985 research outputs found

    Commenting on "Prognostic and diagnostic significance of copeptin in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute heart failure: Data from ACE 2 study" by Jacob A. Winther and colleagues

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    Abstract We would like to comment on the article entitled “Prognostic and diagnostic significance of copeptin in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute heart failure: data from ACE 2 study” by Jacob A. Winther and colleagues, in the light of the results of a multicentric study published in 2014 by Vetrone F. et al., in which 336 patients with dyspnea were enrolled in the Emergency Departments of three University Hospitals in Italy. These two studies confirm the prognostic role of copeptin in patients with dyspnea due to heart failure but, while Winther et al. performed the copeptin measurements only at admission, Vetrone et al. evaluated the time-course of copeptin plasma concentration from the admission to the hospital discharge. The results showed a better performance of copeptin measured at discharge as prognostic biomarker compared to copeptin at hospital admission; similarly, a lower reduction or an increase in copeptin concentration from admission to discharge was a strong prognostic predictor of unfavorable outcome. In our opinion this is a very important result, opening new perspectives for the use of copeptin as prognostic marker in HF patients

    Candidate Biomarkers of Liver Fibrosis: A Concise, Pathophysiology-oriented Review

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    Repair of sustained liver injury results in fibrosis (i.e. the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins), and ultimately the complete distortion of parenchymal architecture of the liver, which we call cirrhosis. Detecting and staging of fibrosis is thus a mainstay in the management of chronic liver diseases, since many clinically relevant decisions, such as starting treatment and/or monitoring for complications including hepatocellular carcinoma, may depend on it. The gold standard for fibrosis staging is liver biopsy, the role of which, however, is questioned nowadays because of cost, hazards and poor acceptance by patients. On the other hand, imaging techniques and/or measurement of direct and indirect serum markers have not proved to be completely satisfactory under all circumstances as alternatives to liver biopsy. Making progress in this field is now more crucial than ever, since treatments for established fibrosis appear on the horizon. Fine dissection of the pathways involved in the pathophysiology of liver diseases has put forward several novel candidate biomarkers of liver fibrosis, such as growth arrest-specific6, Mac-2-binding protein, osteopontin, placental growth factor, growth/differentiation factor 15 and hepatocyte growth factor. All molecules have been suggested to have potential to complement or substitute methods currently used to stage liver diseases. Here, we review the pros and cons for their use in this setting

    Acute decompensated heart failure in the emergency department: Identification of early predictors of outcome

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    Identification of clinical factors that can predict mortality and hospital early readmission in acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) patients can help emergency department (ED) physician optimize the care-path and resource utilization.We conducted a retrospective observational study of 530 ADHF patients evaluated in the ED of an Italian academic hospital in 2013.Median age was 82 years, females were 55%; 31.1% of patients were discharged directly from the ED (12.5% after short staying in the observation unit), while 68.9% were admitted to a hospital ward (58.3% directly from the ED and 10.6% after a short observation). At 30 days, readmission rate was 17.7% while crude mortality rate was 9.4%; this latter was higher in patients admitted to a hospital ward in comparison to those who were discharged directly from the ED (12.6% vs. 2.4%, P\u200a 104\u200amm Hg, POS\u200a>\u200a94%, may guide the ED physician to identify low-risk patients who can be safely discharged directly from the emergency room or after observation unit stay

    Efficacy and safety of two different tolvaptan doses in the treatment of hyponatremia in the Emergency Department

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    Hyponatremia (plasma sodium concentration or P[Na(+)] <136 mEq/L) is the most common electrolyte unbalance in clinical practice. Although it constitutes a negative prognostic factor, it frequently remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. Tolvaptan is an oral V2-receptor antagonist which produces aquaresis. Given its emerging role in the treatment of dilutional hyponatremia, we aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of two different doses of this drug in an Emergency Department (ED) setting. Consecutive patients with moderate-severe euvolemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia were sequentially assigned to the 15 mg Group and to the 7.5 mg Group, and were revaluated at 6, 12 and 24 h. Further evaluations and administrations were scheduled daily until P[Na(+)] correction was achieved or the maximum period of 72 h was exceeded. A 1-month follow-up was performed. Twenty-three patients were enrolled: 12 were included in the 15 mg Group, 11 in the 7.5 mg Group. Both doses significantly elevated the P[Na(+)] over 24 h, although the 15 mg Group showed faster corrections than the 7.5 mg Group (12 vs 6 mEq/L/24 h; P = 0.025). An optimal correction rate (within 4-8 mEq/L/24 h) was observed in 45.4 % of the 7.5 mg Group against 25.0 % (P n.s.). The standard dose led to dangerous overcorrections (>12 mEq/L/24 h) in 41.7 % of the patients, while the low dose did not cause any (P = 0.037). No osmotic demyelination syndrome was observed. A 7.5 mg tolvaptan dose can be considered both effective and safe in treating hyponatremia in the ED, while a 15 mg dose implicates too high risk of overcorrection

    Suicidal Behaviors in Patients Admitted to Emergency Department for Psychiatric Consultation: A Comparison of the Migrant and Native Italian Populations Between 2008 and 2015

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    In recent decades, Italy has become a desirable destination for immigrants. In 2014, five million people (8.2% of the population) were migrants (regular/irregular, documented/undocumented). This study looks at psychiatric health, an important feature especially for first‐generation migrants and compares the new settlers with the native Italians. It should be noted that the organization of mental health services in Italy strongly relies on outpatient services, while the psychiatric wards, within the general hospitals, usually accommodate patients in acute phases of their disorder. Nonetheless, migrants’ first contact often happens in a psychiatry ward when they are in a severe and acute psychopathological condition. Research methods: Quantitative and qualitative; longitudinal research using official statistical and clinical data obtained from records of a public hospital as well as information obtained through professional interview. Results: In relation to mental health, we found that the migrant patients referred for psychiatric consultation to the emergency department (ED) setting were younger, less frequently treated by psychiatric outpatient services, more commonly going to the ED for self‐injury and presenting with symptoms of substance abuse and alcohol‐related disorders. The native Italian population was older, more frequently retired and/or invalid, more frequently already treated by psychiatric outpatient services for any kind of psychiatric symptoms. Conclusion: The comparison of the sociodemographic and clinical features of immigrants and Italians referred for psychiatric consultation in the ED highlighted some differences. Implications are discussed in the light of the existing literature

    Gender Differences in Er Psychiatric Consultations Among Suicide Attempters

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    Purpose: Suicide attempts are extremely prevalent and associated with many risk factors that vary with age and gender, occur in combination, and may change over time. The aim of the present study was to describe gender differences among psychiatric ER users at the AOU Maggiore della CaritĂ  Hospital in Novara for attempted suicide with regard to intentions and methods of attempting. Methods: Determinants of ER psychiatric consultations were studied prospectively during the period 2008- 2014 at the 'Maggiore” Hospital in Novara. Comparison of qualitative data was performed by means of the χ2 test. Statistical significance was set at p≀0.05. Results: We have already gathered data from more than 2000 ER psychiatric consultations. Preliminary results suggest that suicide attempts are more common in females than in males, although through the years there seems to be a trend towards increase of attempts even in males. Surprisingly, suicide attempts are found to be more common in employed subjects than in unemployed ones. Reasons for self-harming are associated with relational problems rather than psychiatric symptoms. Drugs poisoning seems to be the preferred suicide method. Conclusions: The results described above should be considered as preliminary, as data collection and statistical analyses are still ongoing. Anyway, the possible correlation between employment and suicide attempt, and the growing frequency of attempts in males seem to be particularly interesting. Implications will be discussed

    Osteopontin at the Crossroads of Inflammation and Tumor Progression.

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    Complex interactions between tumor and host cells regulate systemic tumor dissemination, a process that begins early at the primary tumor site and goes on until tumor cells detach themselves from the tumor mass and start migrating into blood or lymphatic vessels. Metastatic cells colonize target organs and are capable of surviving and growing at distant sites. In this context, osteopontin (OPN) appears to be a key determinant of the cross-talk between cancer cells and the host microenvironment, which in turn modulates immune evasion. OPN is overexpressed in several human carcinomas and has been implicated in inflammation, tumor progression, and metastasis. Thus, it represents one of the most attracting targets for cancer therapy. Within the tumor mass, OPN is secreted in various forms either by the tumor itself or by stroma cells, and it can exert either pro- or anti-tumorigenic effects according to cell type and tumor microenvironment. Thus, targeting OPN for therapeutic purposes needs to take into account the heterogeneous functions of the multiple OPN forms with regard to cancer formation and progression. In this review, we will describe the role of systemic, tumor-derived, and stroma-derived OPN, highlighting its pivotal role at the crossroads of inflammation and tumor progression

    Baseline Plasma Gas6 Protein Elevation Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

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    : Reliable biomarkers allowing early patients' stratification for the risk of adverse outcomes in COVID-19 are lacking. Gas6, together with its tyrosine kinase receptors named TAM, is involved in the regulation of immune homeostasis, fibrosis, and thrombosis. Our aim was to evaluate whether Gas6, sAxl, and sMerTK could represent early predictors of disease evolution either towards a negative (death or need of ICU admission) or a positive (discharge and/or clinical resolution within the first 14 days of hospitalization) outcome. To this purpose, between January and May 2021 (corresponding to third pandemic wave in Italy), 139 consecutive SARS-CoV-2 positive patients were enrolled in a prospective observational study. Plasma levels of these molecules were measured by ELISA at the time of hospitalization and after 7 and 14 days. We observed that higher plasma Gas6 concentrations at hospital admission were associated with a worsening in clinical conditions while lower sMerTK concentrations at baseline and after 7 days of hospitalization were associated with a more favorable outcome. At multivariate analysis, after correction for demographic and COVID-19 severity variables (NEWS2 and PiO2/FiO2), only Gas6 measured at baseline predicted an adverse prognosis with an odds ratio of 1.03 (C.I. 1.01-10.5). At ROC curve analysis, baseline Gas6 levels higher than 58.0 ng/ml predicted a severe disease evolution with 53.3% sensitivity and 77.6% specificity (area under the curve 0.653, p = 0.01, likelihood ratio of 2.38, IQR: 1.46-3.87). Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that a dysregulation in the Gas6/TAM axis could play a relevant role in modulating the course of COVID-19 and suggest that plasma Gas6 may represent a promising prognostic laboratory parameter for this condition

    Baseline Plasma Osteopontin Protein Elevation Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

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    More than three years have passed since the first case, and COVID-19 is still a health concern, with several open issues such as the lack of reliable predictors of a patient's outcome. Osteopontin (OPN) is involved in inflammatory response to infection and in thrombosis driven by chronic inflammation, thus being a potential biomarker for COVID-19. The aim of the study was to evaluate OPN for predicting negative (death or need of ICU admission) or positive (discharge and/or clinical resolution within the first 14 days of hospitalization) outcome. We enrolled 133 hospitalized, moderate-to-severe COVID-19 patients in a prospective observational study between January and May 2021. Circulating OPN levels were measured by ELISA at admission and at day 7. The results showed a significant correlation between higher plasma concentrations of OPN at hospital admission and a worsening clinical condition. At multivariate analysis, after correction for demographic (age and gender) and variables of disease severity (NEWS2 and PiO2/FiO2), OPN measured at baseline predicted an adverse prognosis with an odds ratio of 1.01 (C.I. 1.0-1.01). At ROC curve analysis, baseline OPN levels higher than 437 ng/mL predicted a severe disease evolution with 53% sensitivity and 83% specificity (area under the curve 0.649, p = 0.011, likelihood ratio of 1.76, (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.35-2.28)). Our data show that OPN levels determined at the admission to hospital wards might represent a promising biomarker for early stratification of patients' COVID-19 severity. Taken together, these results highlight the involvement of OPN in COVID-19 evolution, especially in dysregulated immune response conditions, and the possible use of OPN measurements as a prognostic tool in COVID-19
