56 research outputs found

    The analysis of the use of outsourcing services in logistics by Czech manufacturing companies

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    This research analyses logistics outsourcing services from the viewpoint of client companies (manufacturing companies). The main goal is to show how intensively various logistics outsourcing services are used by Czech manufacturing companies in comparison with other world regions, and which areas of logistics outsourcing should be considered more seriously in order to increase logistic efficiency. The study is based on a quantitative and qualitative investigation of Czech manufacturing companies. Firstly, the brief overview of the present situation in the Czech market is presented. It is based on survey data. The results of this quantitative study are compared with global research activities, especially with the 2013 Third-Party Logistics Study carried out by Capgemini Consulting Company. Next, results of the qualitative investigation are discussed. This part describes the experience of four selected Czech manufacturing companies with logistics outsourcing, the main problems they face in this area and their future plans and expectations. The present study is part of a more complex research currently being carried out by the authors.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU [IGA/FaME/2013/006

    Vzpomínka na Jiřího Kovandu

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    This contribution introduces a profile of the Czech geologist and Quaternary malacologist doc. RNDr. Jiří Kovanda, CSc., who passed away 12th August 2020. A bibliography of his abundant work (yrs 1951–2019) is also included

    Komentovaný seznam měkkýšů zjištěných ve volné přírodě České a Slovenské republiky

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    In this paper we provide a new list of all the mollusc species recorded outdoors in the Czech and Slovak Republics. This work is a supplement of the Ložek’s key on molluscs of the former Czechoslovakia. For the species recorded after the publishing of the book, publications of their first records in the Czech and Slovak Republics are given. Species which are either not included in this Ložek’s book or whose current taxonomical status highly differs from that published in the book are supplied with Czech commentaries, photographs of their shells or bodies, and drawings of important identification characters. This material is aimed at Czech and Slovak malacologists to provide information, missing or scattered in the literature, on currently known mollusc fauna of the Czech and Slovak Republics. The Ložek’s book and this supplement should provide necessary information on identification, ecology and also distribution of all mollusc species currently known from the Czech and Slovak Republics. If the species names used in this paper differ from the ones used in the Ložek’s book, we mention both. So far 247 species of molluscs, including 219 species of gastropods (50 aquatic and 169 terrestrial) and 28 species of bivalves, have been found outdoors in the Czech Republic. The fauna of Slovakia comprises 247 species, including 219 gastropods (51 aquatic and 168 terrestrial) and 28 bivalves. Altogether 282 species occur in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, 212 of them being common to both countries

    Invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic)

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    The invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss, Moravian Karst, Czech Republic, were collected in 2007–2008 and 222 species were identified in total. The relative abundance of individual taxa of land snails, harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, terrestrial isopods, beetles, and ants was evaluated. The cold-adapted mountain and subterranean species inhabit the bottom and lower part of the abyss, whereas the sun-exposed rocky margins were inhabited by thermophilous species. Macocha harbors several threatened species that are absent or very rare in the surrounding habitats. In the forest landscape, the Macocha Abyss represents a natural habitat with a distinct microclimatic gradient, and is an excellent refuge area for psychrophilous as well as thermophilous species, which significantly contributes to maintenance of landscape biodiversity.Key words: Ants, centipedes, beetles, biodiversity, harvestmen, land snails, light hole, millipedes, pseudoscorpions, terrestrial ispods, spiders.Nevretenčarji brezna Macoha (Moravski kras, Republika Češka)Med vzorčenjem v letih 2007 in 2008 smo v jami Macoha določili 222 vrst nevretenčarjev. Ovrednotili smo relativno pogostost posameznih taksonov polžev, suhih južin, paščipalcev, pajkov, stonog, kopenskih enakonožcev, hroščev in mravelj. Na mraz prilagojene gorske in podzemeljske vrste naseljujejo dno in spodnji del brezna, toploljubne vrste pa naseljujejo kamnite površine soncu izpostavljenega roba. V Macohi je več ogroženih vrst, ki jih sicer v okoliški pokrajini ne najdemo. Kot habitat s specifično mikroklimo je Macoha izjemno zatočišče za vlagoljubne in toploljubne vrste, ki pomembno prispevajo k vzdrževanju biotske raznovrstnosti v pokrajini.Ključne besede: Mravlje, stonoge, hrošči, suhe južine, kopenski polži, stonoge, psevdoškorpijoni, kopenski enakonožci, pajki, biotska raznovrstnost

    Tandonia kusceri (Pulmonata: Milacidae), a slug new for Slovakia

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    Tandonia kusceri (Wagner, 1931) is reported from Slovakia for the first time. The slug was found in the Ružinov and Petržalka housing estates, Bratislava, in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Our observations suggest that the species is well established in the Slovak capital. This finding calls for verification of some of the older reports of a similar species Tandonia rustica beyond the eastern border of its native range. Owing to unresolved taxonomic issues, the name T. kusceri should be applied only tentatively

    Nivní malakofauna povodí Úštěckého potoka a její vývoj během holocénu

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    This paper presents a research of floodplain mollusc assemblages of the Úštěcký Brook catchment basin (Elbe tributary, North Bohemia, Czech Republic). Altogether, 71 mollusc species (69 species of Gastropoda, 2 species of Bivalvia) were recorded in the study sites between 2007 and 2011, representing 29% of the total Czech malacofauna. The common forest species dominated (41% of all recorded species) and included some rare woodland species as Daudebardia rufa, Discus perspectivus, Macrogastra ventricosa, and Sphyradium doliolum. Rare wetland species protected by the NATURA system Vertigo angustior and endangered wetland species Vallonia enniensis were also found. The richest assemblages occurred on the upper part of the brook, while the lower part was very species poor due to agriculture land use in this fertile floodplain. A small calcareous moorland, situated in the northeastern vicinity of Úštěk Town (north Bohemia) includes a Holocene mollusc succession that was subdivided into three local mollusc zones: I – basal zone with marked numbers of Discus ruderatus, Vertigo geyeri and numerous aquatic taxa, II – with forest species including Platyla polita and III – dominated by open-ground and catholic species. Despite the specific conditions of the moorland habitat the succession largely corresponds with the standard developmental pattern of the mollusc fauna in the zone of mid-European uplands. Of particular interest is the developmental break reflected by the poor fauna in the layer 3. The malacofauna of the Úštěcký Brook can be used as a model of alluvial mollusc assemblages of the brook floodplain that is situated in the warm area of Central Europe with long-term history of agriculture land use

    Determination of mechanical properties of plastic components made by 3D printing

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    The presented article deals with the determination of selected mechanical properties of additive materials used for 3D printing (PETG, PLA, ABS, ABS +, PLA ESD, ASA, PC / ABS). Due to the fact that 3D printing has exploded over recent years and additive manufacturing has become popular in some industries, the quality of input materials and their mechanical properties is extremely important. We used 3D printer Original Prusa MK3 to prepare samples for testing. Individual samples printed from all above mentioned materials were analyzed using selected mechanical tests (static tensile test, hardness tests). In the static tensile test, selected parameters (tensile strength limit, tensile modulus, elongation) were determined for all additive samples, which were statistically processed. The parameters for two methods of measuring hardness were also statistically evaluated, namely Shore and ball indentation. All tested additive materials were compared with the aim of obtaining the final ranking (point evaluation of tested materials with quantification of price costs). The best properties after the performed tests were achieved by the additive material PLA Filament Plasty Mladec.Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve ZlíněDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Defence in Brno [SV20-216]; Project for the Development of the Organization "DZRO VAROPS"; Tomas Bata University in Zlin [VaV-IP-RO/2022/01

    Měkkýši Hostýnských vrchů

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    This study deals with the molluscan fauna of the Hostýnské vrchy Hills (Central Moravia, Czech Republic). The main goal was to make a systematic inventory of the molluscan fauna in this area. Snails were collected in September 2010 by hand picking and litter sampling at selected sites. Final database was pooled with earlier published and unpublished data. In total, 85 terrestrial and 20 freshwater mollusc species were recorded at 56 study sites across the area during 2000–2010. Terrestrial snails Monachoides incarnatus, Punctum pygmaeum, Vitrina pellucida, and freshwater molluscs Pisidium casertanum, and Radix labiata were the most frequently recorded species. The land snails Daudebardia brevipes, Eucobresia nivalis, Vitrea transsylvanica, and Chondrula tridens are notable species from the local viewpoint. The clausilid Vestia ranojevici moravica, an endemic subspecies that colonized some regions of Moravia during the Holocene climatic optimum, is an iconic mollusc species in the area, deserving high conservation priority

    Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2023

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    This paper presents important faunistic records conducted in the Czech and Slovak Republics during 2023. We also include records generated before 2023, which have yet to be published, mainly because their correct identification was unavailable earlier. In a separate section we present records of unintentionally introduced species, reported for the first time for the countries from greenhouses (Dryachloa dauca and Guppya gundlachii). The first outdoor colony of Melanoides tuberculata was found in a stream artificially heated by wastewater from the Dukovany nuclear power plant and Planorbella duryi found in a brook with thermal water flowing from the Sliač spa. Records of native species include findings of protected and rare species (e.g., Aplexa hypnorum, Ladislavella occulta, Daudebardia brevipes, and Theodoxus danubialis), but also still poorly known species (Ampullaceana lagotis and Pyramidula saxatilis). During 2023, many new records were made for non-native and currently spreading species as for example Clathrocaspia knipowitschii, Corbicula fluminea, Hygromia cinctella, Krynickillus melanocephalus, Sinanodonta woodiana, and Tandonia kusceri