355 research outputs found

    A transversalidade da diversidade de gênero e sexualidade na educação em saúde

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    O relato parte da experiência do Projeto Saúde, desenvolvido, em 2019, com o Ensino Médio, pelo Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Campus Osório. O objetivo foi realizar atividades de Educação em Saúde, criando uma rede de vínculo entre escola e Secretaria Municipal de Saúde para desenvolver ações direcionadas às demandas enfrentadas no cotidiano escolar. Foi adotada a perspectiva de saúde articulada a questões de gênero e sexualidade, considerando a realidade adolescente. A metodologia privilegiou a oficina, valorizando o protagonismo estudantil como agente de transformação social. O projeto possibilitou a construção do vínculo entre a Secretaria e o Instituto, o fortalecimento estudantil no reconhecimento das situações de vulnerabilidades, para que possam se proteger e se mobilizarem contra elas, e subsídios para futuros projetos de educação em saúde. Algumas dificuldades/limitações ocorreram no decorrer da proposta, como tempo e período de execução, recurso humano e forma de avaliação. O projeto foi relevante por apresentar o tema da saúde relacionado com os de gênero e sexualidade, problematizando-os nas vivências das/dos estudantes e, também, por apontar a importância do vínculo entre setores de saúde e escola para promoção de espaços que trabalhem educação em saúde com as/os adolescentes

    An overview of different approaches in hydrogen network optimization via mathematical programming

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    Goal: Hydrogen has shown increasing demand in oil refineries, due to the importance of its use as a sulfur capture element. As different oils and products require different amounts of hydrogen, their use optimally is an essential tool for refinery production scheduling. A comparison was made between the different approaches used in optimization via mathematical programming.Design / Methodology / Approach: One of the most used methods for hydrogen network optimization is through mathematical programming. Linear and non-linear models are discussed, positive aspects of each formulation and different initialization techniques for non-linear modeling were considered.Results: The optimization through the linear model was more satisfactory, taking into account the payback of the new proposed design, combined with the use of compressor rearrangement, which reduces the investment cost.Limitations of the investigation: The objective function chosen is based on the operational cost, but another approach to be considered would be the total annual cost. In addition, the parameters related to costs are obtained from the literature and may change over the years.Practical implications: The proposal is to discuss the main aspects of each model, showing which models more robust and easier to converge are capable of providing competitive results. Also, different initialization techniques that can be used in future works.Originality / Value: The main contribution is the relationship between hydrogen management and production scheduling and for that, a discussion is made about possible formulations. Linear model is sufficient to optimize the problem, due to its main characteristics discussed

    MILP formulation for solving and initializing MINLP problems applied to retrofit and synthesis of hydrogen networks

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    The demand for hydrogen in refineries is growing due to its importance as a sulfur capture element. Therefore, hydrogen management is critical for fulfilling demands as efficiently as possible. Through mathematical modeling, hydrogen network management can be better performed. Cost-efficient Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) optimization models for (re)designing were proposed and implemented in GAMS with two case studies. Linear programming has the limitation of no stream mixing allowed; therefore, to overcome this limitation, an algorithm-based procedure called the Virtual Compressor Approach was proposed. Based on the MILP optimal solution obtained, the streams and compressors were merged. As a result, the number of compressors was reduced, along with the inherent investment costs. An operational cost reduction of more than 28% (example 1) and 26% (example 2) was obtained with a linear model. The optimal MILP solution after rearranging compressors was then provided as a good starting point to the MINLP. The operating costs were decreased by more than 31% (example 1) and 32% (example 2). Most of the cost reduction was obtained only with the usage of the MILP model. Besides, a higher level of cost reduction was only obtained when the linear model was used as the starting point

    MULHERES EM CENA: do privado do lar ao trabalho remunerado

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    O presente artigo analisa a importância da conciliação do trabalho profissional e doméstico da mulher, tendo em vista a dupla jornada de mulheres que, ao mesmo tempo, são profissionais, mães e esposas, diferente do homem que não tem tantas exigências em relação ao lar. Mesmo que se tenha tido uma ascensão profissional, a figura feminina não é desvinculada da imagem de quem deve administrar os encargos domésticos. Para a sociedade, a mulher nunca será completa se não tiver marido e filhos, mesmo que tenha uma carreira consolidada profissionalmente. O delineamento metodológico do estudo foi a pesquisa de campo, que buscou evidenciar relatos através de entrevista com mulheres. Desta forma, pode-se considerar que, apesar dos avanços, ao longo da história, ainda permanece a visão estabelecida de que é papel exclusivo da mulher a educação dos filhos e os cuidados com a casa. É algo que precisa ser contestado e desconstruído incessantemente

    Evolution in the world of ecotourism: a systematic review of the literature on current knowledgeEvolução no mundo do ecoturismo: uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o conhecimento atual

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    Ecotourism is the appropriate activity for carrying out tourism in protected places, as it is concerned with environmental conservation, contributing to the development of local communities. The potential for ecotourism is significant due to national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, conservation reserves and community reserves, many of which include animal reserves. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature on high impact research on the evolution and trends related to ecotourism in the world context to understand the various perspectives through critical analysis, identifying gaps for future research and investigating trends in this body of literature. To that end, filters were applied to the gross portfolio to identify the most relevant studies in the area. The VOSviewer software was used, for reference management topics and researchers. The results show the main developments and trends in the referred body of literature, possible Ecotourism nexus, as well as the main journal conducting studies on the topic and what their results draw on. Yet, it can be seen the main countries housing high impact studies (JCR 2019) on the approached themes and their locations. Furthermore, this study gives an overview on the ecotourism and sheds light on possibilities for future research. Future opportunities for ecotourism should be drawn in terms of protected areas.Keywords: Ecotourism. Sustainable Tourism. Natural Resources. Protected Areas

    Metáfora: diferentes perspectivas

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    Situações de ensino envolvendo a função exponencial: sentidos atribuídos pelos professores

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    O presente artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa em nível de mestrado que teve como um de seus objetivos reconhecer os sentidos atribuídos pelos professores à função exponencial, considerando a análise e elaboração de situações de ensino. A metodologia apresentada orienta-se pelos pressupostos da teoria da atividade, histórico-cultural e Atividade Orientadora de Ensino (AOE), e concretiza-se nas análises de dados coletados da interação com professores da rede pública no projeto de extensão “Oficina Pedagógica de Matemática” (OPM) da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), através de gravações de áudio/vídeo. Dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa, destaca-se a transformação dos sentidos atribuídos pelos professores à função exponencial durante o planejamento e concretização das situações desencadeadoras de aprendizagem elaboradas coletivamente, considerando o movimento histórico e lógico da função exponencial e recorrendo à Atividade Orientadora de Ensino como base teórico-metodológica, podendo assim, ser uma possibilidade para o professor organizar o ensino da função exponencial

    Development of biodegradable, cellulose-based, essential oil and chitosan drug delivery systems for cosmetic mask applications

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    The goal of this research was the development of cellulose-based biodegradable drug delivery systems solutions for cosmetic mask applications. Cellulose-based materials derived from natural renewable sources provide a sustainable alternative to nonwoven cosmetic masks derived from nondegradable fossil-based raw materials. An experimental design was executed to assemble the 3D cellulose fibres matrix and the water in oil emulsion comprising the active molecules from Mentha piperita L. Two types of biopolymeric additives were used, one derived from a nano/micro fibrillated cellulose pulp and another one including chitosan. A 3D computational simulation study was performed to enhance porosity and strength properties. The results indicated that the cosmetic face mask optimized prototypes, made from a biodegradable 3D matrix of cellulose fibres and active molecules, are suitable for dermic usePostprint (published version