14 research outputs found

    Is there just one dyslexic reader? Evidence for the existence of distinct dyslexic sub-groups.

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    Purpose of Review. It is generally agreed that there are individual differences in the severity of the reading deficit in dyslexia. The purpose of this review is to discuss whether recent research strengthens claims that there are also qualitative differences in the type of reading impairment that individual dyslexic children experience. Recent Findings. Recent research suggests that surface dyslexia exists in larger numbers than has previously been assumed and that different subtypes of surface dyslexia exist in English as well as in Hebrew. Bilinguals with surface dyslexia in English also show the hallmarks of surface dyslexia when reading a more transparent orthography. The developmental reading impairments that have been observed in children with phonological dyslexia and in children with letter position dyslexia can also be found in several different orthographies and are quite distinct from those seen in surface dyslexia. Summary. Surface dyslexia, phonological dyslexia and letter position dyslexia represent qualitatively different types of developmental reading impairments and can all be seen in both opaque and more transparent alphabetic orthographies

    Functional Interaction between Phosducin-like Protein 2 and Cytosolic Chaperonin Is Essential for Cytoskeletal Protein Function and Cell Cycle Progression

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    The C haperonin Containing Tcp1 (CCT) maintains cellular protein folding homeostasis in the eukaryotic cytosol by assisting the biogenesis of many proteins, including actins, tubulins, and regulators of the cell cycle. Here, we demonstrate that the essential and conserved eukaryotic phosducin-like protein 2 (PhLP2/PLP2) physically interacts with CCT and modulates its folding activity. Consistent with this functional interaction, temperature-sensitive alleles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae PLP2 exhibit cytoskeletal and cell cycle defects. We uncovered several high-copy suppressors of the plp2 alleles, all of which are associated with G1/S cell cycle progression but which do not appreciably affect cytoskeletal protein function or fully rescue the growth defects. Our data support a model in which Plp2p modulates the biogenesis of several CCT substrates relating to cell cycle and cytoskeletal function, which together contribute to the essential function of PLP2

    The interaction network of the chaperonin CCT

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    The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin containing TCP-1 (CCT) has an important function in maintaining cellular homoeostasis by assisting the folding of many proteins, including the cytoskeletal components actin and tubulin. Yet the nature of the proteins and cellular pathways dependent on CCT function has not been established globally. Here, we use proteomic and genomic approaches to define CCT interaction networks involving 136 proteins/genes that include links to the nuclear pore complex, chromatin remodelling, and protein degradation. Our study also identifies a third eukaryotic cytoskeletal system connected with CCT: the septin ring complex, which is essential for cytokinesis. CCT interactions with septins are ATP dependent, and disrupting the function of the chaperonin in yeast leads to loss of CCT–septin interaction and aberrant septin ring assembly. Our results therefore provide a rich framework for understanding the function of CCT in several essential cellular processes, including epigenetics and cell division