534 research outputs found

    A journey in preaching as a spiritual discipline

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    The optical field angle distortion calibration feasibility study for the Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance sensors

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    The results of an analytical study to investigate the feasibility of calibrating the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST's) fine guidance sensors (FGSs) within HST mission accuracy limits are presented. The study has two purposes: (1) to determine the mathematical feasibility of the optical field angle distortion (OFAD) calibration algorithm and (2) to confirm that the OFAD, plate scale, and FGS-to-FGS alignment calibration algorithms produced a calibration of the FGSs that satisfied mission requirements. The study concluded that the mathematical specification of the OFAD algorithm is adequate and permits a determination of the FGS calibration parameters (accurate to better than 0.003 arc-second) sufficient to meet the mission requirements. The algorithms implemented, the characteristics of the simulated data and procedures for data analysis, and the study's results are discussed. In addition, several useful techniques for improving the stability and accuracy of the OFAD solution are outlined

    Endothelial cells, endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxysterols

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    Oxysterols are bioactive lipids that act as regulators of lipid metabolism, inflammation, cell viability and are involved in several diseases, including atherosclerosis. Mounting evidence linked the atherosclerosis to endothelium dysfunction; in fact, the endothelium regulates the vascular system with roles in processes such as hemostasis, cell cholesterol, hormone trafficking, signal transduction and inflammation. Several papers shed light the ability of oxysterols to induce apoptosis in different cell lines including endothelial cells. Apoptotic endothelial cell and endothelial denudation may constitute a critical step in the transition to plaque erosion and vessel thrombosis, so preventing the endothelial damaged has garnered considerable attention as a novel means of treating atherosclerosis. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site where the proteins are synthetized and folded and is necessary for most cellular activity; perturbations of ER homeostasis leads to a condition known as endoplasmic reticulum stress. This condition evokes the unfolded protein response (UPR) an adaptive pathway that aims to restore ER homeostasis. Mounting evidence suggests that chronic activation of UPR leads to cell dysfunction and death and recently has been implicated in pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction. Autophagy is an essential catabolic mechanism that delivers misfolded proteins and damaged organelles to the lysosome for degradation, maintaining basal levels of autophagic activity it is critical for cell survival. Several evidence suggests that persistent ER stress often results in stimulation of autophagic activities, likely as a compensatory mechanism to relieve ER stress and consequently cell death. In this review, we summarize evidence for the effect of oxysterols on endothelial cells, especially focusing on oxysterols-mediated induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress

    Personality nuances and risk of dementia:Evidence from two longitudinal studies

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    Personality traits are broad constructs composed of nuances, operationalized by personality items, that can provide a more granular understanding of personality associations with health outcomes. This study examined the associations between personality nuances and incident dementia and evaluated whether nuances associations replicate across two samples. Health and Retirement Study (HRS, N = 11,400) participants were assessed in 2006/2008, and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA, N = 7453) participants were assessed in 2010/2011 on personality and covariates. Dementia incidence was tracked for 14 years in the HRS and 8 years in ELSA. In both HRS and ELSA, higher neuroticism domain and nuances (particularly nervous and worry) were related to a higher risk of incident dementia, whereas higher conscientiousness domain and nuances (particularly responsibility and organization) were associated with a lower risk of dementia. To a lesser extent, higher extraversion (active), openness (broad-minded, curious, and imaginative), and agreeableness (helpful, warm, caring, and sympathetic) nuances were associated with a lower risk of dementia, with replicable effects across the two samples. A poly-nuance score, aggregating the effects of personality items, was associated with an increased risk of incident dementia in the HRS and ELSA, with effect sizes slightly stronger than those of the personality domains. Clinical, behavioral, psychological, and genetic covariates partially accounted for these associations. The present study provides novel and replicable evidence for specific personality characteristics associated with the risk of incident dementia

    Influencia del Anticiclón del Atlántico Norte en la pluviosidad de la brisa marina en Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos

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    The sea-breeze (SB) is an important source of summertime precipitation in North Carolina (NC, southeast United States). However, not all SB events produce precipitation. A climatology of wet and dry SB events in NC is used to investigate the conditions that are conducive to precipitation associated with the sea breeze. Radar imagery was used to detect 88 SB events that occurred along the NC coast between May-September of 2009-2012. The majority (85%) of SB events occurred during offshore flow (53%) or during flow that was parallel to the coast (22%). SB events were separated into dry (53%) and wet (47%) events and differences in the dynamic and thermodynamic parameters of the environment in which they formed were analyzed. Significant differences in dynamic and thermodynamic conditions were found. SB dry events occurred under stronger winds (6.00 ± 2.36 ms-1) than SB wet events (4.02 ± 2.16 ms-1). Moreover, during SB wet events larger values of convective available potential energy and lower values of convective inhibition were present, conditions that favor precipitation. Overall, the SB wet events accounted for 20-30% of the May-September precipitation along the NC coastal region. The position of the North Atlantic Subtropical High (NASH) controls both moisture availability and winds along the NC coast, thus providing a synoptic-scale control mechanism for SB precipitation. In particular, it was shown that when the NASH western ridge is located along the southeast coast of the United States, it causes a moist southwesterly flow along the NC coast that may favor the occurrence of SB wet events.La brisa marina (BM) es una importante fuente de precipitación de verano en Carolina del Norte (NC en su sigla en inglés), sudeste de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, no todos los eventos de BM producen precipitación. En este trabajo se utiliza una climatología de eventos de BM lluviosos y secos en NC para investigar las condiciones que conducen a la precipitación. Se utilizaron imágenes de radar para detectar 88 eventos de BM ocurridos a lo largo de la costa NC entre mayo y septiembre de 2009 a 2012. La mayoría (85%) de los eventos de BM ocurrieron durante períodos de viento hacia el mar (53%) o viento paralelo a la costa (22%). Los eventos BM se separaron en eventos secos (53%) y lluviosos (47%) y se analizaron las diferencias en los parámetros dinámicos y termodinámicos del entorno en el que se formaron. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las condiciones dinámicas y termodinámicas. Eventos de BM secos ocurrieron bajo vientos más fuertes (6,00 ± 2,36 ms-1) que los eventos de BM lluviosos (4,02 ± 2,16 ms-1). Las BM lluviosas ocurrieron bajo valores de energía potencial convectiva disponible más altos y valores del parámetro de inhibición convectiva más bajos, condiciones que favorecen la lluvia. En general, los eventos de BM lluviosos representaron el 20-30% de la precipitación a lo largo de la región costera de NC de mayo a septiembre. La posición de la Alta Subtropical del Atlántico Norte (ASAN) controla la disponibilidad de humedad y los vientos a lo largo de la costa de NC, proporcionando así un mecanismo de control de escala sinóptica para la precipitación de la BM. En particular, cuando la cresta occidental de la ASAN se localiza a lo largo de la costa sureste de los Estados Unidos, se produce un flujo de sudoeste húmedo a lo largo de la costa NC que puede favorecer la ocurrencia de eventos de BM lluviosos.This project was partially funded by the Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics and the Physical and Dynamic Meteorology programs of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Atmospheric and Geospatial Sciences, Award AGS-1118141

    Mouse model of panic disorder: Vulnerability to early environmental instability is strain-dependent.

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    AbstractEarly life experiences and genetic background shape phenotypic variation. Several mouse models based on early treatments have evaluated short‐ and long‐term phenotypic alterations and explored their molecular mechanisms. The instability of maternal cues was used to model human separation anxiety in outbred mice, one of the etiopathogenetic factors that predict panic disorder (PD). Application of the repeated cross‐fostering (RCF) protocol to inbred strains (C57 and DBA) allowed us to measure differential responses to the same experimental manipulation. Ultrasounds emitted during isolation indicated that after RCF, pups from both strains lose their ability to be comforted by nest cues, but the frequency modulation of separation calls increased in RCF‐C57 and decreased in RCF‐DBA mice. No strain‐specific difference in olfactory ability explained these responses in RCF‐exposed mice. Rather, disruption of the infant‐mother bond may differentially affect separation calls in the two strains. Moreover, the RCF‐associated increased respiratory response to hypercapnia–an endophenotype of human PD documented among mice outbred strains–was replicated in the C57 strain only. We suggest that RCF‐induced instability of the early environment affects emotionality and respiratory physiology differentially, depending on pups' genetic background. These strain‐specific responses provide a lead to understand differential vulnerability to emotional disorders

    Prevalence and factors associated with probable depression among the oldest old during the Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from the large, nationally representative 'Old Age in Germany (D80+)' study

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    To date, most studies examining the prevalence and determinants of depression among individuals aged 80 and over have used geographically limited samples that are not generalisable to the wider population. Thus, our aim was to identify the prevalence and the factors associated with probable depression among the oldest old in Germany based on nationally representative data. Methods Data were taken from the nationally representative "Old Age in Germany (D80+)" study (n=8386; November 2020 to April 2021) covering both community-dwelling and institutionalised individuals aged 80 and over. The Short Form of the Depression in Old Age Scale was used to quantify probable depression. Results Probable depression was found in 40.7% (95% CI: 39.5% to 42.0%) of the sample; 31.3% were men (95% CI: 29.7% to 32.9%) and 46.6% women (95% CI: 44.9% to 48.3%). The odds of probable depression were positively associated with being female (odds ratio (OR): 1.55, 95% CI: 1.30 to 1.84), being divorced (compared to being married, OR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.76), being widowed (OR: 1.14, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.30), having a low education (e.g., medium education compared to low education, OR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.74 to 0.99), living in an institutionalised setting (OR: 2.36, 95% CI: 1.84 to 3.02), living in East Germany (OR: 1.21, 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.39), not having German citizenship (German citizenship compared to other citizenship, OR: 0.55, 95% CI: 0.31 to 0.95), poor self-rated health (OR: 0.31, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.34), and the number of chronic conditions (OR: 1.12, 95% CI: 1.09 to 1.14). Conclusion About four out of 10 individuals aged 80 and over in Germany had probable depression, underlining the importance of this challenge. Knowledge of specific risk factors for this age group may assist in addressing older adults at risk of probable depression

    Successful Invasions of Short Internally Deleted Elements (SIDEs) and Its Partner CR1 in Lepidoptera Insects

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    Although DNA transposons often generated internal deleted derivatives such as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements, short internally deleted elements (SIDEs) derived from nonlong terminal-repeat retrotransposons are rare. Here, we found a novel SIDE, named Persaeus, that originated from the chicken repeat 1 (CR1) retrotransposon Zenon and it has been found widespread in Lepidoptera insects. Our findings suggested that Persaeus and the partner Zenon have experienced a transposition burst in their host genomes and the copy number of Persaeus and Zenon in assayed genomes are significantly correlated. Accordingly, the activity though age analysis indicated that the replication wave of Persaeus coincided with that of Zenon. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that Persaeus may have evolved at least four times independently, and that it has been vertically transferred into its host genomes. Together, our results provide new insights into the evolution dynamics of SIDEs and its partner non-LTRs