668 research outputs found

    Leadership Change

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    Contribution Of Shallow Geology To Hydrocarbon Seep Formation In Green Canyon Block 600

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    The Green Canyon Federal Protraction area in the Gulf of Mexico is rich in hydrocarbons. The movement of the Sigsbee salt escarpment in green canyon has resulted in a complex bathymetric profile and extensive shallow faulting that has allomigration of hydrocarbons to the surface creating cold seep sites. Green Canyon block 600 (gc600) contains multiple naturally occurring, active hydrocarbon seeps. Multi-beam bathymetry, backscatter, and polarity preserving chirp data were collected for gc600 to study the development of these naturally occurring seeps. Using these data, the structure and sedimentation of the first fifty meters can be studied in relation to the formation of hydrocarbon seeps. Studying the subsurface will contribute to a better understanding of the migration of hydrocarbons and the formation of future seep sites. The subsurface chirp data provide a visual representation of the movement of hydrocarbons near the seafloor and recent depositional history. This movement in combination with the bathymetric profile will help with understanding the current conditions and the evolution of similar depocenters in the Green Canyon Federal Protraction area in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting flow of hydrocarbons. By analyzing the bathymetric profile and subsurface data, a geologic base map can be constructed to provide a foundation for future research

    Building up Resilience in a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain through Inventory, Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity

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    This paper is inspired by a risk management problem faced by a leading pharmaceutical company. Key operational risk mitigation measures include Risk Mitigation Inventory (RMI), Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity. We study the relationship between these three measures by modeling the drug manufacturing firm that is exposed to supply chain disruption risk. The firm determines optimal RMI levels for assumed Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity. We quantify the decrease in RMI levels in the presence of Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity. Furthermore, using an example, we analyze RMI, Dual Sourcing and Agility Capacity decisions jointly. It turns out that RMI and Agility Capacity can be substitutes as long as no Dual Source is available. Once the Dual Source is available, Agility Capacity and Dual Sourcing appear to be substitutes. We further show that for long disruption times, the optimal Dual Source production rate may decrease in the disruption time. Within our modeling framework, we introduce an operational metric that quantifies Supply Chain Resilience. Supply chain disruptions can have a severe business impact and need to be managed appropriately

    Roles of inventory and reserve capacity in mitigating supply chain disruption risk

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    This research focuses on managing disruption risk in supply chains using inventory and reserve capacity under stochastic demand. While inventory can be considered as a speculative risk mitigation lever, reserve capacity can be used in a reactive fashion when a disruption occurs. We determine optimal inventory levels and reserve capacity production rates for a firm that is exposed to supply chain disruption risk. We fully characterize four main risk mitigation strategies: inventory strategy, reserve capacity strategy, mixed strategy and passive acceptance. We illustrate how the optimal risk mitigation strategy depends on product characteristics (functional versus innovative) and supply chain characteristics (agile versus efficient). This work is inspired from a risk management problem of a leading pharmaceutical company

    Making it in academic psychology: Demographic and personality correlates of eminence

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    Citations to published work, personality, and demographic characteristics were examined in a sample of male and female academic psychologists. A large sex difference was found in citations with men receiving significantly more recognition. Reputational rankings of graduate school and current institution were significantly related to citations, as were components of achievement motivation. Mastery and work needs were positively related to citations while competitiveness was negatively associated with the criterion. A model of attainment in psychology is proposed and possible explanations for the differential recognition of women are explored

    In Appropriate Distance: The Ethics of the Photographic Essay

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    Review of In Appropriate Distance: The Ethics of the Photographic Essay, Reviewed November 2016 by Amy Lucker, Head, Institute of Fine Arts Library, New York University, [email protected]

    Una Propuesta desde la Creatividad para el Aprendizaje de la Historia en el Grado 6° de la Educación Básica Secundaria

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    En nuestro país, los cuatro últimos años han sido cuestionados aspectos concernientes a la calidad de la educación del sector público, lo que ha venido preocupando a la comunidad educativa: padres de familia, cuerpo docente y al mimo estado. La educación Colombiana, requiere involucrar aspectos Metodológicos y otros recursos (Humanos, Didácticos, Financieros) con el fin de mejorar el proceso aprendizaje. Se elabora este trabajo como estudiante de la facultad de Inducción, presentando una metodología pedagógica que involucra aspectos para el mejoramiento de la educación por medio de la creatividad en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en el área de historia

    War and Art: a Visual History of Modern Conflict

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    Review of War and Art: a Visual History of Modern Conflict, Reviewed July 2018 by Amy Lucker, Librarian, New York University, [email protected]

    Sarah Lucas: Au Naturel

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    Book Review of Sarah Lucas: Au Naturel, by Amna Malik. ISBN 9781846380549. Reviewed by Amy Lucker