3 research outputs found

    London Borough of Wandsworth report on lake monitoring programme April 1999-January 2000

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    This is the second annual report commissioned by Wandsworth Borough Council to assess the progress of the London Lakes Project. The first report, produced in April 1999, made an assessment of the success of the Lakes Project following the major lake management programme carried out in 1994. It examined monitoring data collected by SGS Environment Ltd. between 1994 and 1996 in addition to the monitoring data collected by ENSIS Ltd. since October 1997. This second annual report follows a second year of standardised monitoring (April 1999-January 2000) that enables a clearer comparison with the previously monitored year (April 1998-January 1999). In particular the report focuses on whether the lake improvements are progressing, levelling out, or declining. This question is examined on a site-by-site basis for all seven monitored sites (Battersea Park Main Lake, Battersea Park Ladies Pool, King George's Park Lake, Tooting Common Lake, Graveney Common Pond and Wandsworth Common Lake and Stock Pond), followed by a general summary

    Water quality investigation of Loweswater, Cumbria

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    This is the final report to the Environment Agency: Water Quality Investigation of Loweswater, Cumbria. The project employs palaeolimnological techniques to evaluate the extent of eutrophication at Loweswater

    Feasibility studies on the restoration needs of four lake SSSIs

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    This report sets out to determine the feasibility of restoration work on four lake Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the north-west of England: Elterwater, Hawes Water, Sunbiggin Tarn and Thurstonfield Loch. These sites have been flagged by English Nature as being at possible risk from eutrophication