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21 research outputs found
Juvenile summer flounder,Paralichthys dentatus, mortalities in the western Atlantic Ocean caused by the hemoflagellateTrypanoplasma bullocki: evidence from field and experimental studies
A. B. Powell
A. L. S. Munro
+19 more
C. D. Becker
D. D. Daily
D. E. Zwerner
E. M. Burreson
E. M. Burreson
E. M. Burreson
I. Dyková
J. Lom
J. P. Sypek
L. Lowe-Jinde
L. Lowe-Jinde
M. Laird
M. W. Newman
P. C. Blaxhall
P. T. K. Woo
R. E. Putz
R. G. Strout
R. S. Hines
R. W. Smith
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effect of Schistocephalus solidus infection on meal size of three-spined stickleback
Allen J. R. M.
Arme C.
+10 more
Arrington D. A.
Cunningham E. J.
Hopkins C. A.
Houlihan D.
Lowe-Jinde L.
Milinski M
Ness J. H.
Pennycuick L
Sirois P.
Wootton R. J
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of cadmium, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and pentachlorophenol on feeding, growth, and particle-size-conversion efficiency of white sucker larvae and young common shiners
A Larsson
A Larsson
+17 more
B-E Bengtsson
C Haux
EC Weinbach
GW Holcombe
H-B Lee
HM Krueger
KG Waiwood
L Collvin
L Lowe-Jinde
PW Webb
RA Mathers
S-L Bostrom
U Borgmann
U Borgmann
U Borgmann
U Borgmann
U Borgmann
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of cadmium in freshwater clams. III. Interaction with energy metabolism inAnodonta cygnea
A Larsson
AM Ivanovici
+17 more
D Jaworek
D Keppler
DA Holwerda
E Plisetskaya
EE Jacobs
HU Bergmeyer
J Hemelraad
J Hemelraad
J Hemelraad
JP Giesy
KV Sastry
L Lowe-Jinde
L Tort
MG Mustafa
PVV Prasado Rao
R Toury
W Lamprecht
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Plasma Chemistries of Nitrite Stressed Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar
Ellsaesser C. F.
Giles M. A.
+11 more
Kramer J. W.
Limsuwan C.
Lowe-Jinde L.
Perrone S. J.
Russo R. C.
Steel R. G. D.
Suzumoto B. K.
Teitz N. W.
Tomasso J. R.
Wedemeyer G. A.
Wedemeyer G. A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Effects of aldicarb on the blood and tissues of a freshwater fish
A Zlatkis
AK Srivastava
+21 more
B Holmberg
BF Grant
BL Oser
CH Rouiller
DV O'Connor
GL Kelso
GR Gardner
HL Rosenthal
JA Couch
KV Sastry
KV Sastry
L Lowe-Jinde
LK Frovola
LL Eller
M Novak
MM Helmy
N Nelson
QH Pickerin
S Kumar
TS Gill
TS Gill
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A dietary effect on some cellular and humoral blood parameters of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)
Booke H.
Boon J.H.
+25 more
Boon J.H.
Borchard B.
Conroy D.
Garcia-Riera M.
Hara A.
Henken A.M.
Kirsipuu A.
Kirsipuu A.
Klein B.
Lone K.
Lowe-Jinde L.
Lowry O.H.
McCarthy D.
Meisner H.
Miller W.
Perrier H.
Pickering A.D.
Railo E.
Shimma Y.
Silveira R.
Snieszko S.
Warner M.
Watanabe T.
Wedemeyer G.
Zeitoun I.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Annual cycle of blood chemistry parameters in striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides L.) from the Gulf of Mexico
Barnhart R. A.
Blaxhall P. C.
+29 more
Booke H. E.
Casillas E.
Casillas E.
Casillas E.
Dixon D. G.
Folmar L. C.
Folmar L. C.
Gaudet M.
Gingerich W. H.
Hawkins R. J.
Hille S.
Hilmy A. M.
Houston A. H.
Korkock D. E.
Laidley C. W.
Lowe-Jinde L.
McKim J. M.
Miller W. R.
Pfeifer K. F.
Racicot J. G.
Sandnes K.
SAS Institute Inc.
Smit G. L.
Smit G. L.
Strange R. J.
Tietz N. W.
Wallace R. A.
Wedemeyer G. A.
Wedemeyer G. A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Relação hepatosomática e esplenosomática em peixes teleósteos de cultivo intensivo
Agostinho A.A
Barbieri G
+31 more
Barbieri G
Beiguelman B
Dioundick O. B
Flávio R. Moraes
Hadjkacem N
Heidinger R.C
Hilton J.W
Hoar W.S
Kurosvskaya L.N
Larson G.L
Le Cren E.D
Love R.M
Lowe-Jinde L
Marcos Tavares-Dias
Martins M.L
Maurício L. Martins
Oliveira E.G
Oliveira E.G
Pavanelli G.C
Peters G
Quentel C
Quentel C
Rafael J
Saint-Paul U
Shiau S.Y
Shiau S.Y
Tatner M.F
Tveranger B
Vieira A.L
Weatherley A.H
Yamamoto K.I
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Antimitotic agents and macronuclear division of ciliates
A. Jurand
A. M. Elliot
+40 more
B. Trump
C. F. Bardele
D. Mazia
E. Zeuthen
F. L. Renaud
F. Wunderlich
F. Wunderlich
F. Wunderlich
F. Wunderlich
F. Wunderlich
G. E. Stone
H. Falk
I. B. Raikov
I. B. Raikov
J. B. Tucker
J. G. Hirsch
J. Ito
J. L. Cameron
J. L. Rosenbaum
L. E. Roth
L. E. Roth
L. E. Roth
L. Lowe-Jinde
M. R. Adelmann
N. Carasso
N. E. Williams
N. N. Sedgley
O. Scherbaum
P. Plesner
P. Sitte
R. D. Allen
R. E. Stephens
R. E. Stevens
R. Marantz
S. Asakura
S. Danneel
S. Inoué
S. Tamura
T. J. Slotnivk
W. W. Franke
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text