23 research outputs found
Prevalence of intestinal parasites in school children from two Mexican states after 7 years of albendazole administration
A total of 1476 stool samples was collected from 492 school children aged 6-10 years old (240 females and 252 males) representing 41.5% of 1185 enrolled school children from 1 sub-urban and 11 rural communities of the States of Sinaloa (n=341) and Oaxaca (n=151). The school children from Sinaloa were found to be more susceptible to protozoan infections than helminth infections and children from Oaxaca are at the same risk to protozoan and helminth infections. The school children from Oaxaca are currently more affected by helminth infections than those from Sinaloa. Protozoan infections were found to be equally present in both States. The current prevalences of G. lamblia, E. coli, E. nana, I. bulschlii, T. trichiura, A. lumbricoides, E. vermicular is, and H. nana in school children continue to be similar with those found by Diaz et al. from 1987 to 1994 in the general population from different rural and sub-urban communities. The current prevalences of G. lamblia, E. coli, E. nana, and I. butschlii are currently higher in Oaxaca than those reported in the general population by Navarrete et al., (1993), Soriano, (1998), and LESPO (1999), although the prevalence of A. lumbricoides has shown an important decrease with time. Results showed no difference in the levels of intensities of H. nana, A. lumbricoides, and T. trichiura in the school children between Sinaloa and Oaxaca. Younger school children harboured higher eggs counts than older children from both States The gender of the school children had no influence on the prevalence of the intestinal parasitic infections in this study. The prevalence of protozoan infections showed a decrease with age but helminth infections remained low but stable in Sinaloa. The prevalence of protozoan and helminth infections showed different trends with age in Oaxaca. The number of family members was found not to be associated with the levels of intensity of A. lumbricoides, H nana, and T. trichiura in Sinaloa and Oaxaca. There was no association between malnutrition according to the nutritional indicators H/A (1o5.%), W/A (11.6%), and W/H (6.6%), and intestinal parasitic infections in school children from Sinaloa. However, school children with malnutrition according to the ratios W/A (57.8%) and W/H (32.6%) showed a higher prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections than uninfected children. The prevalence of malnutrition according to the ratios H/A and W/A was higher in school children from Oaxaca than in Sinaloa. The school children from both States are subjected to sub-optimal daily nutrient intakes. Although this shortage of nutrient intakes showed no association with the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections but was found to be associated with malnutrition. The financial status of the parents was found not to be an influencing factor in the prevalence of these infections in Sinaloa. In Oaxaca, the mothers contributed significantly with the family monthly income which was found to be negatively associated to the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections. The level of education of the parents in both States was found not to be associated with the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and family monthly income. The uninfected school children from both States were living in better housing conditions than infected school children. An association was found between intestinal parasitic infections and frequency of respiratory infections, abdominal pain, and fever in the school children from Sinaloa, and abdominal pain, fever, diarrhoea, and allergies in Oaxaca. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)
Las parasitosis intestinalis contin煤an siendo un problema de salud p煤blica en el noroeste de M茅xico, donde se administra una dosis 煤nica de albendazol (400 mg) dos veces al a帽o a todos los escolares. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de par谩sitos intestinales en escolares del noroeste de M茅xico tratados peri贸dicamente con albendazol. Las t茅cnicas de Faust y Kato Katz se usaron para detectar e identificar las especies de par谩sitos intestinales. Mil seiscientos cincuenta y tres escolares sonorenses inscritos oficialmente en 10 escuelas p煤blicas fueron invitados a participar. Ciento setenta y dos y 217 ni帽os y ni帽as respectivamente de edades entre 6-11 a帽os, participaron voluntariamente durante Septiembre de 2006. Treinta y cinco por ciento de los sujetos ten铆an par谩sitos intestinales, 30% protozoarios y el 20%, 12%, 4% y 3% estaban infectados con Giardia duodenalis, Hymenolepis nana, Entamoeba histolytica / dispar / moshkovskii e I. butschlii respectivamente. Cuarenta y dos de los 389 escolares excretaron una mediana de 630 huevecillos por gramo de heces de Hymenolepis nana. Es necesario un ajuste en el tratamiento antiparasitario y las estrategias educativas, porque el albendazol solo no ser谩 suficiente para mejorar las condiciones de salud de las poblaciones vulnerables
Aplicaci贸n de un modelo educativo para prevenir parasitosis intestinal
g茅nLa parasitosis intestinal es causa de morbili - dad en ni帽os de 0 a 14 a帽os de edad y est谩 asociada con medidas de higiene y factores psicosociales. En el art铆culo se muestra el trabjo que se dise帽贸 y aplic贸 para evaluar un programa de educaci贸n para la salud sobre higiene y prevenci贸n de parasitosis intesti - nal en escolares de comunidades margina - das en Hermosillo, Sonora, M茅xico. El dise帽o de investigaci贸n fue de grupo de contraste, con evaluaci贸n pre/post y toma de muestras coprol贸gicas. El programa se llev贸 a cabo en dos escuelas de Hermosillo, Sonora, una urbana y otra suburbana du - rante el ciclo escolar 2010-2011. Los temas trabajados fueron alimentaci贸n, prevenci贸n de enfermedades, autoestima y cuidado del medio ambiente. Los resultados muestran que la intervenci贸n logr贸 cambios positivos a nivel de conocimientos y reducci贸n en la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal.ero, h谩bitos de alimenta - ci贸n, sobrepeso, obesidad, mayas
Se determinaron los niveles s茅ricos de vitamina A, E y hierro en cerdos de granjas porc铆colas del Municipio de Hermosillo, Sonora, M茅xico, ya que actualmente se carece de informaci贸n de estos micronutrientes en esta regi贸n. Se muestrearon 4 granjas, en donde se tomaron muestras de sangre en base al 5 % la poblaci贸n total de cerdos en etapa de destete (21 卤 5 d铆as de edad). Las vitaminas A y E se determinaron por HPLC. El hierro s茅rico y la capacidad total de fijaci贸n de hierro se determinaron por espectrofotometr铆a. Las concentraciones de vitamina E mostraron variaci贸n entre granjas, los cerdos de las granjas 1 (3,4 碌g/mL) y 2 (3,2 碌g/mL) mostraron valores m谩s altos de vitamina E (
M茅todos de extracci贸n, funcionalidad y bioactividad de saponinas de Yucca: una revisi贸n
Saponins are secondary metabolites produced naturally by plants due to biotic stress. Plants of the Yucca genus are considered source of saponins, particularly steroidal glycosides. Due to their chemical structure, they are molecules with diverse functional properties and biological activity. This document critically explores the reported technological procedures to obtain saponins and saponin rich extracts from species of the Yucca genus, as well their properties, bioactivity and current applications. Yucca saponin extracts are considered to have potential for industrial application in various areas, particularly in food technology, health and agriculture.Las saponinas son metabolitos secundarios producidos naturalmente por las plantas debido al estr茅s bi贸tico. Las plantas del g茅nero Yucca se consideran fuente de saponinas, particularmente de gluc贸sidos esteroidales. Debido a su estructura qu铆mica, son mol茅culas con diversas propiedades funcionales y con actividad biol贸gica. Este documento explora de manera cr铆tica los procesos tecnol贸gicos reportados para la obtenci贸n de saponinas y extractos con saponinas de diversas especies del g茅nero Yucca, as铆 como sus propiedades, bioactividad y aplicaciones actuales. Se considera que los extractos con saponinas de yuca presentan un potencial de uso a nivel industrial en diversas 谩reas, particularmente en tecnolog铆a de alimentos, salud y agropecuaria
Factores asociados a la infecci贸n por el virus del papiloma humano en mujeres del noroeste de M茅xico
Research on the association between risk factors and HPV infection in adult women from Hermosillo does not exist, so a study of cases and controls (1: 2) matched by age was designed to analyze this public health problem at local level. Participants were 33 and 66 women with and without HPV, respectively (mean age = 41.8 卤 7.9 years). The difference in characteristics between groups was tested with conditional logistic regression (univariate). Antioxidant intake was adjusted by total energy using the residual method. Two multivariate logistic regression models were generated to identify factors associated with HPV. In both models, the higher consumption of lycopene (OR = 0.96, CI =0.95-0.99, p = 0.019) and the higher Plasma Total Antioxidant Capacity (TACp) (OR = 0.05, CI 95% = 0.03-0.7, p = 0.024), even adjusted by the number of pregnancies, number of sexual partners, and total number of sexual partners per year, reduced the risk of HPV. Multiple pregnancies and sexual behavior increased the risk of HPV, and higher consumption of lycopene and CATp reduced it in the women in this study. Sex education should be strengthened, as well as the consumption of antioxidants in women from Hermosillo to prevent the development of cervical cancer.Investigaciones sobre la asociaci贸n entre factores de riesgo y la infecci贸n por VPH en mujeres adultas hermosillenses no existen, y por ello se dise帽贸 un estudio de casos y controles (1: 2) pareado por edad para analizar este problema de salud p煤blica a nivel local. Participaron 33 y 66 mujeres con y sin VPH respectivamente (edad media = 41,8 卤 7,9 a帽os). La diferencia de caracter铆sticas entre grupos se prob贸 con regresi贸n log铆stica condicional (univariada). La ingesta de antioxidantes se ajust贸 por energ铆a total utilizando el m茅todo residual. Se generaron dos modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica multivariada para identificar los factores asociados con VPH. En ambos modelos, el mayor consumo de licopeno (OR = 0,96, IC =0,95- 0,99, p = 0,019) y la mayor Capacidad Antioxidante Total plasm谩tica (CATp) (OR = 0,05, IC 95% = 0,03-0,7, p = 0,024), ajustados a煤n con el n煤mero de embarazos, n煤mero de parejas sexuales, y total de parejas sexuales por a帽o, redujeron el riesgo a VPH. 聽Los embarazos m煤ltiples y la conducta sexual incrementaron el riesgo a VPH, y los mayores consumos de licopeno y CATp la redujeron en las mujeres de este estudio. Debe fortalecerse la educaci贸n sexual, as铆 como el consumo de antioxidantes en las mujeres hermosillenses para prevenir el desarrollo del c谩ncer de cuello uterino
Las parasitosis intestinales son un problema de salud p煤blica que se asocia tambi茅n a la carencia de infraestructura en una comunidad. Am茅rica Latina ha experimentado una migraci贸n humana acelerada del 谩rea rural a la urbana sin que ello signifi que una vida mejor, porque la infraestructura urbana no responde a las demandas de ese aumento poblacional. Esto puede infl uir en la prevalencias de parasitosis intestinal entre poblaci贸n rural y urbana. Este estudio compar贸 las prevalencias de parasitosis intestinales entre escolares rurales, suburbanos y urbanos del municipio de Hermosillo Sonora, noroeste de M茅xico. La t茅cnica de Faust se us贸 para identifi car par谩sitos intestinales. Setecientos veintiocho escolares (54%) (6-14 a帽os) participaron voluntariamente durante septiembre de 2010. Doscientos cincuenta y cuatro, 145 y 329 eran escolares urbanos, suburbanos y rurales respectivamente. De los 728 participantes 29% (n=211) ten铆an parasitosis intestinales mientras que 71% (n= 517) no mostraron tales
infecciones. Se estim贸 una prevalencia de 28% de infecciones intestinales por protozoarios, particularmente de 18% por Giardia duodenalis, y muy baja de helmintos intestinales (2%). Los escolares suburbanos presentaron prevalencias signifi cativamente m谩s altas de parasitosis intestinales (44,9%), protozoosis (41,4%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii (6.9%), Giardia duodenalis (39,3%), Endolimax nana (27,6%) y Entamoeba coli (17%) que los urbanos y rurales (
Crosstalk between Zinc Status and Giardia Infection: A New Approach
Zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce the incidence and prevalence of diarrhea; however, its anti-diarrheal effect remains only partially understood. There is now growing evidence that zinc can have pathogen-specific protective effects. Giardiasis is a common yet neglected cause of acute-chronic diarrheal illness worldwide which causes disturbances in zinc metabolism of infected children, representing a risk factor for zinc deficiency. How zinc metabolism is compromised by Giardia is not well understood; zinc status could be altered by intestinal malabsorption, organ redistribution or host-pathogen competition. The potential metal-binding properties of Giardia suggest unusual ways that the parasite may interact with its host. Zinc supplementation was recently found to reduce the rate of diarrhea caused by Giardia in children and to upregulate humoral immune response in Giardia-infected mice; in vitro and in vivo, zinc-salts enhanced the activity of bacitracin in a zinc-dose-dependent way, and this was not due to zinc toxicity. These findings reflect biological effect of zinc that may impact significantly public health in endemic areas of infection. In this paper, we shall explore one direction of this complex interaction, discussing recent information regarding zinc status and its possible contribution to the outcome of the encounter between the host and Giardia
Recubrimientos para heridas con Aloe-gel combinado con alginato, pectina y quitosano: aplicaciones in vivo
Skin wound healing is a complex process that involves different interrelated phases (hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling). Aloe-gel (AG) has been considered as a biomaterial that contributes to the modulation, regeneration and acceleration in damaged tissue, during the regeneration process; it is also recommended for burn and superficial skin wounds treatments. AG also has been considered as an important biomaterial for the elaboration of wound healing dressing. However, the direct application of AG on wounds has showed some disadvantages such as: dehydration, rapid oxidation in phytoconstituent and low proportion of solutes. The AG incorporation into polysaccharides matrix (alginate, pectin and chitosan) is a strategy used to keep the biological activity and functional compounds. Even though, there are some biomaterials that have been elaborated with these polysaccharides mixtures as proposal for wound healing dressing, their applications in animal models have been limited. Therefore, this review has as aim to document the development of wound healing dressings with AG, incorporated in polysaccharides matrix, and its effect on the wounds healing.聽La recuperaci贸n de las heridas en la piel es un proceso complejo e interrelacionado que se desarrolla a trav茅s de varias fases (hemostasia, inflamatoria, proliferativa y remodelaci贸n). El Aloe-gel (AG) ha sido considerado un biomaterial que puede coadyuvar en la modulaci贸n, regeneraci贸n y aceleraci贸n de la recuperaci贸n del tejido celular da帽ado e incluso se ha recomendado para su aplicaci贸n en heridas o quemaduras superficiales de tipo cut谩neas.Debido a lo anterior, se ha promovido el uso del AG como un importante biomaterial que puede ser utilizado en la fabricaci贸n de recubrimientos para heridas (RH). Sin embargo, su aplicaci贸n directa sobre las heridas presenta desventajas, ya que puede inducir a deshidrataci贸n en la zona, r谩pida oxidaci贸n de sus fitoconstituyentes y baja proporci贸n de solutos. Una estrategia que puede ayudar a conservar su actividad biol贸gica y a sus componentes inalterados y funcionales, es su incorporaci贸n hacia matrices de polisac谩ridos como el alginato, pectina y quitosano. Aunque existen ya algunos biomateriales de esta mezcla que se han propuestos como RH, su aplicaci贸n en modelos in vivo es a煤n limitado. Por lo anterior, la presente revisi贸n pretende documentar el desarrollo de RH con AG incorporado en polisac谩ridos y sus efectos en la recuperaci贸n de heridas in vivo