88 research outputs found

    Multicore-optimized wavefront diamond blocking for optimizing stencil updates

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    The importance of stencil-based algorithms in computational science has focused attention on optimized parallel implementations for multilevel cache-based processors. Temporal blocking schemes leverage the large bandwidth and low latency of caches to accelerate stencil updates and approach theoretical peak performance. A key ingredient is the reduction of data traffic across slow data paths, especially the main memory interface. In this work we combine the ideas of multi-core wavefront temporal blocking and diamond tiling to arrive at stencil update schemes that show large reductions in memory pressure compared to existing approaches. The resulting schemes show performance advantages in bandwidth-starved situations, which are exacerbated by the high bytes per lattice update case of variable coefficients. Our thread groups concept provides a controllable trade-off between concurrency and memory usage, shifting the pressure between the memory interface and the CPU. We present performance results on a contemporary Intel processor

    High-performance SVD partial spectrum computation

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    We introduce a new singular value decomposition (SVD) solver based on the QR-based Dynamically Weighted Halley (QDWH) algorithm for computing the partial spectrum SVD (QDWHpartial-SVD) problems. By optimizing the rational function underlying the algorithms in the desired part of the spectrum only, the QDWHpartial-SVD algorithm efficiently computes a fraction (say 1-20%) of the leading singular values/vectors. We develop a high-performance implementation of QDWHpartial-SVD 1 on distributed-memory manycore systems and demonstrate its numerical robustness. We perform a benchmarking campaign against counterparts from the state-of-theart numerical libraries across various matrix sizes using up to 36K MPI processes. Experimental results show performance speedups for QDWHpartial-SVD up to 6X and 2X against vendor-optimized PDGESVD from ScaLAPACK and KSVD on a Cray XC40 system using 1152 nodes based on two-socket 16-core Intel Haswell CPU, respectively. We also port our QDWHpartial-SVD software library to a system composed of 256 nodes with two-socket 64-Core AMD EPYC Milan CPU and achieve performance speedup up to 4X compared to vendor-optimized PDGESVD from ScaLAPACK. We also compare energy consumption for the two algorithms and demonstrate how QDWHpartial-SVD can further outperform PDGESVD in that regard by performing fewer memory-bound operations
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