273 research outputs found
La Virgen con el Niño rodeada de santas y arcángeles, de Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra. Estudio técnico
In this study scientific and technical techniques are applied to this painting by Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra and the paper aims to determine how exactly this work was painted. We examine the techniques and materials used and attempt to relate the artist' s way of working to the aesthetic features of his work.Este trabajo de investigación está basado en la aplicación de técnicas científico-instrumentales sobre esta pintura de Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra, con la finalidad de conocer el trabajo pictórico llevado a cabo por este artista para la realización de esta obra; determinar la técnica de elaboración y los materiales empleados en la misma y su distribución en la composición, en un intento de establecer la manera de trabajar de Bocanegra y relacionarla con sus características estéticas
Estudio técnico-científico de una obra de Alonso Cano: San Juan de Capistrano y San Bernardino de Siena
In this article we give the results of an examination of Alonso Cano's painting using radiography, infra-red reflectography, and pigment microanalysis. The aim was to discover the exact steps taken by the painter and also to determine the materials used and their distribution. A thorough knowledge of the techniques and materials used allows us to appreciate how Cano worked, and to establish connections between his technique, the aesthetic features of his work, and his artistic development.Este artículo trata del examen técnico-científico basado en la toma de radiografías, reflectografia infrarroja y microanálisis de pigmentos en esta pintura sobre lienzo de Alonso Cano, con el fin de determinar el trabajo pictórico llevado a cabo por este artista para la realización de esta obra y asimismo conocer los materiales empleados en ella y su distribución en la composición. El conocimiento de la técnica y de los materiales permitirá establecer la manera de trabajar de Cano en esta obra y relacionarla con sus características estéticas y su evolución
Technical procedures in polychromatic wooden sculpture in Granada
En este artículo se aborda la génesis de las esculturas en madera desde el punto de vista creativo, definiendo los procesos técnicos seguidos por los escultores y policromadores de los siglos XVI al XVIII. Planteamos este trabajo siguiendo el mismo orden en el que están establecidas cada una de las operaciones que forman parte de la transformación de la madera como materia prima, hasta la conformación final en imágenes a todo color, con el mismo desarrollo que tendrían este tipo de proyectos artísticos; ejemplificando toda esta labor creativa en el conjunto de realizaciones de la escultura granadina.The present paper explores the origin of wooden sculptures from the creative point of views and defines the technical procedures followed by sculptors and polychrome painters from the 16th to the 18th centuries. We follow the same order followed in the transformation of the prime material into the finished and coloured product. This is exemplified by creative work produced in Granada
Maja y celestina. A new painting on alabaster in the catalogue of Francisco de Goya
Esta pintura se halla ambientada en el interior de una estancia, en la que se encuentran conversando una joven maja y una anciana alcahueta. Los objetivos de este estudio son, por una parte, incorporar esta pintura sobre alabastro al catálogo de Francisco de Goya y, por otra, describir la materialidad de la obra y su proceso creativo, siguiendo criterios técnicos y estéticos, de acuerdo a la percepción de los procedimientos y los materiales empleados en su creación.The painting is set in the interior of a room, in which are talking a young woman and an old procuress. The objectives of this study are, firstly, incorporate this painting on alabaster to the catalogue of Francisco de Goya and, secondly, to describe the materiality of the work and its creative process through technical and aesthetic criteria according to the perception of the procedures and materials used in its creation
A scientific and technical analysis of a painting by the 18th century Granada artist Pedro de Moya: «The Coronation of Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi»
Este artículo trata de la aplicación de la radiografía y del análisis de pigmentos sobre estratigrafías obtenidas a partir de micromuestras extraídas de esta pintura de Pedro de Moya. El objetivo tanto del estudio radiográfico como del estratigráfico y el de la identificación de pigmentos en el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido es de investigar la técnica de ejecución de esta obra, desde el tipo y la forma de aplicación de la preparación de la tela, hasta el número y grosor de las capas de color, así como los materiales usados por este pintor; con la finalidad de establecer la manera de trabajar de Moya y relacionarla con sus características estéticas.The paper deals with the application of radiographic and pigment analysis (by means of the Barrido electronic microscope) to stratigraphies obtained from micro-samples of this painting by Pedro de Moya. The aim is toinvestigate the techniques used in the creation of the work, from an examination of the nature and application of canvas preparation to an account of the number and thickness of layers of paint and of the materials used by the painter. We attempt to establish Moya's modus operandi and to relate it to the aesthetic characteristics of his work
Proposals of a procedure to asses Pollutographs. Application to Murcia's Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Póster
Directives 91/271/EEC and 93/481/EEC set norms regarding the management of Combined Sewer
Overflows. European Commission monitors the implementation status and implementation programmes. In
fact, during the year 2019 all the utilities should be able to quantify the pollution spilled during storm events.
And afterwards, plans have to be developed in order to reduce the impact of such events. In this paper, we
proposed a method to estimate the transported pollution during events as well as to serve as a tool for
developing plans to lessen the corresponding pollution.
The procedure is divided into three steps:
A. Periodical measurements of all relevant pollutants, e.g. total suspended solids and chemical oxygen
demand, in wet and dry weather. Such pollutant “concentrations” are correlated with the turbidity, updating
the relation among them [1].
B. Continuous measures of the turbidity. Turbidity is continously register in the sewer areas near overflow
spillways. Turbidimeters are a very convenient equipment for this purpose [2]. Actually, it is reliable, its
measures are very correlated with the total suspended solid concentration and its maintenance is easy. In this
way, combining A. and B. turbidity measures provide us a real-time estimation of the pollutant concentration.
on real time.
C. Assesment of each catchment hydrograph. Depending on the available data, this step could be based on a
design, a measured or a simulated hydrograph. In order to apply this methodology to Murcia’s Combined
Sewer System, we have used simulated hydrographs based on real measured rainfall. Murcia’s utility has
developed a calibrated SWMM model, and therefore, using the rainfall data, it is possible to estimate
hydrographs for all the relevant points of the system.
D. Estimation of each catchment pollutograph. Combining the pollutant concentration, estimated in the
previous steps, with the hydrographs, we can asses how the mass of pollutants are transported. This
information allows us to comply with EU Directives, but it will also be useful to design Murcia’s strategy to
minimize environmental impacts
Evaluating energy recovery potential in Murcia's water supply system
Murcia is the 7th most populated city in Spain. Its water supply system is extensively monitored through a
large number of pressure gauges and flow meters. Murcia’s water supply network is fed from distribution
reservoirs at enough elevation to avoid needing pumping stations for most of the city districts. Hydraulic
resources have been evaluated throughout the water supply system. Besides the pressure reducing valves,
where the assessment is quite straight forward [1], District Metered Areas (DMA) inlets have been evaluated.
In these areas despite the hydraulic resources are not as great as in pressure reducing valves locations, their
location is quite convenient. Actually, these positions are located inside the city, therefore making easy to use
the produced energy in municipal self consumption or to provide facilities to the citizens.
In order to perform such evaluation, a detailed model of the water supply network has been implemented in
EPANET parting from a GIS model. The first step of the evaluation has consisted in the optimizing and
validation of the model. Initially, the model was reviewed by comparing pressure and flow rate
measurements in the main pipes. Then, an extensive experimental campaign was designed. In that campaign
valves were switched so that each day a set of District Metered Areas (DMA) have just one metered inlet or
at the most a very short number of metered inlets, whereas having a set of pressure measurements within the
DMA. The obtained data was used to minimize errors in pressure time series, optimising roughness of the
main pipes through Levenberg/Marquardt BFGS algorithm using EPANET ToolKit through Epanet-Octave
[2]. Important roughness proposed changes tended to be located surrounding particular points, where errors
in the GIS were located (mainly wrong diameter assignement). After patching all the errors the algorithm
eased to localise, model errors were mostly below measures uncertainty, and therefore, the model was
considered validated.
Then, the hydraulic potential at the DMAs inlets has been evaluated by tracking the “instantaneous”
minimum pressure and head within each DMA, as well as the flow rate entering the DMA. So that, the
maximum head and the range of flow rates is established for the turbine.
At the moment, once that all of these potentials have been assessed, a turbine prototype is being designed
La aporética constitucionalidad del indulto
Los autores plantean los términos del debate acerca de la polémica y aporética institución del indulto, que tiene un difícil encaje en el esquema del Estado democrático asentado sobre la base de la separación de poderes. Con tal fin, el estudio parte de los antecedentes y razones históricas de la prerrogativa de gracia y de sus regulaciones en perspectiva comparada, lo que permite comprender el alcance del problema y la naturaleza jurídica compleja de una institución, el indulto, que se equipara al perdón y que debe delimitarse escrupulosamente de la amnistía —olvido—. La práctica nacional más reciente sirve como botón de muestra, a juicio de los autores, de la necesidad de avanzar hacia una nueva ley transicional del indulto, que debe convertirse en un recurso excepcional y residual, condenado de hecho a su extinción. El trabajo critica duramente los indultos en el caso del «Procés» —que se catalogan de fraude de Constitución— e incluye una propuesta concreta de lege lata vel ferenda
Aplicación De Los Métodos Científicos De Examen En La Investigación De Pinturas. La Pequeña Madonna De Foligno De Rafael
The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of Scientific Methods of Examination for the authentication of works of art and, where applicable, attribution to a specific period, school or artist. The results obtained from the technologies applied may provide particularly important data for cataloguing the works in question. Furthermore, they may be compared, in terms of technique and aesthetics, with other similar documents, acquired from paintings of the same author, period or style already identified through historical works. The use of these wide-ranging sets of instruments have been tested on a version of The Madonna of Foligno by Raphael, and very important information on the creative process as well as other highly significant technical data have been gathered to attribute this work to the painter from Urbino
A rede de Kevlar® 49 como sistema de reforço para o tratamento de rasgões na conservação curativa de pinturas sobre tela
En los últimos años la fibra de aramida, comercialmente denominada Kevlar®, ha sido utilizada en los tratamientos del soporte textil en pintura de caballete. Este material, presente en distintos formatos, tiene una serie de cualidades fisicoquímicas y morfológicas que lo hacen de interés para la consolidación local o general de los lienzos. En el siguiente trabajo se ha utilizado el hilo de Kevlar® 49 para confeccionar diferentes retículas que sirven como refuerzo puntual en la intervención de rasgados en los soportes de tela pintados. A través de 24 maquetas se han estudiado diferentes tipos de retículas que han sido sometidas a envejecimiento acelerado. Finalizados los ensayos se ha desestimado uno de los modelos testados debido a la rigidez del refuerzo realizado. Sin embargo, se han destacado las cualidades del resto de pruebas, demostrando que este material y la metodología de aplicación propuesta suponen un buen método de consolidación del soporte textil.In recent years, aramid fibre, commercially called Kevlar®, has been used in the treatment of the textile support in easel paintings. This material, present in different formats, has a series of physical-chemical and morphological qualities that make it of interest for the local or general consolidation of canvases. In the following work, the Kevlar® 49 thread has been used to make different grids that serve as punctual reinforcement in the intervention of tears on the painted fabric supports. Through 24 models, different types of grids that have been subjected to accelerated ageing have been studied. Once the tests were finished, one of the tested models was rejected due to the stiffness of the applied reinforcement. However, the qualities of the rest of the tests have been highlighted, showing that this material and the proposed application methodology represent a good method of consolidating the textile support.Nos últimos anos, a fibra de aramida, comercialmente conhecida como Kevlar®, tem sido utilizada no tratamento de suporte têxtil em pintura de cavalete. Este material, presente em diferentes formatos, tem uma série de qualidades físico-químicas e morfológicas que a tornam interessante para a consolidação local ou geral de telas. No trabalho que se apresenta, o fio Kevlar® 49 foi utilizado para fazer diferentes redes que servem como reforço pontual na intervenção de rasgões em suportes de tela pintados. Através de 24 maquetes, diferentes tipos de rede foram estudados e sujeitos a um envelhecimento acelerado. No final dos ensaios, um dos modelos testados foi rejeitado devido à rigidez do reforço. No entanto, salientaram-se as qualidades do resto dos testes, demonstrando que este material e a metodologia de aplicação proposta são um bom método para consolidar o suporte têxtil
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