161 research outputs found

    Human-friendly bacteria: role of the microbiome in human development

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    The report highlighted the most modem view of the change in intestinal microflora during life, the role of children's nutrition in the formation of microbiota, the use and effect of probiotics and prebiotics, synbiotics and postbiotics. The speaker drew the audience's attention to the potential mechanisms of action of probiotics and prebiotics, the role of which is not easy to separate, since the main mechanisms of action of prebiotics are achieved by stimulating the growth of the number of probiotics and are correlated with the effects caused by probiotics. In addition, probiotics constitute a significant portion of the functional food market, which is gaining popularity among consumers for the prevention of various functional disorders. Probiotics are means of prevention of gastrointestinal tract dysfunction and strengthening of defense mechanisms. The meeting was attended by students of various courses and educational training programs, teachers and scientists of the Institute of Biology and Medicine. In the conditions of a shortage of professional communication and chronic stress during the war, meetings on such topical topics for the modern world always arouse interest and lively discussion. For those who want to learn more and improve professionally, there are no boundaries and limitations.[https://biomed.knu.ua/component/content/article/171-all-news/anonsy/5426-osvitno-naukovij-proekt-osvita-ta-nauka-bez-kordoniv.html?Itemid=437

    Research of Human Milk for Feeding Preterm Infants in Serbia

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    About 4,000 children are born preterm in Serbia every year. Breast milk is both food and medicine for premature babies. The First Serbian Human Milk Bank was established in 2009 at the Institute of Neonatology in Belgrade, sparkling rapid development research on human milk in this region. The collaborative research between the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Human Milk Bank is focused on the quality of milk in its native form and human milk monitoring during storage and pasteurization. Adequate nutrition is essential for preterm infants emphasizing need for comprehensive analysis of human milk properties in Serbia with focus on nutritional properties, antioxidant potential and total chemical, biochemical, prebiotic and probiotic quality of mothers’ milk. Our research on in-vitro model has shown that the human milk exerted direct pharmacological relaxation effects on isolated non-vascular smooth muscle, in addition to detailed analysis of the nutritional and biological values of human milk. Lactation of preterm infants’ mothers has been examined as an additional stimulant for enhanced recovery of mothers and infants. New methods for monitoring the quality of human milk in Serbia have been developed, thus laying a solid foundation for further development and progress of human milk research in Serbia

    The influence of thermal treatments on the quality of infant food

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    Human milk is the best source of nutrition for infants and babies. Apart from essential nutrients, it contains bioactive components which are crucial for growth and effective in developing the gut microbiota and immune system. The World Health Organization recommends the use of human milk in the nutrition of preterm and low birth weight infants. Preterm infants require specific nutrition to overcome growth deficits and prevent postnatal growth failure. To ensure that preterm babies receive adequate amounts of nutrients and healthy doses of bioactive components, human milk banks collect mothers’ own or donor human milk when their mothers are unable to provide enough breast milk. Milk stored in banks should be thermally treated to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Common thermal treatments include freeze storage and pasteurization, which may alter the nutritional value of milk. This study aimed to compare the effects of thermal treatments on the nutrient and antioxidant potential of different infant foods. Storage and pasteurization processes alter the basic nutritional composition and antioxidant capacity of human milk. Lipid and protein properties of human milk are affected by storage and pasteurization. Lipid content is further reduced when milk is pasteurized after freezing. Although freezing followed by pasteurization is common in milk banks, it negatively impacts the quality of milk. However, deficiencies in preterm milk after storage and pasteurization can be compensated by a fortifier. To provide adequate nutrition for infants, individual milk supplementation with quality fortifiers should be used in milk banks, ensuring higher protein, lipid and antioxidant components that are required for normal infant development.Plenary lectur

    Human milk: A biofluid as an essential source of nutrients and antioxidants for infants

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    Participated as a speaker in the XIV Interdisciplinary Symposium of opinion leaders of nutrition and dietetics - Nutrition as an Epigenetic Key: From Fetal Programming to Healthy Longevity, held on February 17-18, 2024 in Kyiv, Ukrain

    Examination of antioxidative potential of infant formula

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    Oksidativni stres se javlja još u toku neonatalnog perioda. U mlađem gestacionom dobu koje karakteriše slabiji antioksidativni kapacitet može doći do povećanog stvaranja slobodnih radikala i reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta. Dosadašnjim istraživanjima je utvrđeno da majčino mleko ima veoma veliki antioksidativni kapacitet u odnosu na infant formule, koje su zamena za majčino mleko. Antioksidanti majčinog mleka još uvek nisu kompletno definisani, ali najvažniji su superoksid-dismutaza, glutation-peroksidaza, katalaza, vitamini C, A i E, koenzim Q, karotenoidi, cistein, koji sinergistički štite novorođenče od reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta u ranom životnom doba.Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je proučavanje ukupnog antioksidativnog potencijala infant i prelaznih formula i mleka za malu decu do 3 godine starosti i njihovo poredjenje sa ukupnim antioksidativnim svojstvima zrelog majčinog mleka i standardnog konzumnog kravljeg mleka, kao referentnog.Na osnovu dosadašnjih rezultata i aktuelnih naučnih saznanja u okviru ove oblasti istraživanja, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji primenjene su moderne laboratorijske tehnike i instrumentalne metode za određivanje ukupnog antioksidativnog potencijala hrane za bebe. Karakterizacija antioksidativnog potencijala hrane za bebe urađena je na osnovu: enzimskih aktivnosti uzoraka (određivanje enzimske aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze-SOD i glutation-peroksidaze-GSH-Px), ispitivanja antioksidativnog potencijala hrane za bebe različitim elektrohemijskim metodama (potenciometrija, ciklična voltametrija, diferencijalna pulsna voltametrija, polarografija), elektron-paramagnetnom rezonancom (EPR) i spektrometrijskim metodama (UV/VIS)...Oxidative stress occurs even during the neonatal period. At the younger gestational age, which is characterized by weaker antioxidant capacity, increased production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species is possible. Previous research has found that breast milk has very high antioxidant capacity compared to infant formula, which are a substitute for breast milk. Breast milk antioxidants are not fully defined yet, but the most important ones are superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, vitamins C, A and E, coenzyme Q, carotenoids, cysteine, which synergistically protect infants from reactive oxygen species at an early age.The objective of this dissertation is the study of total antioxidant potential of infant, follow-on and toddler formulas for children under 3 years of age and their comparison with the overall antioxidant properties of mature breast milk and standard cow's milk as a reference.Based on previous results and current scientific knowledge in this field of research, modern laboratory techniques and instrumental methods for the determination of total antioxidant potential of baby food were applied within this dissertation. Characterization of the antioxidant potential of baby food was performed on the basis of: enzyme activity (determining the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)), testing the antioxidant potential using various electrochemical methods (potentiometry, cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, and polarography), electron paramagnetic resonance and spectrometric methods..

    Da li okolnosti i događajl na našoj planeti dovode u pitanje održivost proizvodnje hrane i eliminaciju siromaštva i gladi?

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    Održivost i održivi razvoj je poslednjih godina često u upotrebi kao i zeleno/i i životna sredina, verovatno kao eho „Rio deklaracije o životnoj sredini i razvoju“ iz 1992. godine, u kojoj se u Principu 1 doslovno navodi: „Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature”. Pojam održivosti/održivog razvoja kao ekološko-socio-ekonomske, najtačnije, političke kategorije, datira iz 1983. godine kao rezultat rada Brundtlandine komisije OUN, prema kojoj je prihvaćeno: „Održivi razvoj (OR) je razvoj koji zadovoljava potrebe sadašnjosti bez ugrožavanja sposobnosti budućih generacija da zadovolje svoje potrebe”. Posledično, OR iz vizure prirodnih nauka bio bi neometani protok supstanci i energije kroz sve ekosfere na zemlji, odnosno odvijanje biogeohemijskih ciklusa uključujući i hidrološki ciklus, bez nepredvidjenih dogadjaja, reakcija, zastoja! Kreatori i promoteri OR su u OUN došli 2015. godine do Rezolucije Generalne skupštine o OR sa 17 ciljeva, sa agendom 2030, medju kojim su i iskorenjivanje siroimaštva (1.) i gladi uz održivu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju (2.), kojom su glavni akteri bili zadovoljni udobno zavaljeni u dobro plaćene fotelje. Nažalost ubrzo posle toga, tako reći jedna za drugom došle su dve velike pošasti svetskih razmera koje i dalje traju, komplikuju se i postaju kompleksnije: pandemija CoViD-19 (od 2020. sa upozorenjem SZO na opasnost od „majmunskih boginja“ 2022.) i rat u Ukrajini (od 24. 02. 2022.). OR nema rešenje za održivost OR, odnosno nema rezervne varijante i prave odgovore, ni u jednom od rokova, koji se razmatraju. Situacija u kojoj se sada nalazi stanovništvo Zemlje i ugroženost okoline, ozbiljnim polutantima kao posledice oba navedena nepredviđena-neočekivana (?) događaja (mikroplastika i proizvodi supstanci emitovanih usled vojnih dejstava), nema pozitivan ishod u dogledno vreme. Ilustrativan je primer gradjanskog rata u Siriji, koji je počeo 2011. godine i sa manjim intenzitetom traje i danas u kojoj je zbog navedenih okolnosti i nezapamćene suše (Cilj 13.: Klimatske promene) ove godine proizvedeno nepunih milion tona žitarica, što je samo oko 25 % višegodišnje proizvodnje i nedovoljno je za stanovništvo ove zemlje, a nema ni za izvoz susednim zemljama. U zaključku navodimo deo naše nedavne prezentacije [„Are Sustainability (and Sustainable Chemistry) on the Edge?”] na Fall 2022 Conference of the American Chemical Society, sa jasnom porukom da je na bilo koji rok sveobuhvatna održivost, a pre svega da su proizvodnja hrane i ishrana-iskorenjivanje siromaštva i gladi, praktično nedostižni ciljevi OR.Invited lectur

    Our Experience in Testing Potential Prebiotics

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    Background/objectives: Normal growth and development of the human gastrointestinal tract begins at the earliest age of life. The microbiota is a complex system and there are numerous efforts to influence these microbial species in order to improve health. Prebiotics with probiotics act synergistically in organisms, so they represent supplements or food ingredients specifically intended for this role. In children, analyzing the microbial composition can determine the potential for obesity later in life, which is why the influence of nutrition in the earliest period is an important factor, especially for preterm infants. Human milk is the best source of nutrients, but in cases when it is not available, infant formulas are important because, in addition to their nutritional role, they also achieve a prebiotic effect in the body. The goal of this paper was to provide an overview of our research and application of potential prebiotics. Methods: The methodology was based on the analysis and synthesis of collected and systematized data and research results. Results: Supplementation with inulin, GOS and FOS is very important in the nutrition and development of infants, which was also shown during our clinical research of infant formulas supplemented with these prebiotics, where the bifidogenic effect was pronounced in the feces of infants fed with prebiotic infant formula. Human milk provides unique prebiotics, the effect of which is difficult to replicate. In vitro testing of some microbiologically synthesized potential prebiotics such as levan, pullulan, and beta-glucan, which is the first step in the analysis of potential prebiotics, showed a positive effect on individual probiotic strains or on a consortium of microorganisms isolated from infant feces. Determination of biochemical parameters and gas production are further criteria for the selection of potential prebiotics. Discussion: Our research indicates that there are different effects of prebiotics on selected individual probiotics or cultures from feces, which can be further tested in vitro and in vivo and then potentially applied in nutrition and supplementation.Proceedings of The 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 November 202

    How Will Chemistry Help Solve World Hunger?

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    World hunger remains a pressing global issue that demands innovative solutions to ensure food security and alleviate widespread malnutrition. In this context, the role of chemistry in addressing the complex challenges of food production, preservation, and distribution is crucial. Chemistry has the potential to play a significant role in addressing the global issue of world hunger. Through the development of innovative agricultural practices, food preservation technologies, and novel food sources, chemistry can help increase the global food supply and ensure that all people have access to nutritious and affordable food. This paper explores the various ways in which chemistry is being used to tackle world hunger, from the production of drought-resistant crops to the development of sustainable farming methods. The paper also discusses the challenges that must be overcome to fully leverage the potential of chemistry in addressing world hunger, including the need for investment in research and development, as well as greater collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Ultimately, this paper argues that chemistry can be a powerful tool in the fight against world hunger and that continued investment in this field has the potential to make a significant impact on global food security. Chemistry plays a fundamental role in improving agricultural practices and increasing crop yields. Through the development of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, chemists can optimize plant growth, enhance soil fertility, and combat pests and diseases that threaten agricultural productivity. Moreover, advancements in genetic engineering and biotechnology allow scientists to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as potential food. In conclusion, chemistry holds immense potential in addressing the challenges of world hunger. By leveraging its principles and technologies, including agricultural innovations, food preservation techniques, fortification strategies, and sustainable practices, chemistry can contribute to increasing food production, improving nutrition, and ensuring food security for vulnerable populations. However, it is crucial to prioritize ethical considerations, sustainability, and equitable access to these advancements to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach to solving world hunger.Proceedings of The 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 November 202

    Effect of storage process on nutritive properties of preterm human milk

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    Freeze storage and pasteurization of human milk are common treatments in milk banks. Thermal treatment changes the quality of milk for preterm infants’ nutrition, and the aim of this paper was to examine the nutritional profile and antioxidant potential of preterm human milk after storage and pasteurization, and also after supplementation with fortifier. The effects of storage processes were estimated on mature preterm milk of 30 breastfeeding women. Total proteins, lipids and lactose were determined after thermal processing and supplementation of mature preterm milk with fortifier. The antioxidant capacity was determined using the ferric reducing antioxidant potential method and lipid peroxidation inhibition assay. Protein concentration decreased after frozen storage and pasteurization (p<0.05). Pasteurization further reduced the lipid concentration after freezing. The ferric reducing antioxidant potential decreased after thermal treatments (p<0.05). Supplementation of mature milk with fortifier increased the concentration of proteins, lipids and lactose. Our findings demonstrated that storage and pasteurization processes affect the basic nutritional composition and antioxidant capacity of preterm human milk. In order to ensure adequate nutrition for preterm infants with preterm human milk, supplementation, especially with high concentrations of proteins and lipids, is necessary after thermal treatments

    Predloženi mehanizam uticaja oligosaharida dobijenih iz pektina na intestinalnu mikrobiotu

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    We prepared pectin-derived oligosaccharides (apple and citrus) and polygalacturonic acid-derived oligosaccharides, using alkaline hydrolysis by hydrogen peroxide, and analyzed them by Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry. Furthermore, we analyzed the effects of pectin-derived oligosacharides on hydroxyl radical generating Fenton reaction using electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping spectroscopy, and the effects on the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of dietary relevant HO.-generating system (iron + ascorbate).Alkalnom hidrolizom sa vodonik-peroksidom smo dobili oligosaharide iz pektina (jabuka i citrusi) i poligalakturonske oligosaharide, koje smo analizirali infracrvenom spektrometrijom sa Furijeovom transformacijom. Pored toga, elektron paramagnetnom rezonantnom spin-traping spektorskopijom smo analizirali efekat oligosaharida iz pektina na hidroksil-radikal (HO.)-generisanu Fentonovu reakciju i na rast Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus u prisustvu sistema koji generiše HO.- (gvožđe + askorbat)