98 research outputs found

    Policy Analysis of Indonesian Naval Depot Services in Surabaya

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    The Indonesian Navy's Headquarters Supplies Office has an organizational structure which is divided into a supply center depot both in the western region in Jakarta and the eastern region in Surabaya. ship spare parts, every organization under the Indonesian navy must have elements or parts that handle the field of logistics or Logistics Staff. The Surabaya central supply depot is the supply depot in the central region which supplies demand for supplies starting from the second fleet and the third fleet. The task of the supply depot itself is receiving and storing and distributing supplies from the naval base, and ship units. This study aims to conduct an analysis of the quality of service in the Indonesian naval depot in Surabaya. This study uses a scientific approach with qualitative descriptive methods and uses the theory of implementation from George C. Edward III. The results of this study on the communication factor required an accuracy in the delivery of stock information; optimization of resource factors needed; disposition factors required open attitude of all personnel towards the advancement of information technology; and bureaucratic structure factors required clear Operating Standards and Procedures (SOPs). The conclusion of this study is that an integrated service system is needed by developing communication factors, resources, attitudes and bureaucratic structures optimally. Keywords: Supplies, naval depot, integrated service system DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-3-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Problems with the Territorial Boundary of the Republic of Indonesia - Malaysia in Tanjung Datuk in the 1982 UNCLOS Perspective and the UN Charter

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    The land border between Indonesia and Malaysia has a length of ± 2,004 km stretching from Tanjung Datu in the west to the east coast of Sebatik Island in the east.  the joint demarcation of the two countries began in 1973, where up to 2009 there were 19,328 border monuments with coordinates. The delimitation of the RI-Malaysia land boundary, which is mostly in the form of watersheds (mountain ridges or hills, or water dividing lines) has been completed, but demarcation still leaves 9 outstanding boundary problems. Overall, of the 9 OBPs, it appears that 7 OBPs are problems that "harm" the Malaysian side, while 2 problems are detrimental to Indonesia. One of the problems in Tanjung Datu started with the measurement and confirmation of international boundaries that were carried out in 1975 and 1976. The problem is that the measurement technique is inappropriate. This scientific work is expected to provide strategic recommendations in dealing with problems in the Tanjung Datu.  This  study  uses  a  scientific  approach  with  qualitative descriptive methods and uses UNCLOS and UN Charter as basis review. The results of this study a review of Tanjung Datu border conflict in UNCLOS and UN Charter Prespective. The conclusion of this study is There is a need for concrete agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia about Tanjung Datu because there so many fisherman than depends in this border. Keywords: Territorial Boundary, UNCLOS Perspective and the UN Charter DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-4-07 Publication date:May 31st 202

    TNI-Polri and Jakarta Province Government Cooperation Strategy to Handling Acceleration COVID-19

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    This study discusses the TNI-Polri Cooperation strategy and the Jakarta Provincial Government in accelerating the handling of COVID-19. This study using the theory of Organizational Resources from George R. Terry. The aim is to describe Cooperation regulations, activity methods, the readiness of human resources, and the availability of infrastructure facilities in accelerating the handling of COVID-19. The method used is an observational case studies method with both quantitative and qualitative approaches (mix method) and uses SWOT and AHP for analysis. As a result, the first strategy is to create cooperation policy regulations, the second strategy is to increase public awareness of implementing Health protocols, the third strategy is to create superior human resources, and the fourth strategy is to realize the readiness of facilities and infrastructure. Keywords: cooperation strategy, organizational resources, COVID-19 DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-18-06 Publication date:September 30th 202