207 research outputs found

    Differential Input from the Amygdaloid Body to the Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus in the Rat

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    Differential amygdaloid afferents to anterior dorsal, anterior ventral, posterior dorsal and posterior ventral subdivisions of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of tracer confined to the VMH subdivisions mentioned, and enhancement of tracer uptake and transport were achieved by iontophoretic delivery of an HRP solution containing poly-L-α-ornithine. It was shown that the medial, central, basolateral, basomedial, lateroposterior and intercalated nuclei of the amygdala constitute afferent input sources to the ventromedial nucleus in a topographic pattern related to the various subdivisions of the VMH. This topographically organized amygdala-VMH projection is discussed against the background of the functional role that both amygdala and VMH play in the control of feeding, apart from various other autonomous functions that both brain centers are known to be concerned with.

    Vasopressin Prolongs Behavioral and Cardiac Responses to Mild Stress in Young But Not in Aged Rats

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    In young male Wistar rats sudden silence superimposed on low intensity background noise evokes a relative decrease in heart rate. This bradycardia is accompanied by immobility behavior. In the present study, involving young (3 month), late-adult (14 month), aged (20 month), and senescent (25 month) rats the magnitude of the stress-induced bradycardia shows an age-related reduction while the behavioral immobility response remained unchanged during the process of aging. Arginine-8-vasopressin (AVP, 6 µg/kg SC) administered 60 min prior to the experiment led to a prolonged behavioral and cardiac stress response in young and late-adult rats, but not in aged and senescent animals. The peripheral and central mechanisms possibly involved in the failure of systemically applied AVP to improve bradycardiac stress responses in aged rats are discussed.

    Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin immunohistochemistry. A comparison between autoradiographic and lectin tracing of neuronal efferents

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    The autoradiographic pattern of anterograde labeling as a result from injections with tritiated amino acids is compared to the labeling of efferents with Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin after lectin injections in the same nucleus visualized by immunohistochemical methods. This comparison is made for efferents from the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus to the amygdaloid body.

    Circulating free fatty acids, insulin, and glucose during chemical stimulation of hypothalamus in rats

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    The aim of this study was to investigate plasma free fatty acids (FFA), insulin, and blood glucose during chemical stimulation of the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic areas (LHA and VMH) in rats. Therefore male Wistar rats were implanted with bilateral cannulas in the LHA or the VMH and into the left and right jugular veins. Freely moving rats were then infused into the LHA and VMH with norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), or acetylcholine or intravenously with NE or E. Before, during, and after the infusions, simultaneous blood samples were taken without disturbing the animals. Infusion of NE into the LHA resulted in a decrease of plasma FFA and a simultaneous increase of insulin. NE infusion in the VMH elicited an increase of plasma FFA, plasma insulin, and blood glucose. E infusion into the LHA did not lead to a change of plasma FFA, whereas insulin and glucose showed an increase. E infusion into the VMH evoked increases of plasma FFA and insulin. Peripheral administration of NE led to a sharp increase of FFA, whereas plasma insulin and blood glucose did not change. E in the periphery elicited an augmentation of plasma FFA and blood glucose and a suppression of insulin during infusion. After termination of E infusion, plasma FFA and glucose levels decreased, whereas plasma insulin showed a sharp increase. It is concluded 1) that the effects produced by administration of NE and E are dependent on hypothalamic localization and local receptor population characteristics; 2) that there are striking differences regarding the effects on the investigated blood parameters between hypothalamically infused NE and E and peripherally infused NE and E; and 3) that the LHA and VMH are able to alter plasma FFA levels independently of blood glucose and insulin levels.

    Preganglionic innervation of the pancreas islet cells in the rat

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    The position and number of preganglionic somata innervating the insulin-secreting β-cells of the endocrine pancreas were investigated in Wistar rats. This question was approached by comparing the innervation of the pancreas of normal rats with the innervation of the pancreas in alloxan-induced diabetic animals. The presumption was made that alloxan treatment destroys the β-cells of the islet of Langerhans and results in a selective degeneration of the β-cells innervation. Cell bodies of preganglionic fibers innervating the pancreas were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase following pancreas injections. It was found that 25% of the cells innervating the pancreas in the left dorsal vagal motor nucleus, 50% of the cells in the ambiguus nucleus and 50% of the cells innervating the pancreas, that originate in segments C3-C4 of the spinal cord, fail to become labeled after alloxan treatment. The position and distribution of these cell groups are described in detail and are assumed to be involved in preganglionic β-cell innervation. A second cell population in the ventral horn and intermediolateral column of the segments T3-L2 of the cord also was labeled in normal rats and was not affected by the alloxan treatment. These thoracic cell groups are thus considered as sympathetic preganglionic somata that maintain direct connections to the pancreas. Additional preliminary information is presented dealing with the general aspects of sympathetic and parasympathetic organization of the pancreas innervation.
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