1 research outputs found
Ultrastructural, Immunocytochemical and Flow Cytometry Study of Mouse Peritoneal Cells Stimulated with Carrangeenan.
- Author
- Allison A.C. and Young, M.R.
- Angermü
- Catalona W.J., Ratliff, T.L., and
- Catanzaro P.J., Schwartz, H.J., an
- Coutinho C.M.L.L., Cavalcanti, G.,
- Damas J. and Volon, G.
- DaMatta R.A., Araú
- Davies G.E.
- Delabie J., de Wolf-Peeters, C., v
- Di Rosa M. and Sorrentino, L.
- Gemsa D., Seitz, M., Kramer, W., T
- Gordon S.
- Gordon S. and Cohn, Z.A.
- Hawkins W.W. and Leonard, V.G.
- Hessian P.A., Edgeworth, J., and H
- Hogg N., Allen, C., and Edgeworth,
- Keller R.
- Kiessling R., Hochman, P.S., Halle
- Kopper L., Tran, V.H., Lapis, K.,
- Lagasse E. and Weissman, I.L.
- Lake W.W., Bice, D., Schwartz, H.J
- Lotzova E. and Richie, R.E.
- Lowry B.O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Fa
- Morrison D.C. and Raziuddin, S.
- Murao S., Collart, F.R., and Huber
- Ogmundsdottir H.M. and Weir, D.M.
- Palmer D.G., Hogg, N., Allen, C.A.
- Plasman N. and Vray, B.
- Quan P.C., Kolb, J.P., and Lespina
- Santos A.B.S. and De Souza, W.
- Satomi N., Haranaka, K., and Kunii
- Schwartz H.J. and Leskowitz, S.
- Sekut L., Yarnall, D., Stimpson, S
- Smith D.B., Cook, W.H., and Neal,
- Solbach W., Moll, H., and Rollingh
- Thomson A.W. and Fowler, E.F.
- Thomson A.W. and Horne, C.H.W.
- Thomson A.W., Wilson, A.R., Cruick
- Vinegar R., Schreiber, W., and Hug
- Ward P.A. and Cochrane, C.G.
- Winter C.A., Risley, E.A., and Nus
- Yung Y.P. and Cudkowicz, G.
- Zwadlo G., Bruggen, J., Gerhards,
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society for Cell Biology'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study