9 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton <i>Gossypium arboreum</i>

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    The complex allotetraploid nature of the cotton genome (AADD; 2n = 52) makes genetic, genomic and functional analyses extremely challenging. Here we sequenced and assembled the Gossypium arboreum (AA; 2n = 26) genome, a putative contributor of the A subgenome. A total of 193.6 Gb of clean sequence covering the genome by 112.6-fold was obtained by paired-end sequencing. We further anchored and oriented 90.4% of the assembly on 13 pseudochromosomes and found that 68.5% of the genome is occupied by repetitive DNA sequences. We predicted 41,330 protein-coding genes in G. arboreum. Two whole-genome duplications were shared by G. arboreum and Gossypium raimondii before speciation. Insertions of long terminal repeats in the past 5 million years are responsible for the twofold difference in the sizes of these genomes. Comparative transcriptome studies showed the key role of the nucleotide binding site (NBS)-encoding gene family in resistance to Verticillium dahliae and the involvement of ethylene in the development of cotton fiber cells.Genetics &amp; HereditySCI(E)[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Development of chromosome-specific markers

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    with high polymorphism for allotetraploid cotton based on genome-wide characterization of simple homologous chromosomes in tetraploid cotton through linkage group construction. The chromosome-specific Lu et al. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:55 DOI 10.1186/s12864-015-1265-21State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology, Institute of Cotton Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, ChinaSSRs and previously-reported chromosome markers were grouped together, and no marker mapped to another homologous chromosome, proving that the chromosome-specific SSRs were unique and could distinguish homologous chromosomes in tetraploid cotton. Because longer dinucleotide AT-rich repeats were the most polymorphic in previous reports, the SSRs on each chromosome were sorted by motif type and repeat length for convenient selection. The primer sequences of all chromosome-specific SSRs were also made publicly available. (Continued on next page

    Genome-wide comparative analysis of RNA-binding Glycine-rich protein family genes between Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium raimondii.

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    RB-GRP (RNA-binding Glycine-rich protein gene) family belongs to the fourth subfamily of the GRP (Glycine-rich protein gene) superfamily, which plays a great role in plant growth and development, as well as in abiotic stresses response, while it has not been identified in cotton. Here, we identified 37 and 32 RB-GRPs from two cotton species (Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium raimondii, respectively), which were divided into four distinct subfamilies based on the presence of additional motifs and the arrangement of the glycine repeats. The distribution of RB-GRPs was nonrandom and uneven among the chromosomes both in two cotton species. The expansion of RB-GRP gene family between two cultivars was mainly attributed to segmental and tandem duplication events indicated by synteny analysis, and the tandem duplicated genes were mapped into homologous collinear blocks, indicated that they shared a common ancestral gene in both species. Furthermore, most RB-GRPs in two cotton species undergone stronger negative selective pressure by evolutionary analysis of RB-GRP orthologous genes. Meanwhile, RB-GRPs participated in different abiotic stresses (Abscisic acid, salt and Polyethylene glycol) responses and tissues at different developmental stages between two cotton species were showed by gene expression analysis. This research would provide insight into the evolution and function of the RB-GRPs in Gossypium species

    The draft genome of a diploid cotton <em>Gossypium raimondii</em>

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    We have sequenced and assembled a draft genome of G. raimondii, whose progenitor is the putative contributor of the D subgenome to the economically important fiber-producing cotton species Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. Over 73% of the assembled sequences were anchored on 13 G. raimondii chromosomes. The genome contains 40,976 protein-coding genes, with 92.2% of these further confirmed by transcriptome data. Evidence of the hexaploidization event shared by the eudicots as well as of a cotton-specific whole-genome duplication approximately 13-20 million years ago was observed. We identified 2,355 syntenic blocks in the G. raimondii genome, and we found that approximately 40% of the paralogous genes were present in more than 1 block, which suggests that this genome has undergone substantial chromosome rearrangement during its evolution. Cotton, and probably Theobroma cacao, are the only sequenced plant species that possess an authentic CDN1 gene family for gossypol biosynthesis, as revealed by phylogenetic analysis.Genetics &amp; HereditySCI(E)50ARTICLE101098-+4