119,493 research outputs found

    Galaxy Ecosystems: gas contents, inflows and outflows

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    We use a set of observational data for galaxy cold gas mass fraction and gas phase metallicity to constrain the content, inflow and outflow of gas in central galaxies hosted by halos with masses between 1011M⊙10^{11} M_{\odot} to 1012M⊙10^{12} M_{\odot}. The gas contents in high redshift galaxies are obtained by combining the empirical star formation histories of Lu et al. (2014) and star formation models that relate star formation rate with the cold gas mass in galaxies. We find that the total baryon mass in low-mass galaxies is always much less than the universal baryon mass fraction since z=2z = 2, regardless of star formation model adopted. The data for the evolution of the gas phase metallicity require net metal outflow at z≲2z\lesssim 2, and the metal loading factor is constrained to be about 0.010.01, or about 60%60\% of the metal yield. Based on the assumption that galactic outflow is more enriched in metal than both the interstellar medium and the material ejected at earlier epochs, we are able to put stringent constraints on the upper limits for both the net accretion rate and the net mass outflow rate. The upper limits strongly suggest that the evolution of the gas phase metallicity and gas mass fraction for low-mass galaxies at z<2z < 2 is not compatible with strong outflow. We speculate that the low star formation efficiency of low-mass galaxies is owing to some preventative processes that prevent gas from accreting into galaxies in the first place.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A Note on N=2 Superstrings

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    In this note we investigate the generalised critical N=2N=2 superstrings in (1,2p)(1,2p) spacetime signature. We calculate the four-point functions for the tachyon operators of these theories. In contrast to the usual N=2N=2 superstring in (2,2)(2,2) spacetime, the four-point functions do not vanish. The exchanged particles of the four-point function are included in the physical spectrum of the corresponding theory and have vanishing fermion charge.Comment: 8 pages, CTP TAMU-57/92, EFI-92-3

    Quantum theory of the real and the complexified projective line

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    Quantum deformations of sets of points of the real and the complexified projective line are constructed. These deformations depend on the deformation parameter q and certain further parameters \lambda_{ij}. The deformations for which the subspace of polynomials of degree three has a basis of ordered monomials are selected. We show that the corresponding algebras of three points have "polynomiality". Invariant elements which turn out to be cross ratios in the classical limit are defined. For the special case |\lambda_{ij}| = 1 a quantum cross ratio with properties similar to the classical case is presented. As an application a quantum version of the real Euclidean distance is given.Comment: 25 page

    The Accretion and Cooling of Preheated Gas in Dark Matter Halos

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    (abridged) We use a one-dimensional hydrodynamical code to investigate the effects of preheating on gas accretion and cooling in cold dark matter halos. In the absence of radiative cooling, preheating reduces the amount of gas that can be accreted into a halo, and the accreted gas fraction is determined by the ratio of the initial specific entropy of the gas to the virial entropy of the halo. In the presence of radiative cooling, preheating affects the gas fraction that can cool in two different ways. For small halos with masses <10^12Msun, preheating suppresses gas accretion, but most of the accreted gas can cool. For more massive halos, preheating not only reduces the amount of accreted gas, but also reduces the cooling efficiency. For both small and massive halos, gas cooling is delayed by preheating and in an inside-out fashion if the halo gas is assumed to be a single-phase medium. However, cooling can occur over a wider range of redshifts and radii, if we assume a multi-phase medium. As examples, two specific preheating cases are investigated. In the first case, the preheating entropy is assumed to be proportional to the virial entropy of the halo, as expected from AGN feedback. Such preheating effectively suppresses radiative cooling in halos with M>10^13Msun. We suggest that this may be the reason why the stellar mass function of galaxies breaks sharply at the massive end. Such preheating also helps create the hot diffused halos within which the "radio mode" feedback of AGNs can act effectively. In the second case, we assume the intergalactic medium is warm. Here the total amount of gas that can cool in a halo scales with halo mass as ~M^2, as would be required to match the observed stellar- and HI-mass functions in the current CDM model at the small mass end.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Density oscillations in trapped dipolar condensates

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    We investigated the ground state wave function and free expansion of a trapped dipolar condensate. We find that dipolar interaction may induce both biconcave and dumbbell density profiles in, respectively, the pancake- and cigar-shaped traps. On the parameter plane of the interaction strengths, the density oscillation occurs only when the interaction parameters fall into certain isolated areas. The relation between the positions of these areas and the trap geometry is explored. By studying the free expansion of the condensate with density oscillation, we show that the density oscillation is detectable from the time-of-flight image.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    S^1-wrapped D3-branes on Conifolds

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    We construct a D3-brane wrapped on S^1, which is fibred over the resolved conifold as its transverse space. Whereas a fractional D3-brane on the resolved conifold is not supersymmetric and has a naked singularity, our solution is supersymmetric and regular everywhere. We also consider an S1S^1-wrapped D3-brane on the resolved cone over T^{1,1}/Z_2, as well as on the deformed conifold. In the former case, we obtain a regular supergravity dual to a certain four-dimensional field theory whose Lorentz and conformal symmetries are broken in the IR region and restored in the UV limit.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, minor correction
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