15 research outputs found
Colorectal cancer detection in an asymptomatic population: fecal immunochemical test for hemoglobin vs. fecal M2-type pyruvate kinase
Introduction: Screening programs for colorectal cancer (CRC) are mainly based on a first-line fecal immunochemical test for hemoglobin (FIT). Fecal M2-type pyruvate kinase (M2-PK) has been evaluated in clinical settings showing promising results for early CRC detection. However, the impact of fecal M2-PK assessment on the performance of first-round CRC screening programs is not known. We investigated whether fecal M2-PK alone or in combination with FIT may improve CRC screening efficacy in the general population.
Materials and methods: A total of 1027 asymptomatic subjects (median age 66 [59-74] years; females 504 [49.1%]), identified through the general practitioners’ rosters, were invited for the collection of 2 fecal samples for FIT and M2-PK evaluation. Participants with at least positive one fecal test were referred for colonoscopy. Quality indicators for screening performance were calculated and analyzed using Fisher’s exact test.
Results: Overall, 572 subjects underwent both FIT and M2-PK assessment (participation rate 55.7%): 93 participants showed positive results for at least one test (positivity rate 16.3%). Only 10 patients were positive for both tests. Attendance rate to colonoscopy was 86.0% and a total of 65 adenomas and 7 cancers were detected. Combined use of FIT and fecal M2-PK permitted the identification of 18 more neoplasm (25%) without improving colonoscopy workload, as deduced by the comparable number needed to scope (P = 0.402).
Conclusion: The addition of M2-PK testing to FIT offers the potential to detect additional neoplasms that either do not bleed or only bleed intermittently without reducing participation rate and without increasing endoscopy workload
New pharmacological strategies in some metabolic endocrine disorder under a toxicological approach
In this review After Observing biomedical literature (starting from some heart disease) results that some pathological phenomena are deeply involved in some metabolic endocrine condition: Kinetics and gradients in metabolism, catabolism, time related, toxic like effect, electrical cell membrane status, smooth vascular muscle cell hyper-reactivity, platelet iperactivations, central autonomic control after acute stroke, great electrolytes unbalances et other factors as pro-hypertrophic signaling and oxidative stress. Observing actual current therapy in some metabolic endocrine therapy often is used association of drugs (in example in type II diabetes). In Many other pathologies efficacy drug therapy exist, and often only 1 pharmacological molecule resolve the pathological condition. But in many disease even associating 2-3-4 drugs the % of cure not increase (efficacy, effectiveness). It mean that this drugs strategies are not the really best? Or it mean a low active level? Why for this pathological condition this association drugs in currently use not do the right works as really needed? There is the need for new really efficacy drugs strategy that show a profile of efficacy as requested in order to resolve the pathological condition? Or to be added to the actual therapy? The actual pharmacological strategies in some metabolic endocrine disorder is really the best? Or other strategies can be introduced
The Immunitary role in chronic prostatitis and growth factors as promoter of BPH
In the actual medical therapy of BPH, we can see: antibiotics, alpha blockers, 5-ARI, fitotherapeutics/natural products (Serenoa repens) with different which display clinical activities and other molecules such as FANS (local or systemic dosage forms) cortisones and others. Relationship between immune systems and chronic prostatitis are strictly involved in BPH progression. A vicious cycle that involve chronic flogosis, tissue remodeling, grow factors, inhibition of apoptosis, and other phenomena. Observing BPH pathogenesis under an immunologic point of view make possible to search new pharmacological strategies, to improve actual therapy.
The aim of this work is to observe some relevant literature in our opinion related the management of BHP and its progression under a pharmaceutical and immunological point of view. A deep knowledge in the pharmaceutical properties of some molecules (antimicrobials, anti-phlogosis agents, Anti-androgenic agents, alpha blockers, 5-ARI and other treatments, techniques, interventions or instruments) can help the physicians to pick the right choice
The turing machine theory for some spinal cord and brain condition, A toxicological - antidotic depurative approach
Aim of this work is to produce a general theory related an new depurative strategy to be devalued for reduce or delay some spinal cord and brain degenerative and inflammatory chronic disease or acute traumatic condition. It is used and informatics approach in order to set correct the problem and the process. Scope of this project is to submit to the researcher a new therapeutic strategy (under a depurative- toxicological-pharmacological) in this complex kind of disease. A Turing machine theory say us a method to TRASLATE the need of a strategy in a practical hypotesys of work. A global conceptual map can help in this field
Brain and immune system: KURU disease a toxicological process?
Starting from observation of pathogenesis of KURU disease we try to investigate the immunologic role played by central nervous systems. A deeply knowledge in the transmission model of this pathology can be an imaging/diagnostic tool to Verify the progression of this prion molecule from gastro intestinal systems to the brain. (After cannibalistic behavior). The prions can be considered a sort of trace ant in KURU to monitoring this process and immune- brain relationship. Interesting information can be obtained useful to produce new pharmacological strategies in some other degenerative brain disease involving innate immune system activation
Endogenus toxicology: Modern physio-pathological aspects and relationship with new therapeutic strategies. An integrative discipline incorporating concepts from different research discipline like Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Many pathologic disease can be considered as related to an Endogenous toxicological moves and in time dependent way (kinetics and dynamic of the process). In this work starting from the analysis of relevant literature involved with different disease and related to the endogenous local micro- environment some global conclusion useful as new tools for innovative pharmacological strategies will be submitted to the researcher. Physiology, pathology concept linked to the endogenous toxicological local micro-environment status as new research instruments. The same carcinogenesis process can be related also to endogenous agents that may have a major contribution in spontaneously process. (Reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are involved in multiple cellular processes by physiologically transporting signal as a second messenger or pathologically oxidizing DNA, lipids, and proteins)
Endogenous archeological sciences: Physiology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Oncology and Genetics as instrument for a new field of investigation? Modern global aspects for a new discipline
In this work is analyzed scientific literature involved in human evolution to be used as an archeological Pathway to link different sciences in an overall new discipline.
A rational classification of single evidence make possible to better understand under new light some Physiological process.
The archeological instrument to be applied in other field like biology or other sciences
Receptor pharmacology and other relevant factors in lower urinary tract pathology under a functional and toxicological approach: Instrument to better manage antimicrobials therapy
In various patients conditions involved in lower urinary tract disease LUT (like overactive bladder, bladder neck sclerosis, dis –synergy (with our synenrgic contraction between bladder detrusor and bladder neck, BPH, recurrent cysytitis, interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, uretral stenosys, loss of sfinteric coordination.
Prostatic cancer, anatomic abnormalities and other the receptor status play relevant role to reduce effect of vicious clycle that can be responsible in progression of the pathologic process.
In this work the complex receptorial status is analyzed to verify new therapeutic strategies.
Starting from the observation that various irritant substanties produce irritant stimulus in Prostatic Patients or in bladder neck condition is interesting to deep understand the etio-patogenesys and Functional results.
In Various prostatic, bladder neck or ureteral condition a reduced urinary fluss can produce infectious.
Conditions like acute or chronic prostatitis.
Irritants sustanties in diet (in example etilic alcohol drink, hot spices, crud meats, carbonate drinks, caffeine and other) can produce Painful stimulus in innervations of vecical trigonous, bladder neck and prostatic urethra.
The same recurrent cystitis and Bph contribute in a complex situation.
This stimulus produce ipertonus of bladder muscle involved in the expulsion of urine.
The event related inflamation and edema (bladder, prostatic uretra, trigonus) contribute to the global effect.
So conditions like bladder neck sclerosys IPB, recurrent prostatitis and cistitys in acts in a vicious circle. (Also immunomediated: Bph and cronic prostatitis with linfocite infiltration and tissue remodeling).
The ormonal status check the systems (see 5-ARI efficacy in Bph).
Simpatic, parasimpatic and other system are deeply involved.
Also behavioral habits or diet can influence in example urinary flux in a complex system like LUT. (Bladder and prostatic irritants that can produce edema and acute inflamation).
Other behavior habits are deeply involved as too much sedentary, water intake, coffee, pee modality and also psychological profile and stressing conditions.
Some disease like diabetes produce high consequences in all this systems due to
Bladder modification, oxidative stress, osmotic movens, and increase susceptibility of urinary infections.
This article are verified this kind of movens that contribute in physio -pathology of some low urinary tract conditions.
The anatomic abnormalities produces, obviously, physiological disfuntions.
Recurrent urinary tract infections, inadequate antimicrobial therapy:
Profile of resistance, duration of therapy, kind of antimicrobials, posology,
Pk. Kinetics, associations, compliance, biofilms, micro calcifications (recurrent chronic prostatitis) contribute to a progression of the condition
Similarity between Some Biological Systems, Organotropism and Metastatic Process: Active Role Played By Secondary Organ?
According to literature, about 90% of death from cancer is related to metastasis. Metastatic process present many similarity to some other biological processes. Once we have examined some relevant biomedical literature, by understanding the real causes of metastasis, it would become much more possible to introduce new therapeutic strategies to delay or in some cases even to stop this kind of killer process. Breast cancer, as an example, produces metastasis to different organs, which seems to be related to the subtype. We believe that a deep understanding of the roles of breast cancer cells and their interactions with the liver microenvironment in early breast cancer metastasis could be a crucial factor for the design and development of effective BCLM breast cancer liver metastases therapeutic strategies and to better understand the general process. Let’s suppose the secondary organ or organs can be considered as incubator/s for the primary metastatic cells. What kind of consequences we can have in therapy field if there is an active regulating role in determining the location of secondary cancers?
Let’s observe the role played by liver, bone marrow, CNS central nervous system, lungs, lymphocytes and other secondary locations/organs a little bit closer or maybe from a different angle let’s suppose we try to come up with just a hypothesis. Just let’s take this as a possibility, and we take the thread to see where it takes us