2 research outputs found

    Challenges identified by experienced IMCI-1-trained registered nurses in implementing the integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) strategy in Gaborone, Botswana

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    The study was a descriptive quantitative survey which endeavoured to identify challenges experienced by IMCI trained registered nurses in implementing the guidelines and procedures of the strategy when tending children under 5 years in Gaborone health district. The study also solicited for recommendations on how to address the identified challenges. The research population comprised of all the IMCI-1 trained registered nurses and systematic sampling was employed to randomly select study participants. Data were collected using a questionnaire and was analysed using Excel Advanced software package. Study findings identified challenges related to political support, cost of IMCI training, training coverage, health systems and features of the IMCI strategy. Recommendations for improving use of the strategy included garnering for more political support, adopting short duration training courses, scaling up both pre-service and in-service training as well as addressing the challenges related to health systems and the unique features of the strategyHealth StudiesM.A. (Public Health

    Health systems strengthening through policy-level integration of community health worker programs integration into national health systems for improved health outcomes - scorecard metrics validation: A bifactor structural equation model approach

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    BackgroundSubsequent to the demonstrated potential of community health workers (CHWs) in strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes, recent literature has defined context and guidelines for integrating CHW programs into mainstream health systems. However, quantitative measures for assessing the extent of CHW program integration into national health systems need to be developed. The purpose of this study was to validate a newly developed scale, Community Health Worker Program Integration Scorecard Metrics (CHWP-ISM), for assessing the degree of integration of CHW programs into national health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).MethodsData obtained through a pilot study involving a purposively selected sample of 41 participants selected from populations involved in CHW programs work in selected countries of SSA formed the basis of a 31-item bifactor model. Data were collected between June and December 2019. By applying a latent variable approach implemented with structural equation modeling, data analysis was mainly done using the R statistical environment, applying factor analysis procedures.ResultsDimensionality, construct validity, and the CHWP-ISM scale's internal consistency were assessed. Confirmatory factor analysis of the CHW-ISM bifactor model supported a co-occurring CHW integration general factor and six unique domain-specific factors. Both the comparative fit index (CFI) and Tucker–Lewis Index (TLI) fit indices were above 0.9, while the root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) was 0.02. Cronbach's alpha (α), Guttman 6 (Lambda 6), and Omega total (ωt) were above 0.8, indicating good scale reliability.ConclusionStatistical significance of the bifactor model suggests that CHW integration has to be examined using factors that reflect a single common underlying integration construct, as well as factors that reflect unique variances for the identified six subject-specific domains. The validated CHWP-ISM could be useful to inform policy advisers, health systems, donors, non-governmental organizations, and other CHW program stakeholders with guidance on how to quantitatively assess the integration status of different components of CHW programs into respective critical functions of the health system. Improved integration could increase CHW program functionality, which could in turn strengthen the healthcare systems to improve health outcomes in the region