26 research outputs found

    Nanofibers in Mucosal Drug and Vaccine Delivery

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    Successful mucosal administration and delivery of drugs still pose a great challenge. However, the possibility to deliver not only small drug molecules but also macromolecular drugs and nanoparticles via mucosal surfaces represents a great opportunity. Rapid onset of drug action, avoidance of first-pass metabolism, and high immunocompetence of mucosa are some of the important features for mucosal drug and vaccine delivery. The use of mucoadhesive drug delivery systems, systems with fast dissolving properties, and nanomaterials with mucus penetration properties are examples of successful strategies to achieve effective mucosal drug and vaccine delivery. Non-keratinized mucosa of the oral cavity, the nasal and vaginal mucosa represent favorable sites of drug administration. Polymer nanofibers have attracted much attention because of remarkable characteristics such as a large surface area to volume ratio and high porosity. Nanofibers have been extensively used for different biomedical applications including wound dressing, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. Among their fabrication methods, the introduction of electrospinning technique was an important step toward achieving the goal of large scale industrial production of nanofiber-based drug delivery systems used in mucosal applications. This chapter provides an overview on all aspects of mucosal drug and vaccine delivery using nanofibers

    Hydrogel properties of electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone and polyvinylpyrrolidone/poly(acrylic acid) blend nanofibers

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    Effect of solvents on the electrospinning of polymer solutions

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    Nanofibres for Drug Delivery

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    katedra: KNT; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 74 s., 9 s. obr. přílohThe main objective of the diploma thesis was to find optimal conditions for continuous electrospinning (el-spinn) of nanofiber sheets with high chitosan content. Chitosan was blended with poly(ethylene-oxide) (PEO) for nanofiber sheets production. The effect on an addition of natrium chloride, effect of chitosan molecular mass and an effect of different types of solvents and their concentrations were investigated in the process of el-spinn. Consequently the influence of non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 on surface tension of blends chitosan/PEO was studied. Because of the intended application in the tissue engineering, the sheets were stabilized against dissolving in water. Processed sheets of submicrone fibres were analysed by infrared spectroscopy.Hlavním cílem diplomové práce bylo nalezení optimálních podmínek pro kontinuální výrobu nanovlákenných vrstev s vysokým obsahem chitosanu pomocí elektrostatického zvlákňování (el-spinnu). Pro výrobu vrstev byl chitosan směsován s polyethylenoxidem (PEO). Při el-spinnu byl sledován vliv přídavku chloridu sodného ke směsi chitosan/PEO, molekulová hmotnost chitosanu, typy rozpouštědel a jejich koncentrace. Dále byl sledován vliv přídavku neionogenní povrchově aktivní látky Triton X-100 na povrchové napětí směsi chitosan/PEO. Z důvodu následného použití vrstev v medicíně byl hledán optimální způsob jejich stabilizace proti rozpuštění ve vodě. Vyrobené nanovlákenné vrstvy byly analyzovány pomocí infračervené spektroskopie

    Innovative Laboratory Technique for Testing of Bacterial Filtration Efficiency of Nanofibre-based Filters

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