5 research outputs found

    Solid waste disposed in the surrounding of Caetés Ecological Station - PE: opportunity of environmental education

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    Several human activities have affected the integrity and balance of conservation unit, compromising the efficiency of the preservation of biodiversity, natural resources and cultural. This work aims to study the solid waste irregular disposition in the surrounding of Caetés Ecological Station (PE) and the impacts on site, as well as presenting a proposal of environmental education program involving the local community. The problem has been identified through visiting areas, resulting in primary data, which were crossed with secondary data about solid waste and its negative effects, as well as on environmental education in communities. The environmental education program developed consists in lectures, dynamics, workshops, partnerships with local schools and training. The community mobilization expected in the program will rescue of the history of the Caetés Ecological Station

    Modelagem hidrossedimentológica de uma bacia hidrográfica no Estado de Pernambuco utilizando o modelo SWAT

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    Os recursos hídricos têm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento socioeconômico de uma região, e a utilização desordenada tem gerado problemas quali-quantitativos. Os processos erosivos acentuados em bacias hidrográficas são extremamente danosos à boa qualidade dos corpos hídricos. Devido ao grande entrave em quantificar a produção de sedimentos em bacias hidrográficas, assim como o efeito da escala da bacia sobre os processos hidrossedimentológicos, sua estimativa tem sido realizada por meio de modelagem. Em geral, os modelos são relacionados com as características fisiográficas, do solo e do clima. O modelo Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) integrado ao Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) tem sido bastante utilizado em estudos hidrossedimentológicos em bacias hidrográficas em todo o mundo, apresentado bons resultados. A escolha da bacia hidrográfica do rio Ipojuca se deu pelo fato da sua grande relevância para o Estado de Pernambuco, pois representa um via de comunicação hídrica entre o Sertão e o Litoral do Estado e engloba cidades de grande importância econômica e turística, como exemplo, as Cidade de Caruaru, Bezerros, Gravatá e Ipojuca. A bacia apresenta um ambiente de grande complexidade, evidenciando dessa forma, contrastes climáticos, de relevo, de solos, de cobertura vegetal, além de fatores socioeconômicos que exigem um modelo de gestão hídrica e ambiental, que atenda as peculiaridades locais. O rio Ipojuca tem uma extensão de cerca de 320 km cruzando as regiões fisiográficas do agreste, mata sul e metropolitana. Ao longo do seu percurso, extensivamente com regime hídrico temporário, é observado diversos problemas de degradação ambiental, o que lhe rende a classificação de um dos mais poluídos do Brasil. Baseado nas informações supracitadas, o presente trabalho busca estimar a vazão e analisar a distribuição espacial da produção de sedimentos na Bacia hidrográfica do Rio Ipojuca no modelo SWAT. As estimativas geradas pelo modelo permitem também que sejam avaliadas, além da produção de sedimentos, a deposição e o transporte em cada sub-bacia. Os dados do modelo foram comparados com os dados medidos na estação fluviométrica no período compreendido entre 1993 e 2006. Os dados climáticos utilizados na entrada no modelo foram obtidos na plataforma Global Weather Data for SWAT, os dados pluviométricos foram obtidos no sítio eletrônico da Agência Pernambucana de Águas e Clima – APAC – para cinco estações contidas na bacia. Utilizou-se ainda, na entrada do modelo, os mapas do uso e tipo de solo e o modelo de elevação digital do terreno (MDE). A análise dos parâmetros estatísticos que avaliam a eficiência do modelo apontaram que houve boa colinearidade entre os valores estimados e observados (R2=0,74). No entanto, o valor do coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE = -1,4) indicou que as médias dos valores observados representam melhor as vazões do que os valores simulados. Já o valor do Índice de Acordo – PBIAS – (-28%) indica que o modelo superestimou de forma insatisfatória os dados de campo. A produção de sedimentos estimada pelo modelo ao longo da bacia foi bastante heterogênea, com maiores valores na porção oeste. A distribuição espacial da produção de sedimentos simulada pelo SWAT, assim como, a sua correlação com a precipitação e o escoamento superficial não se mostrou satisfatória em diversas sub-bacias, mesmo quando foi avaliado outros parâmetros influentes, tais como, declividade, elevação, tipo e uso do solo. A avaliação temporal da produção de sedimento se mostrou bem correlacionada com o escoamento, indicando que o modelo apresenta bons resultados quantitativos, mas necessita de calibração para melhorar os resultados qualitativos. Sugere-se, portanto, que seja realizado a calibração do modelo para a adequada simulação hidrossedimentológica da bacia do rio Ipojuca.Water resources play a fundamental role in the socioeconomic development of a region, and its disordered use has generated qualitative and quantitative problems. Erosive processes accentuated in river basins are extremely damaging to the health of water bodies. Due to the great obstacle in quantifying the sediment production in watersheds, as well as the effect of the basin scale on the hydrosedimentological processes, its estimation has been made through modeling. In general, the models are related to the physiographic, soil and climatic characteristics. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) integrated into the Geographic Information System (GIS) has been widely used in hydrosedimentological studies in river basins around the world, presenting good results. The choice of the hydrographic basin of the Ipojuca River was due to the fact that it is of great relevance to the State of Pernambuco, since it represents a water communication route between the backwoods and the Coast of Pernambuco and encompasses cities of great economic and tourist importance, The City of Caruaru, Bezerros, Gravatá and Ipojuca. The basin presents an environment of great complexity, evidencing in this way, climatic contractions, relief, soils, vegetation cover, as well as socioeconomic factors that require a model of water and environmental management, that meets the local peculiarities. The river Ipojuca has an extension of about 320 km crossing the physiographic regions of the wild, south woods and metropolitan. Throughout its course, largely intermittent, several problems of environmental degradation are observed, which gives it the classification of one of the most polluted in Brazil. Based on the aforementioned information, the present work seeks to estimate and analyze the spatial distribution of sediment production in the Ipojuca River basin through the SWAT model. The estimates generated by the model also allow the evaluation, besides sediment production, of deposition and transport in each sub-basin. The data of the model were compared with the data measured in the fluviometric station in the period between 1993 and 2006. The climatic data used to enter the model were obtained from the Global Weather Data for SWAT platform. Rainfall data were obtained from Agência Pernambucana de Águas e Clima (APAC) website for five stations in the basin. In the model entry, the land use and soil type maps and the digital terrain elevation model (MDE) were also used. However, the value of the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE = - 1.4) was found to be statistically significant, indicating that there was good colinearity between the estimated and observed values (R2 = 0.74) Indicated that the means of the observed values represent better the flows than the simulated values. The value of the Agreement Index - PBIAS - (-28%) indicates that the model overestimated the field data unsatisfactorily. The sediment yield estimated by the model along the basin was quite heterogeneous, with higher values in the western portion. The spatial distribution of sediment yield simulated by SWAT, as well as its correlation with precipitation and surface runoff, was not satisfactory in several sub-basins, even when other influential parameters such as slope, elevation , Type and land use. The temporal evaluation of the sediment production was well correlated with the flow, indicating that the model presents good quantitative results, but it needs a calibration to improve the qualitative results. Therefore, it is suggested that the calibration of the model for the adequate hydrosedimentological simulation of the Ipojuca river basin be carried out

    Scarabaeidae family (Coleoptera) as potential environmental quality bioindicator | Família Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) como bioindicador de potencial de qualidade ambiental

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    Insects are widely used as biological indicators of environmental quality in environmental monitoring studies, because they have certain aspects that help in the identification of environmental stress. The genus Dichotomius, from the family Scarabaeidae, has a wide occurrence in the Brazilian territory, being found in many Brazilian biomes, including in the Caatinga. The species Dichotomius nisus and Dichotomius aff. Laevicollis were recorded in the Catimbau National Park (PE), study area of this work, in environments of different conservation states. Through secondary data, the characteristics of these two species were analyzed considering certain criteria of ideal bioindicator. Both species demonstrated potential as a tool for indicating environmental quality, despite presenting different responses to a disturbance

    Scarabaeidae family (Coleoptera) as potential environmental quality bioindicator | Família Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) como bioindicador de potencial de qualidade ambiental

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    Insects are widely used as biological indicators of environmental quality in environmental monitoring studies, because they have certain aspects that help in the identification of environmental stress. The genus Dichotomius, from the family Scarabaeidae, has a wide occurrence in the Brazilian territory, being found in many Brazilian biomes, including in the Caatinga. The species Dichotomius nisus and Dichotomius aff. Laevicollis were recorded in the Catimbau National Park (PE), study area of this work, in environments of different conservation states. Through secondary data, the characteristics of these two species were analyzed considering certain criteria of ideal bioindicator. Both species demonstrated potential as a tool for indicating environmental quality, despite presenting different responses to a disturbance