118,300 research outputs found

    Cosmology with a Nonlinear Born-Infeld type Scalar Field

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    Recent many physicists suggest that the dark energy in the universe might result from the Born-Infeld(B-I) type scalar field of string theory. The universe of B-I type scalar field with potential can undergo a phase of accelerating expansion. The corresponding equation of state parameter lies in the range of −1<ω<−1/3\displaystyle -1<\omega<-{1/3}. The equation of state parameter of B-I type scalar field without potential lies in the range of 0≤ω≤10\leq\omega\leq1. We find that weak energy condition and strong energy condition are violated for phantom B-I type scalar field. The equation of state parameter lies in the range of ω<−1\omega<-1.Comment: 10 pages without figure

    Domain Walls and Massive Gauged Supergravity Potentials

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    We point out that massive gauged supergravity potentials, for example those arising due to the massive breathing mode of sphere reductions in M-theory or string theory, allow for supersymmetric (static) domain wall solutions which are a hybrid of a Randall-Sundrum domain wall on one side, and a dilatonic domain wall with a run-away dilaton on the other side. On the anti-de Sitter (AdS) side, these walls have a repulsive gravity with an asymptotic region corresponding to the Cauchy horizon, while on the other side the runaway dilaton approaches the weak coupling regime and a non-singular attractive gravity, with the asymptotic region corresponding to the boundary of spacetime. We contrast these results with the situation for gauged supergravity potentials for massless scalar modes, whose supersymmetric AdS extrema are generically maxima, and there the asymptotic regime transverse to the wall corresponds to the boundary of the AdS spacetime. We also comment on the possibility that the massive breathing mode may, in the case of fundamental domain-wall sources, stabilize such walls via a Goldberger-Wise mechanism.Comment: latex file, 11 pages, 3 figure

    Consistent Kaluza-Klein Sphere Reductions

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    We study the circumstances under which a Kaluza-Klein reduction on an n-sphere, with a massless truncation that includes all the Yang-Mills fields of SO(n+1), can be consistent at the full non-linear level. We take as the starting point a theory comprising a p-form field strength and (possibly) a dilaton, coupled to gravity in the higher dimension D. We show that aside from the previously-studied cases with (D,p)=(11,4) and (10,5) (associated with the S^4 and S^7 reductions of D=11 supergravity, and the S^5 reduction of type IIB supergravity), the only other possibilities that allow consistent reductions are for p=2, reduced on S^2, and for p=3, reduced on S^3 or S^{D-3}. We construct the fully non-linear Kaluza-Klein Ansatze in all these cases. In particular, we obtain D=3, N=8, SO(8) and D=7, N=2, SO(4) gauged supergravities from S^7 and S^3 reductions of N=1 supergravity in D=10.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, typo correcte

    Entropy-Product Rules for Charged Rotating Black Holes

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    We study the universal nature of the product of the entropies of all horizons of charged rotating black holes. We argue, by examining further explicit examples, that when the maximum number of rotations and/or charges are turned on, the entropy product is expressed in terms of angular momentum and/or charges only, which are quantized. (In the case of gauged supergravities, the entropy product depends on the gauge-coupling constant also.) In two-derivative gravities, the notion of the "maximum number" of charges can be defined as being sufficiently many non-zero charges that the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole arises under an appropriate specialisation of the charges. (The definition can be relaxed somewhat in charged AdS black holes in D≥6D\ge 6.) In higher-derivative gravity, we use the charged rotating black hole in Weyl-Maxwell gravity as an example for which the entropy product is still quantized, but it is expressed in terms of the angular momentum only, with no dependence on the charge. This suggests that the notion of maximum charges in higher-derivative gravities requires further understanding.Comment: References added. 24 page

    Decoupling Limit, Lens Spaces and Taub-NUT: D=4 Black Hole Microscopics from D=5 Black Holes

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    We study the space-times of non-extremal intersecting p-brane configurations in M-theory, where one of the components in the intersection is a ``NUT,'' i.e. a configuration of the Taub-NUT type. Such a Taub-NUT configuration corresponds, upon compactification to D=4, to a Gross-Perry-Sorkin (GPS) monopole. We show that in the decoupling limit of the CFT/AdS correspondence, the 4-dimensional transverse space of the NUT configuration in D=5 is foliated by surfaces that are cyclic lens spaces S^3/Z_N, where N is the quantised monopole charge. By contrast, in D=4 the 3-dimensional transverse space of the GPS monopole is foliated by 2-spheres. This observation provides a straightforward interpretation of the microscopics of a D=4 string-theory black hole, with a GPS monopole as one of its constituents, in terms of the corresponding D=5 black hole with no monopole. Using the fact that the near-horizon region of the NUT solution is a lens space, we show that if the effect of the Kaluza-Klein massive modes is neglected, p-brane configurations can be obtained from flat space-time by means of a sequence of dimensional reductions and oxidations, and U-duality transformations.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Absorption by Extremal D3-branes

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    The absorption in the extremal D3-brane background is studied for a class of massless fields whose linear perturbations leave the ten-dimensional background metric unperturbed, as well as the minimally-coupled massive scalar. We find that various fields have the same absorption probability as that of the dilaton-axion system, which is given exactly via the Mathieu equation. We analyze the features of the absorption cross-sections in terms of effective Schr\"odinger potentials, conjecture a general form of the dual effective potentials, and provide explicit numerical results for the whole energy range. As expected, all partial-wave absorption probabilities tend to zero (one) at low (large) energies, and exhibit an oscillatory pattern as a function of energy. The equivalence of absorption probabilities for various modes has implications for the correlation functions on the field, including subleading contributions on the field-theory side. In particular, certain half-integer and integer spin fields have identical absorption probabilities, thus providing evidence that the corresponding operator pairs on the field theory side belong to the same supermultiplets.Comment: Latex, 9 figures and 17 page
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