37 research outputs found

    Negative Cooperativity in the Nitrogenase Fe Protein Electron Delivery Cycle

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    Nitrogenase catalyzes the ATP-dependent reduction of dinitrogen (N2) to two ammonia (NH3) molecules through the participation of its two protein components, the MoFe and Fe proteins. Electron transfer (ET) from the Fe protein to the catalytic MoFe protein involves a series of synchronized events requiring the transient association of one Fe protein with each Ī±Ī² half of the Ī±2Ī²2 MoFe protein. This process is referred to as the Fe protein cycle and includes binding of two ATP to an Fe protein, association of an Fe protein with the MoFe protein, ET from the Fe protein to the MoFe protein, hydrolysis of the two ATP to two ADP and two Pi for each ET, Pi release, and dissociation of oxidized Fe protein-(ADP)2 from the MoFe protein. Because the MoFe protein tetramer has two separate Ī±Ī² active units, it participates in two distinct Fe protein cycles. Quantitative kinetic measurements of ET, ATP hydrolysis, and Pi release during the presteady-state phase of electron delivery demonstrate that the two halves of the ternary complex between the MoFe protein and two reduced Fe protein-(ATP)2 do not undergo the Fe protein cycle independently. Instead, the data are globally fit with a two-branch negative-cooperativity kinetic model in which ET in one-half of the complex partially suppresses this process in the other. A possible mechanism for communication between the two halves of the nitrogenase complex is suggested by normal-mode calculations showing correlated and anticorrelated motions between the two halves

    Connecting the Geometric and Electronic Structures of the Nitrogenase Ironā€“Molybdenum Cofactor through Site-selective Labeling

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    Understanding the chemical bonding in the catalytic cofactor of the Mo nitrogenase (FeMo-co) is foundational for building a mechanistic picture of biological nitrogen fixation. A persistent obstacle in these efforts has been that the 57Fe-based spectroscopic dataā€”although rich with informationā€”reflects all seven Fe sites, and it has therefore not been possible to map individual spectroscopic responses to specific sites in the 3-D structure. We herein overcome this challenge by incorporating 57Fe into a single site of FeMo-co. Spectroscopic analysis of the reduced and oxidized forms of the resting state provides unprecedented insights into the local electronic structure of the terminal (Fe1) site, including its oxidation state and spin orientation. This leads to the discovery that Fe1 is a site of redox reactivity during oxidation of the resting state, and on this basis, we suggest a possible role for Fe1 as an electron reservoir during N2 reduction catalysis

    Role of the coordinating histidine in altering the mixed valency of Cu(A): an electron nuclear double resonance-electron paramagnetic resonance investigation.

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    The binuclear Cu(A) site engineered into Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin has provided a Cu(A)-azurin with a well-defined crystal structure and a CuSSCu core having two equatorial histidine ligands, His120 and His46. The mutations His120Asn and His120Gly were made at the equatorial His120 ligand to understand the histidine-related modulation to Cu(A), notably to the valence delocalization over the CuSSCu core. For these His120 mutants Q-band electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) (X, C, and S-band), all carried out under comparable cryogenic conditions, have provided markedly different electronic measures of the mutation-induced change. Q-band ENDOR of cysteine C(beta) protons, of weakly dipolar-coupled protons, and of the remaining His46 nitrogen ligand provided hyperfine couplings that were like those of other binuclear mixed-valence Cu(A) systems and were essentially unperturbed by the mutation at His120. The ENDOR findings imply that the Cu(A) core electronic structure remains unchanged by the His120 mutation. On the other hand, multifrequency EPR indicated that the H120N and H120G mutations had changed the EPR hyperfine signature from a 7-line to a 4-line pattern, consistent with trapped-valence, Type 1 mononuclear copper. The multifrequency EPR data imply that the electron spin had become localized on one copper by the His120 mutation. To reconcile the EPR and ENDOR findings for the His120 mutants requires that either: if valence localization to one copper has occurred, the spin density on the cysteine sulfurs and the remaining histidine (His46) must remain as it was for a delocalized binuclear Cu(A) center, or if valence delocalization persists, the hyperfine coupling for one copper must markedly diminish while the overall spin distribution on the CuSSCu core is preserved

    Trapping An Intermediate Of Dinitrogen (N2) Reduction On Nitrogenase

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    Nitrogenase reduces dinitrogen (N2) by six electrons and six protons at an active-site metallocluster called FeMo cofactor, to yield two ammonia molecules. Insights into the mechanism of substrate reduction by nitrogenase have come from recent successes in trapping and characterizing intermediates generated during the reduction of protons as well as nitrogenous and alkyne substrates byMoFe proteins with amino acid substitutions. Here, we describe an intermediate generated at a high concentration during reduction of the natural nitrogenase substrate, N2, by wild-type MoFe protein, providing evidence that it contains N2 bound to the active-site FeMo cofactor. When MoFe protein was frozen at 77 K during steady-state turnover with N2, the S = 3/2 EPR signal (g = [4.3, 3.64, 2.00]) arising from the resting state of FeMo cofactor was observed to convert to a rhombic, S = 1/2, signal (g = [2.08, 1.99, 1.97]). The intensity of the N2-dependent EPR signal increased with increasing N2 partial pressure, reaching a maximum intensity of approximately 20% of that of the original FeMo cofactor signal at ā‰„0.2 atm N2. An almost complete loss of resting FeMo cofactor signal in this sample implies that the remainder of the enzyme has been reduced to an EPR-silent intermediate state. The N2-dependent EPR signal intensity also varied with the ratio of Fe protein to MoFe protein (electron flux through nitrogenase), with the maximum signal intensity observed with a ratio of 2:1 (1:1 Fe protein: FeMo cofactor) or higher. The pH optimum for the signal was 7.1. The N2-dependent EPR signal intensity exhibited a linear dependence on the square root of the EPR microwave power in contrast to the nonlinear response of signal intensity observed for hydrazine-, diazene-, and methyldiazenetrapped states. 15N ENDOR spectroscopic analysis of MoFe protein captured during turnover with 15N 2 revealed a 15N nuclear spin coupled to the FeMo cofactor with a hyperfine tensor A = [0.9, 1.4, 0.45] MHz establishing that an N 2-derived species was trapped on the FeMo cofactor. The observation of a single type of 15N-coupled nucleus from the field dependence, along with the absence of an associated exchangeable 1H ENDOR signal, is consistent with an N2 molecule bound end-on to the FeMo cofactor. Ā©2009 American Chemical Society

    Reductive Elimination of H2 Activates Nitrogenase to Reduce the Nā‰”N Triple Bond: Characterization of the E4(4H) Janus Intermediate in Wild-Type Enzyme

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    We proposed a reductive elimination/oxidative addition (re/oa) mechanism for reduction of N2 to 2NH3 by nitrogenase, based on identification of a freeze-trapped intermediate of the Ī±-70Valā†’IleMoFe protein as the Janus intermediate that stores four reducing equivalents on FeMo-co as two [Feā€“Hā€“Fe] bridging hydrides (denoted E4(4H)). The mechanism postulates that obligatory re of the hydrides as H2 drives reduction of N2 to a state (denoted E4(2N2H)) with a moiety at the diazene (HNā•NH) reduction level bound to the catalytic FeMo-co. EPR/ENDOR/photophysical measurements on wild type (WT) MoFe protein now establish this mechanism. They show that a state freeze-trapped during N2 reduction by WT MoFe is the same Janus intermediate, thereby establishing the Ī±-70Valā†’Ile intermediate as a reliable guide to mechanism. Monitoring the Janus state in WT MoFe during N2 reduction under mixed-isotope condition, H2O buffer/D2, and the converse, establishes that the bridging hydrides/deuterides do not exchange with solvent during enzymatic turnover, thereby solving longstanding puzzles. Relaxation of E4(2N2H) to the WT resting-state is shown to occur via oa of H2 and release of N2 to form Janus, followed by sequential release of two H2, demonstrating the kinetic reversibility of the re/oa equilibrium. Relative populations of E4(2N2H)/E4(4H) freeze-trapped during WT turnover furthermore show that the reversible re/oa equilibrium between [E4(4H) + N2] and [E4(2N2H) + H2] is āˆ¼ thermoneutral (Ī”reG0 āˆ¼ āˆ’2 kcal/mol), whereas, by itself, hydrogenation of N2(g) is highly endergonic. These findings demonstrate that (i) re/oa accounts for the historical Key Constraintson mechanism, (ii) that Janus is central to N2 reduction by WT enzyme, which (iii) indeed occurs via the re/oa mechanism. Thus, emerges a picture of the central mechanistic steps by which nitrogenase carries out one of the most challenging chemical transformations in biology

    Electron Redistribution Within the Nitrogenase Active Site FeMo-Cofactor During Reductive Elimination of H\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e to Achieve Nā‰”N Triple-Bond Activation

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    Nitrogen fixation by nitrogenase begins with the accumulation of four reducing equivalents at the active-site FeMo-cofactor (FeMo-co), generating a state (denoted E4(4H)) with two [Fe-H-Fe] bridging hydrides. Recently, photolytic reductive elimination (re) of the E4(4H) hydrides showed that enzymatic re of E4(4H) hydride yields an H2-bound complex (E4(H2,2H)), in a process corresponding to a formal 2-electron reduction of the metal-ion core of FeMo-co. The resulting electron-density redistribution from Fe-H bonds to the metal ions themselves enables N2 to bind with concomitant H2 release, a process illuminated here by QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations. What is the nature of this redistribution? Although E4(H2,2H) has not been trapped, cryogenic photolysis of E4(4H) provides a means to address this question. Photolysis of E4(4H) causes hydride-re with release of H2, generating doubly reduced FeMo-co (denoted E4(2H)*), the extreme limit of the electron-density redistribution upon formation of E4(H2,2H). Here we examine the doubly reduced FeMo-co core of the E4(2H)āˆ— limiting-state by 1H, 57Fe, and 95Mo ENDOR to illuminate the partial electron-density redistribution upon E4(H2,2H) formation during catalysis, complementing these results with corresponding DFT computations. Inferences from the E4(2H)āˆ— ENDOR results as extended by DFT computations include (i) the Mo-site participates negligibly, and overall it is unlikely that Mo changes valency throughout the catalytic cycle; and (ii) two distinctive E4(4H) 57Fe signals are suggested as associated with structurally identified anchors of one bridging hydride, two others with identified anchors of the second, with NBO-analysis further identifying one anchor of each hydride as a major recipient of electrons released upon breaking Fe-H bonds

    Hydride Conformers of the Nitrogenase Femo-Cofactor Two-Electron Reduced State E\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e(2H), Assigned Using Cryogenic Intra Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Cavity Photolysis

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    Early studies in which nitrogenase was freeze-trapped during enzymatic turnover revealed the presence of high-spin (S = 3/2) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals from the active-site FeMo-cofactor (FeMo-co) in electron-reduced intermediates of the MoFe protein. Historically denoted as 1b and 1c, each of the signals is describable as a fictitious spin system, Sā€² = 1/2, with anisotropic gā€² tensor, 1b with gā€² = [4.21, 3.76, ?] and 1c with gā€² = [4.69, āˆ¼3.20, ?]. A clear discrepancy between the magnetic properties of 1b and 1c and the kinetic analysis of their appearance during pre-steady-state turnover left their identities in doubt, however. We subsequently associated 1b with the state having accumulated 2[e-/H+], denoted as E2(2H), and suggested that the reducing equivalents are stored on the catalytic FeMo-co cluster as an iron hydride, likely an [Fe-H-Fe] hydride bridge. Intra-EPR cavity photolysis (450 nm; temperature-independent from 4 to 12 K) of the E2(2H)/1b state now corroborates the identification of this state as storing two reducing equivalents as a hydride. Photolysis converts E2(2H)/1b to a state with the same EPR spectrum, and thus the same cofactor structure as pre-steady-state turnover 1c, but with a different active-site environment. Upon annealing of the photogenerated state at temperature T = 145 K, it relaxes back to E2(2H)/1b. This implies that the 1c signal comes from an E2(2H) hydride isomer of E2(2H)/1b that stores its two reducing equivalents either as a hydride bridge between a different pair of iron atoms or an Fe-H terminal hydride