27 research outputs found

    Kidseconomics® 2019/2020

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    RT 11; “Kidseconomics®" is the educational activity developed by CNR to introduce the basic concepts of economics in primary and lower secondary school education. In the first 5 years of activity it has reached about 6,000 students. Starting from the school year 2019/2020, the didactic proposal also includes laboratories, workshops and school/work alternation projects designed to meet the curiosity and skills of students of higher school grades. The contents therefore present a growing level of in-depth analysis, but the proposed methods and involvement remain those of informal teaching

    Kidseconomics® 2015/2018

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    RT 10; “Kidseconomics®" is the educational activity developed by CNR to introduce the basic concepts of economics in primary and lower secondary school education. Economic science permeates the daily life of children and young people and is essential to the life of informed and aware citizens, however it is not included in didactic programmes of the first school years. "Kidseconomics®" therefore represents the first opportunity of economic literacy for many young people. Since 2015, an educational workshop has been proposed during festivals and science events and in the schools of three pilot cities: Genoa, Naples and Turin

    Il Laboratorio di CIRCE dello IUAV Fotogrammetria

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    Il Centro oggi opera nel campo della documentazione, con finalità di acquisire, conservare, trattare, diffondere le informazioni e mettere a disposizione il patrimonio documentale per scopi esclusivamente di studio e di ricerca. Inoltre svolge attività di elaborazione e di produzione con l’utilizzo di avanzate e moderne tecnologie, anche per committenti esterni, nel campo del rilievo, della cartografia e della gestione informatica dei dati territoriali. Dal punto di vista organizzativo il CIRCE è organizzato in servizi e laboratori tra cui quello di fotogrammetria che viene qui presentato