21 research outputs found

    The Pyrolytic Profile of Lyophilized and Deep-Frozen Compact Part of the Human Bone

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    Background. Bone grafts are used in the treatment of nonunion of fractures, bone tumors and in arthroplasty. Tissues preserved by lyophilization or deep freezing are used as implants nowadays. Lyophilized grafts are utilized in the therapy of birth defects and bone benign tumors, while deep-frozen ones are applied in orthopedics. The aim of the study was to compare the pyrolytic pattern, as an indirect means of the analysis of organic composition of deep-frozen and lyophilized compact part of the human bone. Methods. Samples of preserved bone tissue were subjected to thermolysis and tetrahydroammonium-hydroxide- (TMAH-) associated thermochemolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Results. Derivatives of benzene, pyridine, pyrrole, phenol, sulfur compounds, nitriles, saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, and fatty acids (C12–C20) were identified in the pyrolytic pattern. The pyrolyzates were the most abundant in derivatives of pyrrole and nitriles originated from proteins. The predominant product in pyrolytic pattern of the investigated bone was pyrrolo[1,2-α]piperazine-3,6-dione derived from collagen. The content of this compound significantly differentiated the lyophilized graft from the deep-frozen one. Oleic and palmitic acid were predominant among fatty acids of the investigated samples. The deep-frozen implants were characterized by higher percentage of long-chain fatty acids than lyophilized grafts

    The Chemical Composition of Endotoxin Isolated from Intestinal Strain of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

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    Desulfovibrio desulfuricans anaerobes are constituents of human alimentary tract microflora. There are suggestions that they take part in the pathogenesis of periodontitis and some gastrointestinal inflammatory disorders, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Endotoxin is one of Gram-negative bacteria cellular components that influence these microorganisms pathogenicity. Endotoxin is a lipid-polisaccharide heteropolymer consisting of three elements: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide, also called antigen-O. The biological activity of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is determined by its structure. In this study, we show that rhamnose, fucose, mannose, glucose, galactose, heptose, and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid (Kdo) are constituents of D. desulfuricans endotoxin oligosaccharide core and O-antigen. Lipid A of these bacteria LPS is composed of glucosamine disaccharide substituted by 3-acyloxyacyl residues: ester-bound 3-(dodecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic, 3-(hexadecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic acid, and amide-bound 3-(tetradecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic acid

    Chemical composition of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans lipid A

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    Lipopolysaccharides also called endotoxins are an integral component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. When released from the bacterial surface, they interact with a host immune system, triggering excessive inflammatory response. Lipid A is the biologically most active part of endotoxin, and its activity is modulated by the quantity, quality and arrangement of its fatty acids. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans is sulfate-reducing, Gram-negative bacterium that is supposed to be opportunistic pathogens of humans and animals. In the present study, chemical composition of lipid A from various strains of D. desulfuricans was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. It was found that the fatty acid component of the lipid A contains dodecanoic, tetradecanoic, 3-hydroxytetradecanoic and hexadecanoic acids, and its carbohydrate core is composed of glucosamine. The analysis of 3-acyloxyacyl residue of the lipid A revealed the presence of amide-bound 3-(dodecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic and 3-(hexadecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic acids and ester-bound 3-(tetradecanoyloxy)tetradecanoic acid. It was concluded that both fatty acid and 3-acyloxyacyl residue profiles of the lipid A from the studied bacteria were similar to those of E. coli and S.enterica

    Expression of genes KCNQ1 and HERG encoding potassium ion channels Ikr, Iks in long QT syndrome

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    Background: The KCNQ1 and HERG genes mutations are responsible for specific types of congenital long QT syndrome (LQT). Aim: To examine the expression of KCNQ1 and HERG genes that encode potassium channels (rapid and slow) responsible for the occurrence of particular types of LQT syndrome. The study also attempted to prove that beta-actin is a good endogenous control when determining the expression of the studied genes. Methods: The study enrolled six families whose members suffered from either LQT1 or LQT2, or were healthy. Examination of gene expression was achieved with quantitative PCR (QRT-PCR). Expression of the investigated genes was inferred from the analysis of the number of mRNA copies per 1 mg total RNA isolated from whole blood. On the basis of KCNQ1 gene expression profile, the presence of, or absence of, LQT1 could be confirmed. Results and conclusions: The study revealed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.031) between the number of KCNQ1 gene copies in patients and healthy controls. On the basis of HERG (KCNH2) gene expression profile, patients with LQT2 cannot be unequivocally differentiated from healthy subjects (p = 0.37). Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 5: 423–429Wstęp i cel: Głównym celem pracy było zbadanie ekspresji genów HERG i KCNQ1, kodujących kanały potasowe (szybkie i wolne), odpowiadających za wystąpienie określonego rodzaju zespołu długiego QT (LQTS). Metody: Do badania włączono 6 rodzin, u członków których zdiagnozowano LQTS1 lub LQTS2, lub zdrowych. Badanie miało na celu udowodnienie, że beta-aktyna stanowi dobrą kontrolę endogenną przy ustalaniu ekspresji badanych genów. Do badania ekspresji genów wykorzystano ilościową analizę PCR w czasie rzeczywistym (QRT-PCR). Ekspresję badanych genów przedstawiono jako liczbę kopii mRNA w przeliczeniu na 1 mg całkowitego RNA izolowanego z krwi pełnej. Dane zostały wyeksportowane z arkusza Excel do programu analizy danych Statistica V.7.1. Wyniki i wnioski: Na podstawie profilu ekspresji genu KCNQ1 można potwierdzić występowanie zespołu LQTS1. Badania wykazały statystycznie istotną różnicę (p = 0,031) między liczbą KCNQ1 kopii genu u osób chorych i zdrowych. Na podstawie profilu ekspresji genu HERG (KCNH2) chorych z LQTS2 nie można jednoznacznie odróżnić od osób zdrowych (p = 0,37). Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 5: 423–42

    Aspirin – 115 years after the discovery

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    Aspirin has been known as a commercial drug for over a century, however, a much deeper understanding of its mechanism of action as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX) activity and thus, of prostanoid synthesis, is still lacking. Recent advances in understanding the central role of platelets in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases and the identification of novel lipid mediators synthesized in the presence of aspirin have increased research upon the mechanisms of aspirin action.Aspiryna jest lekiem dostępnym komercyjnie od ponad stu lat, chociaż wciąż brakuje głębszego zrozumienia mechanizmu jej działania jako inhibitora aktywności cyklooksygenazy i syntezy prostanoidów. Niedawne odkrycia dotyczące centralnej roli płytek krwi w patofizjologii chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego oraz identyfikacja nowych mediatorów lipidowych syntetyzowanych w obecności aspiryny nasiliły badania nad mechanizmami działania aspiryny

    Evaluation of IL-6 secretion by colon cancer cells treated with phytic acid

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    BACKGROUND Series of evidences have shown that interleukin-6 (IL-6) could play an important role in the pathogenesis of colon cancer. Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) is a naturally occurring polyphosphorylated carbohydrate, found in many plant sources and in certain high-fi ber diets. Over the past few years interest in IP6 has stemmed mostly from its potentially important antineoplastic activity against various types of cancer, including colon cancer. Moreover, it was pointed out that IP6 has ability to act on the host immune functions and infl ammatory processes by controlling the synthesis of cytokines such as IL-6. The aim of this study was to evaluate the infl uence of IP6 on IL-6 secretion by malignant epithelial colorectal Caco-2 cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS The Caco-2 cells were treated with IP6 at the concentrations of 1.0; 2.5; 5.0 mM for 1; 6; 12 and 24 hours. The level of IL-6 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The concentration of IL-6 was related to the amount of total cell protein which was estimated by the Bradford method (pg/mg). RESULTS It was found that colorectal Caco-2 cells constitutively secreted IL-6 at the constant level during 24 hour culture. IP6 down-regulated IL-6 secretion in a dose and time dependent manner. Conclusion old The present findings demonstrate that IP6 in the lumen of the large intestine may play an immunoregulatory role by inducing changes in IL-6 secretion by epithelial colon cells.WSTĘP Szereg danych wskazuje, że interleukina-6 (IL-6) może odgrywać potencjalną rolę w patogenezie raka jelita grubego. W ciągu ostatnich lat szczególną uwagę naukowców zwraca aktywność przeciwnowotworowa kwasu fitynowego (IP6), ufosforylowanego węglowodanu, składnika diety bogatobłonnikowej. Pojawiły się sugestie, że może on modulować przebieg reakcji odpornościowych i stanów zapalnych między innymi poprzez regulację syntezy cytokin takich jak IL-6. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu IP6 na sekrecję IL-6 przez komórki nowotworowe jelita grubego linii Caco-2. MATERIAŁ I METODY Komórki linii Caco-2 eksponowano na działanie IP6 w stężeniach 1,0; 2,5; 5,0 mM przez 1; 6; 12 i 24 godziny. Oznaczenie stężenia IL-6 w hodowlach przeprowadzono przy użyciu testu ELISA, natomiast do oznaczenia stężenia białka zastosowano metodę Bradforda. Stężenie IL-6 wyrażono w pg/mg białka komórek. WYNIKI Stwierdzono, że transformowane komórki nabłonkowe jelita grubego linii Caco-2 wykazują konstytutywną sekrecję IL-6, utrzymującą się na stałym poziomie w czasie trwania doświadczenia. IP6 posiada zdolność do zmniejszania tej sekrecji w sposób zależny od jego stężenia i czasu działania na komórki. WNIOSKI Wyniki badań sugerują, że IP6 obecny w świetle jelita może wywierać efekty immunoregulatorowe związane ze zmianami sekrecji IL-6 w komórkach nabłonka jelitowego

    Quantitative PCR as an Alternative in the Diagnosis of Long-QT Syndrome

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    Congenital long-QT syndrome is a genetic disorder associated with abnormalities in the function and/or structure of cardiac ion channels. Up to the present, 13 types of the disease have been described (LQTS1-13) which result from the fact that 13 genes of which mutations can have an influence on the occurrence of the disease have been identified. Characteristic symptoms of the disease include the changes in the ECG (QT interval prolonged above 450 ms), “torsade de pointes,” fainting, and even sudden cardiac death. The present study has been focused on two types of the disease, namely, LQTS1 and LQTS2. The examination of two appropriate genes expression (KCNQ1; KCNH2) at the transcription level by QRT-PCR in a group of LQTS patients and a healthy control group showed different transcriptional activities of KCNH2 gene in LQTS2 patients compared to the control individuals. KCNQ1 gene expression study did not reveal such differences between both groups. The results indicate that QRT-PCR may serve as a complimentary method to the identification of molecular alterations in genetic determinants of LQTS2 only, but it cannot be used as a sole diagnostic criterion

    Molecular methods used in diagnosis of long-QT syndrome

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    LQTS (long QT syndrome) is a genetic disorder caused by the mutations of genes adversely affecting the ion channel function in the cellular membranes of cardiac myocytes. Prolonged repolarization detected on a ECG as a longer QT interval (> 450 ms) is responsible for syncope, cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death (SCD), due to transient “torsade de pointes” (TdP) or ventricular fibrillation. Currently, 12 types of long-QT syndrome have been identified, which are caused by 600 mutations of genes located on chromosomes: 3,4,6,7,11,17,21. Depending on the particular gene mutation in the LQT syndrome, subtypes from LQTS1 to LQTS12 were identified. The knowledge of genetic disorders in different types of LQTS has enabled the introduction of genotype-dependent therapy. Due to the frequent absence of clinical signs in 40% of mutant genes carriers, it is very important to develop fast and effective diagnostics. These patients do not always suit the clinical diagnostic criteria and therefore they should be diagnosed using molecular methods. In the present study we describe some molecular methods (SSCP, sequencing, quantitative PCR) most commonly used in genetic diagnostics of the long-QT syndrome.LQTS (long-QT syndrome) oznacza wrodzony zespół wydłużonego odcinka QT i jest chorobą kanałów jonowych uwarunkowaną genetycznie. U jej podstaw leżą mutacje genów kodujących białka i podjednostki kanałów jonowych błony podstawnej kardiomiocytów, istotne dla prawidłowego ich funkcjonowania. Jej głównymi cechami są: wydłużenie odstępu QT (> 450 ms) widoczne w obrazie EKG, pojawianie się omdleń, zatrzymania akcji serca oraz nagła śmierć sercowa SCD (sudden cardiac death), spowodowana występowaniem wielokształtnego częstoskurczu komorowego typu torsade de pointes (TdP) lub też migotaniem komór. Obecnie zidentyfi kowano 12 odmian zespołu long-QT, które spowodowane są aż 600 mutacjami genów zlokalizowanych w chromosomach: 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 17, 21. Zależnie od mutacji konkretnego genu, w zespole LQT wyodrębniono podtypy od LQTS1 do LQTS12. Poznanie zaburzeń genetycznych w poszczególnych typach LQTS umożliwiło wprowadzenie terapii zależnej od genotypu. Ze względu na częste niewystępowanie objawów klinicznych aż u 40% nosicieli zmutowanych genów bardzo ważna jest szybka i skuteczna diagnostyka. U pacjentów takich nie zawsze sprawdzają się kliniczne kryteria diagnostyczne i dlatego należy ich diagnozować metodami molekularnymi. W przedstawionej pracy opisano niektóre (SSCP, sekwencjonowanie, ilościowy PCR) najczęściej stosowane, molekularne metody diagnostyki zespołu long-QT

    Genetical polymporphism of chosen CYP2D6 alleles among the patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and myocarditis

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    Cytochrome P450 2D6 has been reported to possess variation in the encoding gene that aff ects enzymatic activity. Interindividual diff erences in CYP2D6 activity can produce adverse eff ects or lack of therapeutic eff ect under standard therapy. The aim of the study was to genotyope the chosen alleles of CYP2D6 among the patients with clinically confi rmed myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy. Tetra-primer PCR assays was used to detect mutations in CYP2D6 *3, *4 and *6 allelles among 53 patients. A multiplex long PCR was used to genotype CYP2D6*5 allele. Analysis showed the presence of one heterozygote for CYP2D6*3, two heterozygote for CYP2D6*6, ten heterozygote and two homozygote for CYP2D6*4 among the examined patients. One person with deletion of CYP2D6 locus was also detected. Presented methods will facilitate and accelerate the detailed pharmacogenomic analysis of CYP2D6.Cytochrom CYP2D6 ma różne warianty sekwencji kodującego go genu, wpływające na jego aktywność enzymatyczną. Międzyosobnicze różnice w aktywności izoenzymu CYP2D6 mogą prowadzić do działań niepożądanych lub braku skuteczności terapeutycznej standardowych dawek leku. Celem pracy było genotypowanie wybranych alleli CYP2D6 w grupie pacjentów z potwierdzonym klinicznie stanem zapalnym mięśnia sercowego lub kardiomiopatią rozstrzeniową. W pracy zastosowano reakcję PCR z użyciem czterech starterów w celu detekcji alleli 3*,4* i 6* CYP2D6 w grupie 53 pacjentów. Do wykrycia allelu CY2D6*5 zastosowano długołańcuchową reakcję PCR typu multipleks. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała w badanej grupie pacjentów obecność jednej heterozygoty dla allelu CYP2D6*3, dwóch heterozygot dla allelu CYP2D*6, dziesięciu heterozygot i dwóch homozygot dla alellu CYP2D6*4. Znaleziono także jedną osobę z delecją locus CYP2D6. Przedstawione metody ułatwiają i przyspieszają dokładną analizę farmakogenetyczną izoformy CYP2D6

    Differential Influence of Inositol Hexaphosphate on the Expression of Genes Encoding TGF-β Isoforms and Their Receptors in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Stimulated with Proinflammatory Agents

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    Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) is a multifunctional cytokine recognized as an important regulator of inflammatory responses. The effect of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), a naturally occurring phytochemical, on the mRNA expression of TGF-β1, TGF-β2, TGF-β3 and TβRI, TβRII, and TβRIII receptors stimulated with bacterial lipopolysaccharides (Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium) and IL-1β in intestinal cells Caco-2 for 3 and 12 h was investigated. Real-time qRT-PCR was used to validate mRNAs level of examined genes. Bacterial endotoxin promoted differential expression of TGF-βs and their receptors in a time-dependent manner. IL-1β upregulated mRNA levels of all TGF-βs and receptors at both 3 h and 12 h. IP6 elicited the opposed to LPS effect by increasing downregulated transcription of the examined genes and suppressing the expression of TGF-β1 at 12 h. IP6 counteracted the stimulatory effect of IL-1β on TGF-β1 and receptors expression by decreasing their mRNA levels. IP6 enhanced LPS- and IL-1β-stimulated mRNA expression of TGF-β2 and -β3. Based on these studies it may be concluded that IP6 present in the intestinal milieu may exert immunoregulatory effects and chemopreventive activity on colonic epithelium under inflammatory conditions or during microbe-induced infection/inflammation by modulating the expression of genes encoding TGF-βs and their receptors at transcriptional level