9 research outputs found


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    The health of an economy depends, no doubt, by the dynamic of SME sector andtheir level success on the domestic and international markets.Our work aims a PESTLE analysis of the Romanian SME sector after 2008 year when theywere felt the effects of the global financial crisis and to emphasize the powerful adaptivemanagement process continues to change the demand and to identify, also, the effectivetactics to the companies level to reduce the negative impacts and threats because of themacroeconomic context of today, less favorable to SME of Romania.The reflection will bring the possible macroeconomic and sectorial consequences in terms forthe economy of Romania in the coming years and the measures that must be take in place tomitigate these consequences of the Romanian SME sector which represents 96% of theRomanian economy.marketing environment turbulence, financial crisis, macroeconomic consequences,Romanian SME sector dynamic, sector attractiveness


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    The elimination of the constraints related to distance, service demand increase and service accessibility, from the perspective of their commercial capacity, have encouraged service companies to invest abroad, with the desire to identify new clients and to use their specific competitive advantages, and, for this reason, in this work, we shall present new delocalization models that could be used by the companies of the dematerialized economy to transfer some activities outside of their country of origin through the realization of a commercial presence (foreign direct investment - FDI) and their integration with the other entities of the network, in order to exploit the comparative advantages of the different locations

    Post - Crisis Resilience and Trends in the International Service Exchanges by Romania

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    International transactions that occur with non-tangible goods (also-called �invisible� trade) represent more than a third of the world trade, recording a higher dynamics than that of the trade with tangible goods, whose rhythm goes over the dynamics of the global industrial production. The production globalization and the tendency of liberalization of the trade with merchandises, in the spirit of the European Union, have extended to the trade with non-tangible goods as well, and the demand for services has increased, massively contributing to the extension of the array of tradable services and the internationalization, at a fast pace, of the invisible trade. The international transactions with services represent, today, a major component of the international flow of values. In our work, we would like to briefly analyze the evolution of Romania�s services flows in terms of volume (as value) and dynamics in the crisis and post-crisis years, to highlight a series of particularities suggesting �a decoupling of Romania�s trade with services from the evolutions that took place on the global and European level� and the fact that the year 2013 is equivalent to the vigorous relaunch of the Romanian trade with services, being a sure sign that these flows have regained their vigor after the crisis and we will also delineate some essential aspects such as the dynamic expansion of the business trade services, proving Romania�s increased attractiveness as a destination country for relocated services

    Urban Community, poverty and corruption: the case of Annaba, Algeria

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    The population in the most Mediterranean countries, particularly in Algeria, is concentrated to the urban communities, cities with more or less importance, urban and coastal regions. This trend of rapid growth of the urban communities leads to multiple consequences both economically and socially on the use of resources and their distribution. The urban is the area where cross the resources, the population and the production activities and yours management. To analyze the corruption as a phenomenon triple (economic, social and institutional) through an urban community (as Annaba’s case in this research) it may well prove very fruitful in terms of lessons on this central phenomenon and its impacts in the North African countries


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    Climate change is a priority for the European Union. The strategies and plans developed into European Union aims to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, while encouraging other nations and regions to do the same. Meanwhile, the European Union develops strategies for adapting to climate changes, which can’t be prevented. These strategies are certainly a significant cost but doing nothing will be more expensive on the long term

    A Statement of the Reaching Inflation Target upon Price Stability in Romania

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    Price stability contributes to financial stability because it eliminates the market distortions and uncertainties which may occur at the markets’ level as a result of the price instability. Price stability can reduce the level of risk premiums in interest rates because it lowers the degree of uncertainty that is associated with future inflation

    The need for strategic management within the Romanian banking sector

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    The functions of the banking sector must be highlighted by ensuring the smooth operation of the instruments governing the monetary mechanism. In fact, it should help to facilitate the flow of financial flows underlying any economic activity. The paper addresses the necessity of management in the banking sector, setting out the main directions in which banks should act in order to achieve an efficient management. The improvement of banking legislation, the quality of each management segment, the tools used, the policies and the strategies implemented, are decisive factors in the development of the banking sector. With the evolution of the banking industry the attention of credit institution mangers started to move from profit and maturity analysis to risk mitigation that takes into account both the profits and risks involved in banking activities. The relevant question being asked in the present is if the strategy applied by bank pursues profit-risk duality. Analysis option is oriented to practice by highlighting the theoretical aspects in explaining the priority strategic objectives in banking, the impact of banking risks on bank performance. Theoretical methods, represented by the theoretical and applicative approach, are explained in the explanation of the economic problems related to risk and banking performance

    The Equestrian Tourism Valorisation in Romania

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    Our argument for this achievement took into account medical recommendations for this tourism product, giving tourists the possibility of treating major medical conditions (e.g. autism, depression, poliomyelitis squeals, encephalitis, neurological disorders, behavioral disorders, stress, etc.) and the fact that the first herds of horses in Romania are attested in documents since 1870. Romania holds a recognized potential to develop this tourism product, due to its natural setting that offers multiple equestrian tourism practice opportunities for Romanian and foreign tourists with multiple benefits for them. Admitting the fact that �the touristic space managing cannot be exclusively determined by its natural properties�, our paper aims a tourism marketing strategy portfolio within positive results for the Romanian equestrian tourism promotion and also may increase the local attractiveness of the regions/areas/localities of our country within potential to equestrian tourism development

    Analele Universităţii 'Constantin Brâncuşi' dinTârgu Jiu - Seria LitereI si Ştinte Sociale Letters and Social Sciences Series, Nr. 4, Issue 4/2012 (Annals of the 'Constantin Brâncuşi' University of Targu Jiu - Letters and Social Sciences Series No. 4/2012)

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