130,411 research outputs found

    Development of a Straw Tube Chamber with Pickup-Pad Readout

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    We have developed a straw tube chamber with pickup-pad readout. The mechanism for signal pickup, the size of the pickup signal, and the distribution of signals among neighboring pads are discussed. We have tested a prototype chamber in a beamtest at Brookhaven National laboratory and have measured chamber efficiencies in excess of 99%.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Talk presented at DPF '99 Meeting, UCL

    Variability in Proto-Planetary Nebulae: IV. Light Curve Analyses of Four Oxygen-Rich, F Spectral-Type Objects

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    We present new light curves covering 14 to 19 years of observations of four bright proto-planetary nebulae (PPNs), all O-rich and of F spectral type. They each display cyclical light curves with significant variations in amplitude. All four were previously known to vary in light. Our data were combined with published data and searched for periodicity. The results are as follows: IRAS 19475+3119 (HD 331319; 41.0 days), 17436+5003 (HD 161796; 45.2 days), 19386+0155 (101.8 days), and 18095+2704 (113.3 days). The two longer periods are in agreement with previous studies while the two shorter periods each reveal for the first time reveal a dominant period over these long observing intervals. Multiple periods were also found for each object. The secondary periods were all close to the dominant periods, with P2/P1 ranging from 0.86 to 1.06. The variations in color reveal maximum variations in T(eff) of 400 to 770 K. These variations are due to pulsations in these post-AGB objects. Maximum seasonal light variations are all less than 0.23 mag (V), consistent for their temperatures and periods with the results of Hrivnak et al. (2010) for 12 C-rich PPNs. For all of these PPNs, there is an inverse relationship between period and temperature; however, there is a suggestion that the period-temperature relationship may be somewhat steeper for the O-rich than for the C-rich PPNs.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Triaxiality and shape coexistence in Germanium isotopes

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    The ground-state deformations of the Ge isotopes are investigated in the framework of Gogny-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) and Skyrme Hartree-Fock plus pairing in the BCS approximation. Five different Skyrme parametrizations are used to explore the influence of different effective masses and spin-orbit models. There is generally good agreement for binding energies and deformations (total quadrupole moment, triaxiality) with experimental data where available (i.e., in the valley of stability). All calculations agree in predicting a strong tendency for triaxial shapes in the Ge isotopes with only a few exceptions due to neutron (sub-)shell closures. The frequent occurrence of energetically very close shape isomers indicates that the underlying deformation energy landscape is very soft. The general triaxial softness of the Ge isotopes is demonstrated in the fully triaxial potential energy surface. The differences between the forces play an increasing role with increasing neutron number. This concerns particularly the influence of the spin-orbit model, which has a visible effect on the trend of binding energies towards the drip line. Different effective mass plays an important role in predicting the quadrupole and triaxial deformations. The pairing strength only weakly affects binding energies and total quadrupole deformations, but considerably influences triaxiality.Comment: 9 page

    The black hole mass versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/Active Galactic Nuclei: observational appearance and black hole growth

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    Studies of massive black holes (BHs) in nearby galactic centers have revealed a tight correlation between BH mass and galactic velocity dispersion. In this paper we investigate how the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation and the nuclear luminosity versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are connected with the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation in local galaxies, through the nuclear luminosity evolution of individual QSOs/AGNs and the mass growth of individual BHs. In the study we ignore the effects of BH mergers and assume that the velocity dispersion does not change significantly during and after the nuclear activity phase. Using the observed correlation in local galaxies and an assumed form of the QSO/AGN luminosity evolution and BH growth, we obtain the simulated observational appearance of the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/AGNs. The simulation results illustrate how the BH accretion history (e.g., the lifetime of nuclear activity and the possibility that QSOs/AGNs accrete at a super-Eddington accretion rate at the early evolutionary stage) can be inferred from the difference between the relation in QSOs/AGNs and that in local galaxies. We also show how the difference may be weakened by the flux limit of telescopes. We expect that a large complete sample of QSOs/AGNs with accurate BH mass and velocity dispersion measurements will help to quantitatively constrain QSO/AGN luminosity evolution and BH growth models.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figures; revised to match the published versio

    Gaussian Effective Potential and the Coleman's normal-ordering Prescription : the Functional Integral Formalism

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    For a class of system, the potential of whose Bosonic Hamiltonian has a Fourier representation in the sense of tempered distributions, we calculate the Gaussian effective potential within the framework of functional integral formalism. We show that the Coleman's normal-ordering prescription can be formally generalized to the functional integral formalism.Comment: 6 pages, revtex; With derivation details and an example added. To appear in J. Phys.

    The Generalized Crewther Relation in QCD and its Experimental Consequences

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    We use the BLM scale-fixing prescription to derive a renormalization-scheme invariant relation between the coefficient function for the Bjorken sum rule for polarized deep inelastic scattering and the RR-ratio for the e+ee^+e^- annihilation cross section. This relation provides a generalization of the Crewther relation to non-conformally invariant gauge theories. The derived relations allow one to calculate unambiguously without renormalization scale or scheme ambiguity the effective charges of the polarized Bjorken and the Gross-Llewellen Smith sum rules from the experimental value for the effective charge associated with RR-ratio. Present data are consistent with the generalized Crewther relations, but measurements at higher precision and energies will be needed to decisively test these fundamental relations in QCD.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX fil