23 research outputs found

    The impact of consumer innovativeness, prestige price sensitivity and need for emotion on impulse buying and satisfaction

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    Impulse buying (IB) refers to unplanned purchases without much reflection (Bellenger et al. 1978; Youn and Faber 2000; Beatty and Ferrell, 1998) and it is defined by Rock (1987: 191) as a state of “sudden, often powerful and persistent urge to buying something immediately”. Commonly conceptualized and measured in the literature as a tendency to buy things on impulse (Rook and Fisher 1995; Peck and Childers 2006), IB is “inconsistent with rational choice models” (Silvera, et al. 2008: 23) and has been linked to affect and emotion, specifically excitement, pleasure and an urge to buy (Rook 1987). Silvera et al. (2008) argue that there is relatively little research on IB from a psychological perspective and hence a lack of understanding of the psychological constructs underpinning this behavioral tendency. Earlier research failed to provide personalitygrounded explanations of IB (e.g. d’ Antoni and Shenson, 1973; Cobb and Hoyer 1986; Youn and Faber 2000) suggesting that this stream of research may have focused on relationships between IB and ‘irrelevant’ personality traits (Youn and Faber 2000). Later research has, however, linked IB to a number of personality traits, specifically, lack of control, stress reaction, absorption (Youn and Faber 2000) as well as the Big 5 (Verplanken and Herabadi 2001). Additionally, Silvera et al.’s (2008) research attempts to validate Verplanken et al.’s (2005) contribution on the psychological states underlying IB, highlighting the relationship between IB and subjective wellbeing, affect, self-esteem and social influence. Lately, research has examined IB in relation to variety seeking tendencies, optimal stimulation level and price consciousness/sensitivity (Sharma et al. 2010; Liang 2012), and to other factors, such as product involvement and product knowledge, (Sharma et al. 2010), store promotions and environmental cues (Kacen et al. 2012; Peck and Childers 2006). IB has also been linked to satisfaction in the sense that consumers do not necessarily view IB as normatively wrong; but use IB as a means of satisfying certain needs, in addition to the need for the product (e.g. Hausman 2000) such as hedonic desires, novelty, variety, social interaction and self-esteem needs (Piron 1991; Rook 1987; Hausman 2000). This study seeks to extend the current understanding of the underpinnings of IB and satisfaction by focusing on specific personality traits that seem more relevant for marketers, including consumer innovativeness, prestige price sensitivity and need for emotion

    Teaching strategies for promoting motor creativity and motor skill proficiency in early childhood

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    Existing research provides ambiguous evidence for associations between motor competency and motor creativity. Therefore, this study examined the association between motor skill proficiency and motor creativity. The Test of Gross Motor Development (second edition) and Bertsch’s motor creativity test were used to assess motor skill proficiency and motor creativity among 39 children aged five to six. Results revealed that motor proficiency and motor creativity are not interrelated traits. Therefore, it is necessary to use different teaching strategies to promote these traits. Teaching with direct instructions and reproduction of demonstrated movement is probably the most appropriate to acquaint children with motor skills. Learning through play with less explicit teaching instructions and emphasis on motivating children to find novel and original solutions to the motor tasks is probably more suitable for facilitating motor creativity

    Pengaruh Teknik Persiapan Lahan terhadap Serangan Hama Penyakit pada Tegakan Bambang Lanang

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    Land preparation may affect the infestation of pests and diseases. This study aimed to find out the dynamic of pests and diseases infestation in the bambang lanang stand based on land preparation techniques. Land preparation was done by total clearing, path clearing and circle clearing. Percentage attack and intensity attack of pests and disesases were carried out over two years. Pest infestation was found by Graphium agamemnon L. (Papilionidae; Lepidoptera), Sorolopha cumarotis (Tortricidae; Lepidoptera), and leaf minner. Diseases infestation was found by Colletotrichum sp., Cercospora sp. and Curvularia sp. Pests and diseases infestations tended to go down on all land preparation treatments, in line with the increase of plant age. The lowest plant damage was found in total clearing treatment

    Chatbot Sebagai Wadah Informasi Perkembangan Covid-19 di Kota Pekanbaru Menggunakan Platform Whatsapp

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    Perkembangan penularan Covid-19 ini cukup signifikan karena penyebarannya sudah mendunia dan seluruh negara merasakan dampaknya termasuk Indonesia.Pemerintah Indonesia baik pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah telah memberikan kebijakan Work from Home (WFH), belajar dari rumah, beribadah di rumah dan membatasi kegiatan yang mengundang khalayak ramai. Kebutuhan informasi terkait perkembangan Covid-19 juga sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Akan tetapi, informasi yang berkembang di kalangan masyarakat masih dipertanyakan keabsahan informasinya. Sehingga, dibutuhkan sumber terpercaya dan informasi yang berasal dari pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah pusat. Peran media massa memberikan informasi yang baik dan benar, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kericuhan akibat isu-isu yang belum jelas kebenarannya. Chatbot atau chatterbot merupakan program yang mampu memproses masukan dari pengguna dan menghasilkan tanggapan yang kemudian dikirim kembali ke pengguna. Kebutuhan informasi akan penyebaran Covid-19 yang bisa diperoleh dengan chatbot di platform whatsapp tentunya sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat khususnya masyarakat di Pekanbaru. Layanan chatbot yang mampu memberikan informasi terkini terkait jumlah pasien positif Covid-19, jumlah Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP), jumlah Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP), hingga informasi berupa pengetahuan untuk pencegahan Covid-19. Pembangunan chatbot ini akan menggunakan metode string matching dengan metode pengembangan sistem prototype. Dengan implementasi chatbot dengan platform whatsapp ini diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi terpercaya yang bersumber dari data milik pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru dan dapat menyediakan informasi pengetahuan tentang Covid-19 yang benar dan valid. Dengan aplikasi chatbot bagi para praktisi dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan pencegahan agar melakukan social distancing untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19

    Dampak Reformasi Birokrasi Pada Perubahan Budaya Organisasi Di Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Various changes in the strategic environment have forced the public sector to make bureaucratic reform that should have consequences on changing the bureaucratic culture in the public sectorsto be more externally oriented culture. Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is an internal control government agency that should change the organizational culture. The needsforexternally oriented culture was now even stronger in line with the shift in the role from watchdog to become in-house consultant. Therefore, this study aims to analyze organizational culture changes and identify the factors that cause or inhibit changes. This study used competing values framework, a method that is able to capture the changes of organizational cultures, both large and direction. The research result showed that organizational culture has been transformed from hierarchy culture to market culture. These changes indicatedthe organizational culture has been changed in accordance with the concept of bureaucratic reform. However, the changes in organizational culture were not significant. Employee resistance and the policy of change that is not the same in all aspects of organizational were known as the factors inhibiting organizational culture changes


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    The ability to think critically is one of the highest levels of ability. Developing critical thinking skills in students is still considered important to be improved in schools so that students are able and accustomed to facing various problems around it. This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills of junior high school students who are in excellent classes and regular classes. This research was conducted in Bandung Barat. In this study students are given a test in the form of questions with critical thinking skills, the problem is used to compare between the superior class and ordinary class. Assessment of the problem using several factors of critical ability include 1) students can not understand the problem correctly, 2) students rush in doing the problem, 3) the students cannot choose the problem-solving strategy correctly and 4) the students work on the problem systematically. Then the matter of critical thinking skills of mathematics is analyzed using quasi-experimental research method to analyze students' critical thinking ability that influence learning result. This study shows the differences in critical thinking ability of junior high school students who are in excellent class and ordinary class. This study shows that superior classes are better in mathematical critical thinking ability than a regular class. The results of this study can add knowledge about critical thinking mathematics junior high school students who are in the class and ordinary class and used to facilitate for educational practitioners in the development of critical mathematical thinking skills

    Dampak Reformasi Birokrasi pada Perubahan Budaya Organisasi di Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Various changes in the strategic environment have forced the public sector to make bureaucratic reform that should have consequences on changing the bureaucratic culture in the public sectorsto be more externally oriented culture. Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is an internal control government agency that should change the organizational culture. The needsforexternally oriented culture was now even stronger in line with the shift in the role from watchdog to become in-house consultant. Therefore, this study aims to analyze organizational culture changes and identify the factors that cause or inhibit changes. This study used competing values framework, a method that is able to capture the changes of organizational cultures, both large and direction. The research result showed that organizational culture has been transformed from hierarchy culture to market culture. These changes indicatedthe organizational culture has been changed in accordance with the concept of bureaucratic reform. However, the changes in organizational culture were not significant. Employee resistance and the policy of change that is not the same in all aspects of organizational were known as the factors inhibiting organizational culture changes.Key word: bureaucratic reform, competing values framework, organizational change, organizational culture, public secto

    Manajemen Risiko pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS)

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    Risk occurs at any organization or business activity. It also does not close the possiblility of risk occurs at amil institutions. Types of risk are likely to happen often at amil institutions, namely risk on zakat fund collection, risk on zakat fund management, and risk on zakat fund distribution. Basically,  zakat distribution must comply with the 8 ashnaf as written in the QS. At-Taubah: 60. This research was conducted on BAZNAS. The aim of this research is to help  amil institutions in managing the possibility of risk, analyze the factors that effect the risks, do the risks mapping on  zakat fund collection, zakat fund management, and zakat fund distribution, and also make mitigation to minimize the occurrence of the risks. The data was collected by using the survey method in internal BAZNAS and using ERM method for analysis