5 research outputs found
Effect of habitat engineering on branch colonization frequency by secondary colonizers.
<p>Data analyses were performed through a generalized linear model with
a binomial distribution and a logit link function using a GLIMMIX
procedure in SAS.</p
Arthropod community composition in detached <i>Spondias purpurea</i> branches.
<p>OE  =  <i>O. albomarginata
chamela</i>-engineered branches; SE  = 
simulated-engineered branches; and NE  = 
non-engineered branches. Each point is a two-dimensional (axis 1 and
axis 2) representation of the arthropod community composition on an
individual branch based on global non-metric multidimensional scaling
(NMDS) analysis (stress  = 0.19).</p
Branch colonization frequency by secondary colonizers.
<p>Non-engineered branches are represented by white bars (NE);
simulated-engineered branches by gray bars (SE); and <i>O.
albomarginata chamela</i>- engineered branches by black bars
(OE). Values are the percentage of branches colonized. Different letters
indicate significant differences (P<0.05) between the frequencies of
branch colonization of the treatments.</p
Abundance of secondary colonizers that emerged from <i>Spondias purpurea</i> detached branches.
<p>Bars indicate LSMeans (±SE) of the number of secondary colonizers
that emerged per <i>S. purpurea</i> branch in the three
studied years. White bars indicate non-engineered branches (NE); gray
bars indicate simulated-engineered branches (SE); and black bars
indicate <i>O. albomarginata chamela</i>-colonized branches
(OE). Different letters indicate significant differences between
treatments (P<0.05).</p
Secondary colonizers that emerged from <i>Spondias purpurea</i> branches detached and colonized by <i>Oncideres albomarginata chamela</i>.
<p>*Not recorded in 2007;</p>†<p>Life form I;</p>‡<p>Life form II;</p>§<p>Not recorded in non-engineered branches (NE); ND
 = not determined. Abundance values are means
across the three years (±SD).</p