deset godina, a izražena KEP- indeksom kreÄe se od 3,29 do 7,39 prosjeÄno u uzorku 6,19 KEP- -zuba po djetetu. Udio djece bez karijesa veÄ je kod najmlaÄih ispod 31%, a kod Å”estogodiÅ”njaka pada na 11%. U zakljuÄku se može reÄi da je preporuka WHO za 2000. godinu o tek 50% djece bez karijesa u skupini petogodiÅ”njaka za nas joÅ” uvijek daleka buduÄnost.The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental caries in children aged 3- to 6-years, living in Zagreb. The study was carried out at the end of 1994, and 117 girls and 117 boys were examined. Results show that the prevalence of dental caries is very high in all age groups. DMF-T-index varies from 3.29 to 7.39 and depends on age and sex. The share of children who are caries-free is almost insignificant (31% 3 years old, 11% 6 years old). The conclusion is that the WHO-recommendation for the year 2000 of 50% caries free children for Croatian children 5 year old is far in the future
Influence of Different Prophylactic Pastes and Cleaning Methods on DIAGNOdent/DIAGNOdent Pen Readings Values
Svrha: Svrha rada bila je analizirati utjecaj uporabe razliÄitih profilaktiÄkih pasta na vrijednosti oÄitanja DIAGNOdent/DIAGNOdent-penom (DD/DD pen) i utjecaj razliÄitih vremena i tehnika ispiranja ostataka pasta na oÄitanje DD/DD pen-vrijednosti. TakoÄer je trebalo ustanoviti postoje li razlike u oÄitanju vrijednosti izmeÄu DD i DD pen-ureÄaja.
Materijal i postupci: Na 35 zdravih trajnih treÄih molara DD/DD penureÄajima izmjerene su referentne vrijednosti te su odabrani zubi Äije vrijednosti nisu prelazile 5. Ispitivalo se sedam razliÄitih pasta za profilaktiÄko ÄiÅ”Äenje (DentsplyNupro Medium, Voco Klint, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 7, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 83, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 36, Dentsply Zircate Prophy, Septodont Detartrine) i njihov utjecaj na DD/DD pen-referentne vrijednosti. Ispitivala su se i Äetiri naÄina ispiranja paste iz fisura: voda 5 sekundi, voda 10 sekundi, voda+zrak 5 sekundi i voda+zrak 10 sekundi.
Pasta Dentsply Nupro imala je statistiÄki znatno poveÄanje vrijednosti - od 4,34 do 8,94 za DD ureÄaj te 5,48 do 9,71 za DD pen-ureÄaj (p< 0,05), a ostale nisu pokazivale veÄe poveÄanje. ZakljuÄak: Nije dokazana statistiÄka razlika izmeÄu metoda ispiranja
ostataka profilaktiÄkih pasta iz fisura. Nakon koriÅ”tenja bilo kojeg naÄina ispiranja, male koliÄine paste ostaju u fisuri i utjeÄu na DD/DD pen -vrijednosti. Zabilježene su statistiÄki znatne razlike izmeÄu referentnih vrijednosti i naÄina ispiranja paste vodom 5 sekundi za ureÄaje DD i DD pen (p=0,034). U oÄitanju ostalih vrijednosti nije
bilo statistiÄki znatnih razlika izmeÄu DD i DD pen-ureÄaja (p>0,05).Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of different prophylactic pastes on DIAGNOdent/DIAGNOdent pen (DD/DD pen) readings and the influence of different times and cleaning methods of the prophylactic pastes residues on DD/DD pen reading values. Also, it had to be established if there were differences in readings between DD and DD pen device.
Material and Methods: On 35 healthy permanent third molars reference values were measured with DD/DD pen devices and only teeth whose values did not exceed the value of 5 were selected. The research included seven different prophylactic pastes (DentsplyNupro Medium, Voco Klint, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 7, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 83, Vivadent Proxyt RDA 36, Dentsply Zircate Prophy, Septodont Detartrine) and their influence on DD/DD pen reference values. Also, four different cleaning methods of paste from the fissures were examined: water for 5s, water for 10s, water+air for 5s and water+air for 10s.
Results: The paste Dentsply Nupro shows statistically significant increase of values for 4.34 to 8.94 for DD device, and for 5.48 to 9.71 for DD pen device (p<0,05), other pastes did not show any significant increase of values.
Conclusion: The statistical difference in cleaning methods of prophylactic paste residues from the fissures was not proven.
After usage of any of the cleaning methods, small amounts of paste stay in fissure and influence the DD/DD pen values. There are statistically significant differences between reference values and cleaning method with water for 5s for the DD and DD pen devices (p=0,034). When reading the other values, no statistically significant
differences were shown between DD and DD pen devices (p>0,05)