6,411 research outputs found

    Rigidity of the 1-Bakry-\'Emery inequality and sets of finite perimeter in RCD spaces

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    This note is dedicated to the study of the asymptotic behaviour of sets of finite perimeter over RCD(K,N) metric measure spaces. Our main result asserts existence of a Euclidean tangent half-space almost everywhere with respect to the perimeter measure and it can be improved to an existence and uniqueness statement when the ambient is non collapsed. As an intermediate tool, we provide a complete characterization of the class of RCD(0,N) spaces for which there exists a nontrivial function satisfying the equality in the 1-Bakry-\'Emery inequality. This result is of independent interest and it is new, up to our knowledge, even in the smooth framework

    SkiMap: An Efficient Mapping Framework for Robot Navigation

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    We present a novel mapping framework for robot navigation which features a multi-level querying system capable to obtain rapidly representations as diverse as a 3D voxel grid, a 2.5D height map and a 2D occupancy grid. These are inherently embedded into a memory and time efficient core data structure organized as a Tree of SkipLists. Compared to the well-known Octree representation, our approach exhibits a better time efficiency, thanks to its simple and highly parallelizable computational structure, and a similar memory footprint when mapping large workspaces. Peculiarly within the realm of mapping for robot navigation, our framework supports realtime erosion and re-integration of measurements upon reception of optimized poses from the sensor tracker, so as to improve continuously the accuracy of the map.Comment: Accepted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017. This is the submitted version. The final published version may be slightly differen

    Epoché and being-in-the-world: Husserl and Heidegger on the concept of world

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    Scopo del presente lavoro è indagare il concetto di mondo in Husserl e Heidegger atraverso l'analisi dei concetti di epoché ed essere-nel-mondo. Attraverso la messa in luce della fenomenologia husserliana come egologia e l'esplicazione del tema dell'intersoggettività viene mostrato come la nozione di essere-nel-mondo in Heidegger costituisce una maniera originale di porre la questione del rapporto tra Dasein e mondo, e viene mostrato che conseguenze hanno sul concetto di intenzionalità le differenze tra i due autori.The aim of this paper is to investigate the concept of world in Husserl and Heidegger through the analysis of the concepts of epoché and being-in-the-world. Through the explaination of Husserl's phenomenolgy as egology and his idea of intersubjectivity is shown how Heidegger's notion of being-in-the-world constitutes an original way to pose the question about the relationship between the Dasein and the world, and to what kind of difference in the concept of intentionaly this difference leads to

    Quantum sensing of curvature

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    We address the problem of sensing the curvature of a manifold by performing measurements on a particle constrained to the manifold itself. In particular, we consider situations where the dynamics of the particle is quantum mechanical and the manifold is a surface embedded in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. We exploit ideas and tools from quantum estimation theory to quantify the amount of information encoded into a state of the particle, and to seek for optimal probing schemes, able to actually extract this information. Explicit results are found for a free probing particle and in the presence of a magnetic field. We also address precision achievable by position measurement, and show that it provides a nearly optimal detection scheme, at least to estimate the radius of a sphere or a cylinder

    An Analytical Solution for Probabilistic Guarantees of Reservation Based Soft Real-Time Systems

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    We show a methodology for the computation of the probability of deadline miss for a periodic real-time task scheduled by a resource reservation algorithm. We propose a modelling technique for the system that reduces the computation of such a probability to that of the steady state probability of an infinite state Discrete Time Markov Chain with a periodic structure. This structure is exploited to develop an efficient numeric solution where different accuracy/computation time trade-offs can be obtained by operating on the granularity of the model. More importantly we offer a closed form conservative bound for the probability of a deadline miss. Our experiments reveal that the bound remains reasonably close to the experimental probability in one real-time application of practical interest. When this bound is used for the optimisation of the overall Quality of Service for a set of tasks sharing the CPU, it produces a good sub-optimal solution in a small amount of time.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume:27, Issue: 3, March 201

    On the calibration measurement of stripline beam position monitor for the ELI-NP facility

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    Stripline Beam Position Monitor (BPM) will be installed in the Compton Gamma Source in construction at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. A test bench for the calibration of BPM has been built to characterize the device with stretched wire measurement in order to get the BPM response map. A full S-parameters characterization is performed as well to measure the electrical offset with the “Lambertson method”. This paper discusses the extensive simulations performed with full 3D electromagnetic CAD codes of the above measurements to investigate measurement accuracy, possible measurement artefacts and beam position reconstruction

    Younger Households Saving: Evidence From Japan and Italy

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    Both young and old consumers appear to dissave too little for their behaviour to be consistent with a strict life cycle model. We concentrate on young households and document their behaviour drawing from Italian and Japanese data. We also provide a theoretical set-up which can account for the observed fact without relying on assumptions about the working of credit markets or the degree of foresight of consumers.
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