255 research outputs found
G.I.Ascoli e la lingua italiana: dal carteggio con Francesco D'Ovidio
Il lavoro illustra sulla base di vari documenti inediti (in gran parte dalla corrispondenza con Francesco D’Ovidio) l’Ascoli italianista (il fondatore della dialettologia italiana, il direttore dell’Archivio Glottologico Italiano, l’oppositore a Manzoni dalle pagine del Proemio all’AGI)
Per una mappa dell’autotraduzione letteraria endolinguistica: dal dialetto all’italiano
This paper will examine some aspects of the intralingual self-translation in Italy, in the works of
Luigi Pirandello and Franco Loi. Pirandello’s works include some of 40 plays, written in Sicilian
dialect. Some of them, like Liolà , were written first in dialect (“girgentano”) and then translated
into Italian by Pirandello himself: the Italian translation from the first version of LiolĂ (1916) is a
complete recreation of the play. Franco Loi’s work, L’angel, written in dialect of Mailand, has been
published with a self-translation (Milano 1994). On the basis of this brief comparison, the passage
from the dialect in the Italian version, is interesting to analyze some linguistic structures of the
cannabis / cannabu / cannaba; cannapis / cannapa cĂ napa
Il lavoro considera i derivati italo-romanzi del lat. cannabis, distinguendo le forme riconducibili alle varianti cannabum / cannaba e al lat. tardo cannapis; lo sguardo romanzo e la cronologia delle attestazioni consentono di chiarire alcune trafile di prestiti (per es. canovaccio)
Scritture da lontano: semicolti campani e sondaggi dal corpus MeTrOpolis
This paper deals with a new project called MeTrOpolis (Memorie, tracce, orizzonti), carried out by the
Laboratorio LeGIT (UniversitĂ di Salerno). The project aims to trace the linguistic history of Italian
in Campania through “semi-literates” texts. More specifically, the paper analyzes some specimina of
the "th century “scritture da lontano”, i.e. writings from contexts of migration and war, and describes
their most significant linguistic features
Étymologie : Objets, méthodes et perpectives
L’étymologie est une des branches les plus anciennes des Sciences du Langage et elle a connu un développement exceptionnel en romanistique grâce à la bonne documentation diachronique et variationnelle des langues latine et néolatines.
Le volume, issu d’un colloque zurichois sur l’Étymologie romane en l’honneur du 80e anniversaire de Max Pfister entend mettre en relief les méthodes constitutives et les buts de la recherche étymologique à l’heure actuelle et montrer la richesse de ses perspectives pour la recherche future.
La discussion s’articule autour de deux axes de réflexion principaux:
(i) l’identification des étymons permettant de construire des trajectoires de dépendance et de parenté,
(ii) l’utilisation des trajectoires étymologiques ainsi constituées à d’autres fins linguistiques.
Le volume réunit parmi les meilleurs spécialistes de l’étymologie à l’heure d’aujourd’hui
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