4 research outputs found


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    The ability to think critically is one of the highest levels of ability. Developing critical thinking skills in students is still considered important to be improved in schools so that students are able and accustomed to facing various problems around it. This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills of junior high school students who are in excellent classes and regular classes. This research was conducted in Bandung Barat. In this study students are given a test in the form of questions with critical thinking skills, the problem is used to compare between the superior class and ordinary class. Assessment of the problem using several factors of critical ability include 1) students can not understand the problem correctly, 2) students rush in doing the problem, 3) the students cannot choose the problem-solving strategy correctly and 4) the students work on the problem systematically. Then the matter of critical thinking skills of mathematics is analyzed using quasi-experimental research method to analyze students' critical thinking ability that influence learning result. This study shows the differences in critical thinking ability of junior high school students who are in excellent class and ordinary class. This study shows that superior classes are better in mathematical critical thinking ability than a regular class. The results of this study can add knowledge about critical thinking mathematics junior high school students who are in the class and ordinary class and used to facilitate for educational practitioners in the development of critical mathematical thinking skills

    Distributional mapping and impacts of invasive alien fish in Indonesia : an alert to inland waters sustainability

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    Inland water ecosystems in Indonesia face an increasing threat of alien and invasive alien fish species. Their existence have been found in Indonesian waters since before 1900, and their introduction is rapid and ongoing. In this review, we mapped the distribution of alien and invasive alien fish in different inland waters ecosystem types and islands in Indonesia, based on available literature indexed by Google Scholar. Impacts of invasive alien fish and how to control them are also discussed. This data mining exercise resulted in the successful mapping of alien and invasive alien fish in 72 lakes and 57 river systems, covering 28 provinces. A total of 50 species have spread with different compositions in each type of ecosystem and island. Oreochromis niloticus is the most commonly encountered alien species. Moreover, invasive cichlid fish are most frequently found in lakes, while Pterygoplichthys spp. are more frequently found in rivers although they can also inhabit many lakes. Java Island is a hotspot of alien and invasive alien fish distribution, with 39 species reported. Invasive alien fish harm native and endemic fish in Indonesia through competition for food, space and direct predation. The gradual reduction of established populations of invasive alien species is necessary to protect Indonesia’s freshwater ecosystems

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa SMK dalam memecahkan Masalah Literasi Matematis pada Bangun Ruang

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    This research was conducted with the aim of describing the mistakes made by students in solving the problem of mathematical literacy. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data obtained through written tests consisting of 4 questions about mathematical literacy skills obtained 58% of students were able to master the problem of mathematical literacy, so that 42% of students were unable to master the problem of mathematical literacy skills. The average score of students is 34.29 with the highest value of 50 and the lowest value is 16 of the total maximum value 55. From the results of the analysis carried out on student answers, there are several mistakes made by students when completing the problem, namely: not systematic; Wrong in using formulas; Many do not use units; Wrong in writing units; Unable to interpret questions; Wrong and conclude the results of the settlement; Not complete in completion

    Perancangan Aplikasi Perpustakaan di SMK Negeri 10 Bekasi Berbasis Java Netbeans

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    Perpustakaan di sekolah-sekolah memilliki peranan yang sangat penting.  Terdapat beberapa perpustakaan yang masih memiliki kekurangan dalam pengelolaannya, salah satunya pada perpustakaan SMK Negeri 10 Kota Bekasi. Pada perpustakaan sekolah tersebut masih menggunakan sistem manual yaitu dengan menggunakan buku induk catatan secara tertulis sehingga pendataan anggota dan pendataan buku pada perpustakaan  SMK Negeri 10 Kota Bekasi masih belum terdata secara menyeluruh dengan baik. Proses pencarian buku serta proses transaksi peminjaman  dan pengembalian buku masih manual serta membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama sehingga menyebabkan antrian dalam proses tersebut. Dalam pembuatan laporan masih menggunakan pencatatan dengan merekap data-data yang sudah ada, sehingga adanya  resiko kehilangan data karena kerusakan pada penyimpanan data dalam buku induk dapat terjadi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang sebuah aplikasi perpustakaan yang terkomputerisasi. Dalam perancangan aplikasi perpustakaan pada SMK Negeri 10 Kota Bekasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall dengan menggunakan aplikasi java netbeans sebagai alat bantu pembuatan sistem informasi perpustakaan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu dan memudahkan petugas perpustakaan dalam proses pendataan anggota,  proses pendataan buku, proses transaksi peminjaman dan pengembalian buku serta proses pembuatan laporan