14 research outputs found

    Risk factors for malaria infection prevalence and household vector density between mass distribution campaigns of long-lasting insecticidal nets in North-western Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are the most widely deployed vector control intervention in sub-Saharan Africa to prevent malaria. Recent reports indicate selection of pyrethroid insecticide resistance is widespread in mosquito vectors. This paper explores risk factors associated with malaria infection prevalence and vector density between mass distribution campaigns, changes in net coverage, and loss of protection in an area of high pyrethroid resistance in Northwest Tanzania. METHODS: A cross sectional malaria survey of 3456 children was undertaken in 2014 in Muleba district, Kagera region west of Lake Victoria. Vector density was assessed using indoor light traps and outdoor tent traps. Anophelines were identified to species using PCR and tested for Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein. Logistic regression was used to identify household and environmental factors associated with malaria infection and regression binomial negative for vector density. RESULTS: LLIN use was 27.7%. Only 16.9% of households had sufficient nets to cover all sleeping places. Malaria infection was independently associated with access to LLINs (OR: 0.57; 95% CI 0.34-0.98). LLINs less than 2 years old were slightly more protective than older LLINs (53 vs 65% prevalence of infection); however, there was no evidence that LLINs in good condition (hole index < 65) were more protective than LLINs, which were more holed. Other risk factors for malaria infection were age, group, altitude and house construction quality. Independent risk factors for vector density were consistent with malaria outcomes and included altitude, wind, livestock, house quality, open eaves and LLIN usage. Indoor collections comprised 4.6% Anopheles funestus and 95.4% Anopheles gambiae of which 4.5% were Anopheles arabiensis and 93.5% were Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. CONCLUSION: Three years after the mass distribution campaign and despite top-ups, LLIN usage had declined considerably. While children living in households with access to LLINs were at lower risk of malaria, infection prevalence remained high even among users of LLINs in good condition. While effort should be made to maintain high coverage between campaigns, distribution of standard pyrethroid-only LLINs appears insufficient to prevent malaria transmission in this area of intense pyrethroid resistance

    Effectiveness of a long-lasting piperonyl butoxide-treated insecticidal net and indoor residual spray interventions, separately and together, against malaria transmitted by pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes: a cluster, randomised controlled, two-by-two factorial design trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Progress in malaria control is under threat by wide-scale insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. Two recent vector control products have been developed: a long-lasting insecticidal net that incorporates a synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and a long-lasting indoor residual spraying formulation of the insecticide pirimiphos-methyl. We evaluated the effectiveness of PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets versus standard long-lasting insecticidal nets as single interventions and in combination with the indoor residual spraying of pirimiphos-methyl. METHODS: We did a four-group cluster randomised controlled trial using a two-by-two factorial design of 48 clusters derived from 40 villages in Muleba (Kagera, Tanzania). We randomly assigned these clusters using restricted randomisation to four groups: standard long-lasting insecticidal nets, PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets, standard long-lasting insecticidal nets plus indoor residual spraying, or PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets plus indoor residual spraying. Both standard and PBO nets were distributed in 2015. Indoor residual spraying was applied only once in 2015. We masked the inhabitants of each cluster to the type of nets received, as well as field staff who took blood samples. Neither the investigators nor the participants were masked to indoor residual spraying. The primary outcome was the prevalence of malaria infection in children aged 6 months to 14 years assessed by cross-sectional surveys at 4, 9, 16, and 21 months after intervention. The endpoint for assessment of indoor residual spraying was 9 months and PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets was 21 months. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02288637. FINDINGS: 7184 (68·0%) of 10 560 households were selected for post-intervention survey, and 15 469 (89·0%) of 17 377 eligible children from the four surveys were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. Of the 878 households visited in the two indoor residual spraying groups, 827 (94%) had been sprayed. Reported use of long-lasting insecticidal nets, across all groups, was 15 341 (77·3%) of 19 852 residents after 1 year, decreasing to 12 503 (59·2%) of 21 105 in the second year. Malaria infection prevalence after 9 months was lower in the two groups that received PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets than in the two groups that received standard long-lasting insecticidal nets (531 [29%] of 1852 children vs 767 [42%] of 1809; odds ratio [OR] 0·37, 95% CI 0·21-0·65; p=0·0011). At the same timepoint, malaria prevalence in the two groups that received indoor residual spraying was lower than in groups that did not receive indoor residual spraying (508 [28%] of 1846 children vs 790 [44%] of 1815; OR 0·33, 95% CI 0·19-0·55; p<0·0001) and there was evidence of an interaction between PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying (OR 2·43, 95% CI 1·19-4·97; p=0·0158), indicating redundancy when combined. The PBO long-lasting insecticidal net effect was sustained after 21 months with a lower malaria prevalence than the standard long-lasting insecticidal net (865 [45%] of 1930 children vs 1255 [62%] of 2034; OR 0·40, 0·20-0·81; p=0·0122). INTERPRETATION: The PBO long-lasting insecticidal net and non-pyrethroid indoor residual spraying interventions showed improved control of malaria transmission compared with standard long-lasting insecticidal nets where pyrethroid resistance is prevalent and either intervention could be deployed to good effect. As a result, WHO has since recommended to increase coverage of PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets. Combining indoor residual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl and PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets provided no additional benefit compared with PBO long-lasting insecticidal nets alone or standard long-lasting insecticidal nets plus indoor residual spraying. FUNDING: UK Department for International Development, Medical Research Council, and Wellcome Trust

    Personal protection with PBO-pyrethroid synergist-treated nets after 2 years of household use against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles in Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The spread of pyrethroid resistance in malaria vectors threatens the effectiveness of standard long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN). Synergist nets combine pyrethroid (Py) and piperonyl-butoxide (PBO) to enhance potency against resistance mediated by mono-oxygenase mechanisms. Our project assessed personal protection of the World Health Organization first-in-class PBO-Py LLIN (Olyset Plus) versus the standard LLIN (Olyset net) against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) and An. funestus in North-West Tanzania after 20 months of household use. METHODS: From a household survey, 39 standard Olyset net and 39 Olyset Plus houses were selected. The physical integrity and hole index (HI) of the nets were assessed, and resting mosquitoes were collected from inside nets and from room walls. The indoor abundance was estimated using CDC light traps and species identified using PCR. The bioefficacy of PBO and standard LLINs against wild Anopheles was assessed using 30-minute cylinder bioassays. RESULTS: Of 2397 Anopheles collected, 8.9% (n = 213) were resting inside standard Olyset nets, while none were found inside Olyset Plus nets (PBO-Py LLINs) of any HI category. Resting density of blood-fed mosquitoes was higher on walls of sleeping rooms with Olyset nets compared to Olyset Plus (0.62 vs 0.10, density ratio [DR]: 0.03, 95% CI 0.01-0.13, p < 0.001). Mosquitoes were found inside Olyset nets of all WHO HI categories, but more were collected inside the more damaged nets (HI ≥ 643) than in less damaged (HI 0-64) nets (DR: 6.4, 95% CI 1.1-36.0, p = 0.037). In bioassay, mortality of An. gambiae s.l. was higher with Olyset Plus than with Olyset nets for new nets (76.8% vs 27.5%) and nets used for 20 months (56.8% vs 12.8%); similar trends were observed with An. funestus. CONCLUSION: The PBO-Py LLINs provided improved protection after 20 months of household use, as demonstrated by the higher bioassay mortality and absence of pyrethroid-resistant An. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and An. funestus collected from inside Olyset Plus nets, irrespective of HI category, as compared to Olyset nets

    Protocol for a four parallel-arm, single-blind, cluster-randomised trial to assess the effectiveness of three types of dual active ingredient treated nets compared to pyrethroid-only long-lasting insecticidal nets to prevent malaria transmitted by pyrethroid insecticide-resistant vector mosquitoes in Tanzania.

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    INTRODUCTION: The massive scale-up of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) has led to major reductions in malaria burden in many sub-Saharan African countries. This progress is threatened by widespread insecticide resistance among malaria vectors. This cluster-randomised controlled trial (c-RCT) compares three of the most promising dual active ingredients LLINs (dual-AI LLINs), which incorporate mixtures of insecticides or insecticide synergists to standard LLINs in an area of pyrethroid insecticide resistance. METHODS: A four-arm, single-blinded, c-RCT will evaluate the effectiveness of three types of dual-AI LLINs (1) Royal Guard, combining two insecticides, pyriproxyfen and the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin; (2) Interceptor G2, combining chlorfenapyr and alpha-cypermethrin; (3) Olyset Plus, an LLIN combining a synergist, piperonyl butoxide and the pyrethroid permethrin, compared with; (4) Interceptor LN, a standard LLIN containing the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin as the sole AI. The primary outcomes are malaria infection prevalence in children aged 6 months-14 years and entomological inoculation rate (EIR), as a standard measure of malaria transmission at 24 months postintervention and cost-effectiveness. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was received from the institutional review boards of the Tanzanian National Institute for Medical Research, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and University of Ottawa. Study findings will be actively disseminated via reports and presentations to stakeholders, local community leaders, and relevant national and international policy makers as well as through conferences, and peer-reviewed publications. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03554616

    Expression of pyrethroid metabolizing P450 enzymes characterizes highly resistant Anopheles vector species targeted by successful deployment of PBO-treated bednets in Tanzania

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    Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are a proven tool to reduce malaria transmission, but in Africa efficacy is being reduced by pyrethroid resistance in the major vectors. A previous study that was conducted in Muleba district, Tanzania indicated possible involvement of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases in a pyrethroid resistance in An. gambiae population where pre-exposure to piperonyl butoxide (PBO) followed by permethrin exposure in CDC bottle bioassays led to partial restoration of susceptibility. PBO is a synergist that can block pyrethroid-metabolizing enzymes in a mosquito. Insecticide resistance profiles and underlying mechanisms were investigated in Anopheles gambiae and An. funestus from Muleba during a cluster randomized trial. Diagnostic dose bioassays using permethrin, together with intensity assays, suggest pyrethroid resistance that is both strong and very common, but not extreme. Transcriptomic analysis found multiple P450 genes over expressed including CYP6M2, CYP6Z3, CYP6P3, CYP6P4, CYP6AA1 and CYP9K1 in An. gambiae and CYP6N1, CYP6M7, CYP6M1 and CYP6Z1 in An. funestus. Indeed, very similar suites of P450 enzymes commonly associated with resistant populations elsewhere in Africa were detected as over expressed suggesting a convergence of mechanisms across Sub-Saharan African malaria vectors. The findings give insight into factors that may correlate with pyrethroid PBO LLIN success, broadly supporting model predictions, but revision to guidelines previously issued by the World Health Organization is warranted

    Will a lack of fabric durability be their downfall? Impact of textile durability on the efficacy of three types of dual-active-ingredient long-lasting insecticidal nets: a secondary analysis on malaria prevalence and incidence from a cluster-randomized trial in north-west Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The Dual-Active Ingredient long-lasting insecticidal nets (Dual-AI LLIN) have been developed to counteract the reduced efficacy of pyrethroid (PY)-only nets due to widespread pyrethroid insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes. They constitute half of the nets distributed in sub-Saharan Africa between 2022 and 2024. However, their effectiveness once they develop holes is unclear, particularly in pyrethroid-resistant settings. This study evaluates the textile integrity of three dual- AI LLINs compared to standard PY LLN, over 3 years of use in a community in Tanzania and the associated impact on malaria prevalence and incidence. METHODS: A secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in North-western Tanzania was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of α-cypermethrin only; pyriproxyfen and α-cypermethrin (PPF-PY); chlorfenapyr and α-cypermethrin (chlorfenapyr-PY); and the synergist piperonyl butoxide and permethrin (PBO-PY) LLINs on malaria infection prevalence and case incidence. The association between the net textile condition and 1/malaria prevalence over 3 years of use between 2019 and 2022, and 2/malaria case incidence in a cohort of children over 2 years of follow-up was assessed between 2019 and 2021. RESULTS: There was no significant association between damaged (OR 0.98, 95% CI 0.71-1.37, p-value  = 0.655) and too-torn (OR 1.07, 95% CI 0.77-1.47, p-value = 0.694) compared to intact nets on malaria prevalence for all net types. However, there were reduced rates of malaria case incidence in children sleeping under a net in good condition compared to too-torn nets (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.76 [95% CI 0.63-0.92], p = 0.005). Malaria incidence was also consistently lower in too-torn PBO-PY LLIN (IRR = 0.37 [95% CI 0.19-0.72], p = 0.003) and chlorfenapyr-PY LLIN (IRR = 0.45 [95% CI 0.33-0.97], p = 0.053) compared to an intact PY-only LLIN during the first year of follow up. In year 2, the incidence was only significantly lower in intact chlorfenapyr-PY LLIN (IRR = 0.49 [95% CI 0.29-0.81], p = 0.006) compared to intact PY LLIN. CONCLUSION: The study confirmed that sleeping under a chlorfenapyr-PY LLIN or PBO-PY LLIN offered superior protection to pyrethroid-only nets even when torn. Preventing the development of holes is essential as they impact the level of protection offered against malaria infection. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, number (NCT03554616)

    An increasing role of pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles funestus in malaria transmission in the Lake Zone, Tanzania.

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    Anopheles funestus is playing an increasing role in malaria transmission in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, where An. gambiae s.s. has been effectively controlled by long-lasting insecticidal nets. We investigated vector population bionomics, insecticide resistance and malaria transmission dynamics in 86 study clusters in North-West Tanzania. An. funestus s.l. represented 94.5% (4740/5016) of all vectors and was responsible for the majority of malaria transmission (96.5%), with a sporozoite rate of 3.4% and average monthly entomological inoculation rate (EIR) of 4.57 per house. Micro-geographical heterogeneity in species composition, abundance and transmission was observed across the study district in relation to key ecological differences between northern and southern clusters, with significantly higher densities, proportions and EIR of An. funestus s.l. collected from the South. An. gambiae s.l. (5.5%) density, principally An. arabiensis (81.1%) and An. gambiae s.s. (18.9%), was much lower and closely correlated with seasonal rainfall. Both An. funestus s.l. and An. gambiae s.l. were similarly resistant to alpha-cypermethrin and permethrin. Overexpression of CYP9K1, CYP6P3, CYP6P4 and CYP6M2 and high L1014S-kdr mutation frequency were detected in An. gambiae s.s. populations. Study findings highlight the urgent need for novel vector control tools to tackle persistent malaria transmission in the Lake Region of Tanzania

    Effects of next-generation, dual-active-ingredient, long-lasting insecticidal net deployment on insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in Tanzania : an analysis of a 3-year, cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    Background Insecticide resistance among malaria-vector species is a pervasive problem that might jeopardise global disease-control efforts. Novel vector-control tools with different modes of action, including long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) incorporating new active ingredients, are urgently needed to delay the evolution and spread of insecticide resistance. We aimed to measure phenotypic and genotypic insecticide-resistance profiles among wild Anopheles collected over 3 years to assess the longitudinal effects of dual-active-ingredient LLINs on insecticide resistance. Methods For this analysis, data nested in a 3-year, four parallel-arm, superiority cluster-randomised controlled trial (cRCT) in Tanzania, collected from 84 clusters (39 307 households) formed of 72 villages in the Misungwi district, were used to measure insecticide-resistance profiles among female Anopheles mosquitoes via insecticide-resistance bioassays and quantitative RT-PCR of metabolic-resistance genes. Wild, blood-fed, indoor-resting mosquitoes were collected annually during the rainy seasons from house walls in clusters from all four trial groups. Mosquitoes were morphologically identified as An gambiae sensu lato (SL) or An funestus SL before separate bioassay testing. The primary outcomes were lethal-dose values for α-cypermethrin, permethrin, and piperonyl butoxide pre-exposure plus permethrin-resistance intensity bioassays, mortality 72 h after insecticidal exposure for chlorfenapyr bioassays, fertility reduction 72 h after insecticidal exposure for pyriproxyfen bioassays, and fold change in metabolic-enzyme expression relative to an insecticide-susceptible laboratory strain. All primary outcomes were measured in An funestus SL 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years after LLIN distribution. Primary outcomes were also assessed in An gambiae SL if enough mosquitoes were collected. The cRCT is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03554616). Findings Between May 24, 2019, and Oct 25, 2021, 47 224 female Anopheles were collected for resistance monitoring. In the pyrethroid (PY)-LLIN group, there were significant increases in α-cypermethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 LD50=9·52 vs year 2 76·20, p<0·0001) and permethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 13·27 vs year 2 35·83, p=0·0019) in An funestus SL. In the pyriproxyfen PY-LLIN group, there was similar increase in α-cypermethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 0·71 vs year 2 81·56, p<0·0001) and permethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 5·68 vs year 2 50·14, p<0·0001). In the piperonyl butoxide PY-LLIN group, α-cypermethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 33·26 vs year 3 70·22, p=0·0071) and permethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 47·09 vs year 3 2635·29, p<0·0001) also increased over time. In the chlorfenapyr PY-LLIN group, there were no effects on α-cypermethrin-resistance intensity (year 1 0·42 vs year 3 0·99, p=0·54) or permethrin-resistance intensity (data were not estimable due to nearly 100% mortality). There were also minimal reductions in chlorfenapyr susceptibility. However, in the chlorfenapyr PY-LLIN group, a significant decline in piperonyl-butoxide synergy was seen by year 3 (year 1 0·02 vs year 3 0·26, p=0·020). Highly over-expressed detoxification enzymes showed dynamic patterns of selection throughout the trial. Interpretation Our phenotypic data supports trial epidemiological findings; chlorfenapyr PY-LLINs provided superior protection from malaria across multiple transmission seasons, with few effects on insecticide-resistance selection. Rapid pyrethroid-resistance intensification in the piperonyl butoxide PY-LLIN group and pre-existing tolerance of pyriproxyfen in vector populations might explain the poorer performance of these two interventions regarding malaria outcomes. Further work is required to elucidate the potential mechanisms driving cross-resistance between pyrethroids and novel active ingredients to better inform the design of pre-emptive resistance-management strategies

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness against malaria of three types of dual-active-ingredient long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs in Tanzania: a four-arm, cluster-randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have successfully reduced malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, but their effectiveness is now partly compromised by widespread resistance to insecticides among vectors. We evaluated new classes of LLINs with two active ingredients with differing modes of action against resistant malaria vectors. METHODS: We did a four-arm, cluster-randomised trial in Misungwi, Tanzania. Clusters were villages, or groups of hamlets, with at least 119 households containing children aged 6 months to 14 years living in the cluster's core area. Constrained randomisation was used to allocate clusters (1:1:1:1) to receive one of four types of LLIN treated with the following: α-cypermethrin only (pyrethroid-only [reference] group); pyriproxyfen and α-cypermethrin (pyriproxyfen group); chlorfenapyr and α-cypermethrin (chlorfenapyr group); or the synergist piperonyl butoxide and permethrin (piperonyl butoxide group). At least one LLIN was distributed for every two people. Community members and the field team were masked to group allocation. Malaria prevalence data were collected through cross-sectional surveys of randomly selected households from each cluster, in which children aged 6 months to 14 years were assessed for Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection by rapid diagnostic tests. The primary outcome was malaria infection prevalence at 24 months after LLIN distribution, comparing each of the dual-active-ingredient LLINs to the standard pyrethroid-only LLINs in the intention-to-treat population. The primary economic outcome was cost-effectiveness of dual-active-ingredient LLINs, based on incremental cost per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs, modelled over a 2-year period; we included costs of net procurement and malaria diagnosis and treatment, and estimated DALYs in all age groups. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03554616), and is ongoing but no longer recruiting. FINDINGS: 84 clusters comprising 39 307 households were included in the study between May 11 and July 2, 2018. 147 230 LLINs were distributed among households between Jan 26 and Jan 28, 2019. Use of study LLINs was reported in 3155 (72·1%) of 4378 participants surveyed at 3 months post-distribution and decreased to 8694 (40·9%) of 21 246 at 24 months, with varying rates of decline between groups. Malaria infection prevalence at 24 months was 549 (45·8%) of 1199 children in the pyrethroid-only reference group, 472 (37·5%) of 1258 in the pyriproxyfen group (adjusted odds ratio 0·79 [95% CI 0·54-1·17], p=0·2354), 512 (40·7%) of 1259 in the piperonyl butoxide group (0·99 [0·67-1·45], p=0·9607), and 326 [25·6%] of 1272 in the chlorfenapyr group (0·45 [0·30-0·67], p=0·0001). Skin irritation or paraesthesia was the most commonly reported side-effect in all groups. Chlorfenapyr LLINs were the most cost-effective LLINs, costing only US19(9519 (95% uncertainty interval 1-105) more to public providers or 28 (11-120) more to donors per DALY averted over a 2-year period compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs, and saving costs from societal and household perspectives. INTERPRETATION: After 2 years, chlorfenapyr LLINs provided significantly better protection than pyrethroid-only LLINs against malaria in an area with pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes, and the additional cost of these nets would be considerably below plausible cost-effectiveness thresholds ($292-393 per DALY averted). Before scale-up of chlorfenapyr LLINs, resistance management strategies are needed to preserve their effectiveness. Poor textile and active ingredient durability in the piperonyl butoxide and pyriproxyfen LLINs might have contributed to their relative lack of effectiveness compared with standard LLINs. FUNDING: Joint Global Health Trials scheme (UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; UK Medical Research Council; Wellcome; UK Department of Health and Social Care), US Agency for International Development, President's Malaria Initiative

    Factors associated with malaria infection among children after distribution of PBO-pyrethroid synergist-treated nets and indoor residual spraying in north-western Tanzania.

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    BackgroundAfter a decade of successful control, malaria is on the rise again. The prevalence of malaria in Tanzania has increased from 7% in 2017 to 8% in 2022 and reached 18% in Kagera region in the North West of Tanzania. Malaria vectors in Muleba district Kagera have high level of pyrethroid resistance. The aim of this paper is to explore factors associated with malaria infection prevalence in children aged 6 months to 14 years in Muleba, where Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) combining a pyrethroid insecticide and synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO) that counteract resistance in the mosquitoes, was first distributed under trial conditions in 2015.MethodsThe trial was a community randomized control in which there were two malaria prevalence cross-sectional household surveys each year (June and December) from 2015 to 2017 in Muleba. In this study we conducted a secondary data analysis of the December surveys only. Multilevel Poisson regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with malaria infection.ResultsA total of 10,941 children and 4,611 households were included in this study. Overall malaria prevalence was 35.8%, 53.3% and 54.4% in the year 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. Living in an area with standard LLIN as opposed to the novel PBO synergist LLIN, being a male child, above 5 years of age, living in a house with open eaves, living in house without IRS, having head of household with no formal education, lower socioeconomic status and survey year were associated with increased risk of malaria infection.ConclusionsUsing PBO LLIN reduced the risk of malaria infection. However, additional measures could further reduce malaria infection in areas of insecticide resistance such as housing improvement