19 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2, Zika viruses and mycoplasma:Structure, pathogenesis and some treatment options in these emerging viral and bacterial infectious diseases

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    The molecular evolution of life on earth along with changing environmental, conditions has rendered mankind susceptible to endemic and pandemic emerging infectious diseases. The effects of certain systemic viral and bacterial infections on morbidity and mortality are considered as examples of recent emerging infections. Here we will focus on three examples of infections that are important in pregnancy and early childhood: SARS-CoV-2 virus, Zika virus, and Mycoplasma species. The basic structural characteristics of these infectious agents will be examined, along with their general pathogenic mechanisms. Coronavirus infections, such as caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, likely evolved from zoonotic bat viruses to infect humans and cause a pandemic that has been the biggest challenge for humanity since the Spanish Flu pandemic of the early 20th century. In contrast, Zika Virus infections represent an expanding infectious threat in the context of global climate change. The relationship of these infections to pregnancy, the vertical transmission and neurological sequels make these viruses highly relevant to the topics of this special issue. Finally, mycoplasmal infections have been present before mankind evolved, but they were rarely identified as human pathogens until recently, and they are now recognized as important coinfections that are able to modify the course and prognosis of various infectious diseases and other chronic illnesses. The infectious processes caused by these intracellular microorganisms are examined as well as some general aspects of their pathogeneses, clinical presentations, and diagnoses. We will finally consider examples of treatments that have been used to reduce morbidity and mortality of these infections and discuss briefly the current status of vaccines, in particular, against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is important to understand some of the basic features of these emerging infectious diseases and the pathogens involved in order to better appreciate the contributions of this special issue on how infectious diseases can affect human pregnancy, fetuses and neonates

    Functional consequences of lead and mercury exposomes in the heart

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    Lead and mercury are heavy metals that are highly toxic to life forms. There are no known physiological processes that require them, and they do not have a particular threshold concentration to produce biologic damage. They are non-biodegradable, and they slowly accumulate in the environment in a dynamic equilibrium between air, water, soil, food, and living organisms. Their accumulation in the environment has been increasing over time, because they were not banned from use in anthropogenic industrial production. In their +2 cationic state they are powerful oxidizing agents with the ability to interfere significantly with processes that require specific divalent cations. Acute or chronic exposure to lead and mercury can produce multisystemic damage, especially in the developing nervous systems of children and fetuses, resulting in variety of neurological consequences. They can also affect the cardiovascular system and especially the heart, either directly through their action on cardiomyocytes or indirectly through their effects on innervation, humoral responses or blood vessel alterations. For example, heart function modified by these heavy metals are heart rate, contraction, excitability, and rhythm. Some cardiac molecular targets have been identified and characterized. The direct mechanisms of damage of these heavy metals on heart function are discussed. We conclude that exposome to these heavy metals, should be considered as a major relevant risk factor for cardiac diseases

    Pathophysiological and molecular considerations of viral and bacterial infections during maternal-fetal and -neonatal interactions of SARS-CoV-2, Zika, and Mycoplasma infectious diseases

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    During pregnancy, a series of physiological changes are determined at the molecular, cellular and macroscopic level that make the mother and fetus more susceptible to certain viral and bacterial infections, especially the infections in this and the companion review. Particular situations increase susceptibility to infection in neonates. The enhanced susceptibility to certain infections increases the risk of developing particular diseases that can progress to become morbidly severe. For example, during the current pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, epidemiological studies have established that pregnant women with COVID-19 disease are more likely to be hospitalized. However, the risk for intensive care unit admission and mechanical ventilation is not increased compared with nonpregnant women. Although much remains unknown with this particular infection, the elevated risk of progression during pregnancy towards more severe manifestations of COVID-19 disease is not associated with an increased risk of death. In addition, the epidemiological data available in neonates suggest that their risk of acquiring COVID-19 is low compared with infants

    Reversal of diabetic-induced myopathy by swimming exercise in pregnant rats:a translational intervention study

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) plus rectus abdominis muscle (RAM) myopathy predicts long-term urinary incontinence (UI). Atrophic and stiff RAM are characteristics of diabetes-induced myopathy (DiM) in pregnant rats. This study aimed to determine whether swimming exercise (SE) has a therapeutic effect in mild hyperglycemic pregnant rats model. We hypothesized that SE training might help to reverse RAM DiM. Mild hyperglycemic pregnant rats model was obtained by a unique subcutaneous injection of 100 mg/kg streptozotocin (diabetic group) or citrate buffer (non-diabetic group) on the first day of life in Wistar female newborns. At 90 days of life, the rats are mated and randomly allocated to remain sedentary or subjected to a SE protocol. The SE protocol started at gestational day 0 and consisted of 60 min/day for 6 days/week in a period of 20 days in a swim tunnel. On day 21, rats were sacrificed, and RAM was collected and studied by picrosirius red, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The SE protocol increased the fiber area and diameter, and the slow-twitch and fast-twitch fiber area and diameter in the diabetic exercised group, a finding was also seen in control sedentary animals. There was a decreased type I collagen but not type III collagen area and showed a similar type I/type III ratio compared with the control sedentary group. In conclusion, SE during pregnancy reversed the RAM DiM in pregnant rats. These findings may be a potential protocol to consider in patients with RAM damage caused by GDM

    Tumorogénesis y proteína mdm2

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