4 research outputs found

    Formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electr贸nica para grafeno delta dopado

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    Establecemos las bases para el estudio del efecto de una l铆nea extendida de impurezas sobre una placa d e grafeno. Mediante el uso de an谩lisis dimensional y la propuesta de una ecuaci贸n de Poisson bidimensional, obtenemos las formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electr贸nica de este problema

    Model of

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    Thomas Fermi (TF) approach was used to represent a model for the n-type quadruple 未-doped (QDD) system in GaAs. This is the first physical model in the literature for the QDD system. The energies, the wave functions and the Fermi energy (EF) were calculated. These calculations were performed for different density of impurities in the doped layer (N2D) and for different separation distances (d) between the doped layers. Preliminary results show that the value of the Fermi level for the first proposed model is well below its expected value. This observation is exploited for a second model consistent with the expected values of the EF. Our results indicate that there is a limit at the bottom of the potential profile for a multilayered doped delta system. This has a great importance for calculations in optoelectronic and transport properties

    Radiotherapy and the role of the immune system

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    Se simul贸 computacionalmente un gran n煤mero de pacientes bajo tratamiento de radioterapia, mediante un sistema din谩mico. De los resultados, se hall贸 un m茅todo para cambiar el n煤mero de sesiones de radiaci贸n manteniendo 贸ptimo el tratamiento. Adem谩s, se obtuvo que la relaci贸n entre la fracci贸n sistema inmune-eficiencia tumoral para un paciente dado y la m谩xima probabilidad de 茅xito del tratamiento sigue una ley de potencias