3 research outputs found

    Particularities of Clostridium Difficile Infection in Patients with Psychiatric Pathology

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    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a new pathology, but increasingly common in the elderly patient, with multiple comorbidities that often alter his quality of life and aggravate his vital prognosis. Material and method: The study is a prospective, observational, controlled active study, performed on 706 patients admitted to the Hospital "St. Parascheva Galați Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital ” between 1.01.2017 ÷ 31.12.2018 with the diagnosis of CDI, of which 69 patients were associated with psychiatric disorders (PD).Results: The demographic, clinical and paraclinical characters that differentiated the group with CDI and PD from the group with CDI and various comorbidities, statistically significant, were:female sex, predominant in the group with PD, older age in the group with PD, Charlson score with values higher in the PD group, Atlas score with higher values in the PD group, the number of deaths that occurred in the first 30 days after the CDI episode, as well as the number of deaths that occurred in the first 6 months after the CDI, higher in the group with CDI and PD compared to the group with CDI and various comorbidities


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    Introducere. Sindroamele de malabsorbţie au drept consecinţă perturbarea dezvoltării şi funcţiei normale a sistemului osos. Obiective. Aprecierea densităţii osoase la copiii cu sindroame de malabsorbţie. Analiza factorilor de risc pentru osteopenie. Evaluarea corelaţiilor între osteopenie, markerii nutriţionali şi markerii metabolismului osos. Material şi metodă. 118 copii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie de diverse etiologii, în principal boală celiacă (41 cazuri) şi fibroză chistică (14 cazuri). Densitatea osoasă a fost evaluată prin Ultrasonografie cantitativă (QUS) utilizând un Osteodensitometru Sunlight Omnisense Ultrasonometer 7000P. QUS a fost efectuată la radius (86 de cazuri) şi tibie (78 de cazuri). 25 hidroxivitamina D a fost evaluată la 10 cazuri prin metoda RIA. Analiza statistică a fost realizată utilizând SPSS for Windows. Rezultate. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 32% dintre cazuri. Scăderea densităţii osoase la radius a fost asociată cu sindromul celiachiform. Osteopenia la tibie s-a asociat cu fibroza chistică. Osteopenia a fost mai frecventă la fete. Osteopenia s-a asociat cu durata bolii. Osteopenia nu s-a corelat cu BMI. Scorul Z la radius s-a corelat pozitiv cu nivelele fosfatazei alcaline, iar scorul Z la tibie cu colesterolemia. Scorul Z la tibie şi radius s-a corelat negativ cu valorile markerilor inflamatori. La copiii cu boală celiacă, valoarea anticorpilor anti-transglutaminază s-a corelat negativ cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Nivelele 25(OH) vitaminei D au fost deficiente la 8 copii şi insuficiente la 2, dar valorile sale nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism au fost prezente la 35% dintre bolnavii cu osteopenie. Concluzii. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 1/3 din bolnavii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie din lotul studiat. 30% dintre bolnavi au avut semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism. Valorile 25(OH) vitaminei D nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z. S-a observat o corelaţie negativă între parametrii osoşi şi markerii inflamaţiei şi anticorpii anti-transglutaminază

    Assessment of Depression in Patients with COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is probably the greatest natural disaster of our generation and the 21st century with a great impact on mental health. The present study aims to quantify, with the help of the Beck questionnaire, the degree of depression in a group of 109 patients with moderate forms of COVID-19, hospitalized in the Second Clinic of the Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases St. Cuv. Parascheva Galati during the period: 1.01-30.03.2021. Of these, 35 patients (32.11%) had varying degrees of depression, and had an age and body mass index statistically significantly higher than those without depression. These patients also had statistically significantly higher Charlson scores of cumulative comorbidities and required longer hospitalization than patients without depression. The severity of COVID-19 and the percentage of favorable prognosis did not show statistically significant differences between the two groups. Our study reveals a lower incidence of depression among patients with COVID-19 compared to existing studies in the literature. This can be explained by the fact that our study is conducted at the end of the first year of the pandemic when antiviral therapy schemes stabilized and population vaccination began. The high genetic variability of the virus, which can determine at any time the appearance of new strains with greater aggression, contagion or with mutations on the spike protein, maintains the need to keep non-specific preventive measures and the mental tension related to this pathology. Thus, intrapandemic psychiatric disorders remain a major public health problem and require strong government prevention and control measures.</p