53 research outputs found

    Stres i posljedice stresa na zdravlje kod pomagačkih struka (Stress and Stress Outcomes in the Helping Professions)

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    Stres je u pravom smislu te riječi jedan podražaj koji kao takav može biti pozitivan ili negativan. Time što mu se može dati «boja » sreće ili nesreće, nimalo se ne mijenja njegov uvijek isti smisao: stres je jedan složen sustav akcije i reakcije, podražaja i odgovora.Razni modeli pokušavaju objasniti stres i stresore te njihov utjecaj na stanje organizma, bilo psihičko bilo fizičko.                          Hans Selye je cijeli svoj istraživački rad posvetio istraživanjima stresa te dao veliki doprinos u okviru biološkog modela strsa. Povijest istraživanja stresa na zdravlje pokazuje ključnu važnost Selyeovog otkrića objektivnih indikatora stresa. Selye je opazio promjene adrenalnog korteksa, smanjene timusa i krvarenje ulkusa u probavnim organima, što je smatrao nespecifičnom reakcijom organizma na štetne podražaje, te tu reakciju naziva opći adaptacijski sindrom (OAS).  1  OAS Selye dijeli na tri faze

    Stres i posljedice stresa na zdravlje kod pomagačkih struka (Stress and Stress Outcomes in the Helping Professions)

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    Stres je u pravom smislu te riječi jedan podražaj koji kao takav može biti pozitivan ili negativan. Time što mu se može dati «boja » sreće ili nesreće, nimalo se ne mijenja njegov uvijek isti smisao: stres je jedan složen sustav akcije i reakcije, podražaja i odgovora.Razni modeli pokušavaju objasniti stres i stresore te njihov utjecaj na stanje organizma, bilo psihičko bilo fizičko.                          Hans Selye je cijeli svoj istraživački rad posvetio istraživanjima stresa te dao veliki doprinos u okviru biološkog modela strsa. Povijest istraživanja stresa na zdravlje pokazuje ključnu važnost Selyeovog otkrića objektivnih indikatora stresa. Selye je opazio promjene adrenalnog korteksa, smanjene timusa i krvarenje ulkusa u probavnim organima, što je smatrao nespecifičnom reakcijom organizma na štetne podražaje, te tu reakciju naziva opći adaptacijski sindrom (OAS).  1  OAS Selye dijeli na tri faze


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    Background: PTSD been recognized as a major problem in public health and has attracted an ever-growing scientific, epistemological and clinical interest. On the other side, PTSD is one of the most controversial diagnosis in psychiatry as well as in medicine in general. Method: We have made an overview of available literature on PTSD to identify what is our real knowledge about PTSD with all dilemmas, controversies and challenges. Results: We have various options as to how to evaluate, explain and describe PTSD and other trauma-related mental and somatic disorders. In this paper we compiled an extensive set of facts and meta-facts in order to to understand the real nature of traumatic stress, negative life events and PTSD. Conclusion: Conflict between various concepts of PTSD and our current knowledge will probably bring with itself a new scientific paradigm with new diagnostic phenotypes and refining the old ones

    Experience of Time with Mental Disorder

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    The aim of research was to examine subjective experience of time with examinees with diagnosed schizophrenia and examinees with diagnosed neurotic disorder. Differences inside those two diagnostic categories of mental disorders, and differences u compare to examinees without diagnosed mental disorder were explored. For needs of research questionnaire was constructed accordingly to available data from literature. In research participated examinees from 30–50 of age, which were equaled by age and gender. Research was performed on three groups, first group was mad of examinees with diagnosed schizophrenic disorder (n=43), second group was made of examinees with diagnosed neurotic disorder (n=40), and third group consisted of examines without mental disorder (n=39). Results of examination have showed significant statistical differences between certain groups considering particles of poll requester. Differences in subjective experience of time were presented according to items from questionnaire. Mutual for both groups of examinees with mental disorder is existence of pathological deviation in anticipating future. This was manifested in different ways and levels, depending of mental disorder. Given results confirm assumption that capability of anticipating future is important fact of mature and healthy individual

    Aging and the Quality of Life of Pensioners

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    Kontinuirano starenje stanovništva jedan je od najistaknutijih globalnih fenomena u posljednjih 20 godina. Navedeno se očituje u sve većem broju osoba starije životne dobi u ukupnoj populaciji te produljenju očekivane dužine života. Prema najnovijim projekcijama, postotak osoba starije životne dobi u svjetskom stanovništvu udvostručit će se u sljedećim trima desetljećima. Porast udjela starijih osoba u ukupnoj populaciji primjetan je i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku, 22,3% hrvatskog stanovništva ima 65 ili više godina. S obzirom na sve veću prisutnost starijih osoba u društvu, ističe se važnost utvrđivanja rizičnih i zaštitnih čimbenika kvalitetnog starenja. Kao ključne odrednice uspješno starećih osoba najčešće se navode adekvatan način suočavanja s promjenama koje donosi starost te pronalaženje svrhe i smisla u prethodnim životnim iskustvima. Podrška od strane bliskih osoba te uključenost pojedinca u različite društvene aktivnosti značajno doprinose uspješnom starenju i dužem životu, a smatraju se zaštitnim čimbenicima za pojavu depresivnosti i usamljenosti u starijoj dobi. U okviru rada prikazat će se dosadašnje spoznaje o starenju te psihosocijalnim čimbenicima koji doprinose kvaliteti života starijih osoba.One of the most prominent global phenomena in the last 20 years is population ageing. Demographic ageing is reflected in the increase of the population of older adults and higher life expectancy. The latest projections suggest that the percentage of elderly will double in the next three decades. This trend is also noticeable in Croatia. According to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, people aged 65 and above accounted for 22,3% of the population in Croatia. With the increasing number of older adults, it is important to determine the risk and protective factors associated with quality ageing. One of the key determinants of successful ageing is an adequate way of dealing with the changes brought by older age and finding purpose and meaning in previous life experiences. Social support and participation significantly contribute to successful ageing and longer life. Moreover, they are considered protective factors for depression and loneliness in old age. This paper explores the concept of ageing and the psychosocial factors associated with the quality of life of older adults


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    Background: Different studies clearly show that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is important factor in a reduction of the overall quality of life. PTSD remains a substantial problem in Croatia, nearly three decades after the beginning of the Croatia n Homeland war. In this paper, we present results of our original research about impact of PTSD on the self-perceived health-rela ted quality of life and social support in Croatian Homeland war veterans. Subjects and methods: A total of 277 war veterans were included from all Croatian counties. 158 (57.03%) veterans has PTSD and 119 (42.47%) are without PTSD. Strucured questionnaire was designed for socio-demographic data and information about combat experience and health problems. SF-36 was used in the estimation of health-related quality of life and Multidimesional S cale for Perceived Social Support for estimation of social support. Research was performed from June 2017 till November 2017. Results: Main results of the study suggest that Croatian veterans with PTSD have lower health-related quality of life in almost all doimains, and that they perceive less social support from family, friends and significant others in comparison to veterans without PTSD. Conclusion: The results of this study reiterate strong impact of PTSD on quality of life and perception of social support. The research speaks in favor of the need to develop person-centered interdisciplinry health-care programs for this population, with special emphasis on their overall quality of life

    The Quality of Life of Pensioners in the Republic of Croatia: Determination of Differences With Regard to Gender, Level of Education and Marital Status

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    Gotovo u svakoj svjetskoj regiji ljudi danas žive barem dvostruko duže nego prije 100 godina, a produljeni životni vijek povećao je interes istraživača s ciljem podizanja kvalitete života, ublažavanja gubitaka i promicanja aktivnog starenja. Hrvatska je među deset zemalja u svijetu prema starosti stanovništva i trenutačno broji 1.229.760 korisnika mirovina (HZMO, 2022), što predstavlja značajan udio u ukupnoj populaciji. Cilj ovog istraživanja je provjeriti ulogu sociodemografskih pokazatelja u objašnjenju razina usamljenosti, depresivnosti, emocionalnih kompetencija i uspješnog starenja na prigodnom uzorku kao doprinos znanstvenim spoznajama o kvaliteti života hrvatskih umirovljenika. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 269 umirovljenika s područja Republike Hrvatske, od čega je 182 ženskog (66,4%), a 92 muškog spola (33,6%), prosječne dobi 70 godina (raspon 38–93) koji su u prosjeku otišli u mirovinu prije propisane dobi, odnosno s oko 55 godina (SD=7,98). Prikupljeni su sociodemografski podaci te standardizirani upitnici: Skala samoprocjene uspješnog starenja, Kratka forma UCLA-skale usamljenosti, Gerijatrijska skala depresije- kratka forma i Upitnik emocionalnih vještina i kompetencija (UEK-15), i to visokih pouzdanosti. Sudionici su usto potpisali informirani pristanak, tj. suglasnost za sudjelovanje jer je istraživanje provedeno uživo te su dokumentaciji prilagali dokaz o umirovljenju. Rezultati upućuju na razlike u kvaliteti života i depresivnosti s obzirom na razlike u najvećem postignutom stupnju obrazovanja u očekivanome smjeru, s obzirom na ulogu obrazovanja u mogućnostima zaposlenja, socioekonomskom statusu i zdravstvenim ponašanjima. Analiza spolnih razlika potvrdila je da su žene depresivnije, a ujedno i emocionalno kompetentnije od muškaraca na mjerama samoprocjene, iako razine depresivnosti nisu kliničke niti u jednoj skupini. I konačno, sudionici se razlikuju u procjeni usamljenosti s obzirom na bračni status, na način da oni koji su u partnerskoj vezi doživljavaju niže razine usamljenosti. Preporuka je navedene varijable dopuniti objektivnim pokazateljima kvalitete života umirovljenika u RH, kombinirati metode samoprocjene s kvalitativnim načinima prikupljanja podataka, razvojne promjene pratiti longitudinalno te raditi na razvoju mreže pružatelja korisnika usluga široj populaciji starijih osoba koje bi se mogle kombinirati s istraživačkim djelatnostima u zajednici. Posebnu pozornost potrebno je usmjeriti na rastući trend institucionalizacije starijih osoba što predstavlja rizični čimbenik za mentalno zdravlje umirovljenika, naročito tijekom i nakon COVID-19 krize.In almost every region of the world, people nowadays live at least twice as long as they did a hundred years ago. Prolonged life expectancy has increased the interest of researchers with the goal of improving the quality of life, mitigating losses and promoting active ageing. Croatia is among the ten countries in the world in terms of population age and currently has 1,229,760 pension beneficiaries (HZMO, 2022), representing a significant share of the total population. The aim of this research is to verify the role of sociodemographic indicators in explaining the levels of loneliness, depression, emotional competence and successful ageing in a convenient sample as a contribution to scientific knowledge about the quality of life of Croatian retirees. 269 retirees from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research, of which 182 were female (66.4%), and 92 were male (33.6%), with an average age of 70 (range 38-93), who on average went to pension earlier than prescribed at about age 55 (SD=7.98). Sociodemographic data and standardized questionnaires were collected: Self-Assessment Scale for Successful Aging, UCLA Loneliness Scale Short Form, Geriatric Depression Scale - Short Form and Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (UEK-15), with high reliability. The participants also signed informed consent, i.e. consent to participate, since the research was conducted in person, and they attached proof of retirement to the documentation. The results point to differences in quality of life and depression with regard to differences in the highest achieved level of education in the expected direction, with regard to the role of education in employment opportunities, socioeconomic status and health behaviours. The analysis of gender differences confirmed that women are more depressed and, at the same time, more emotionally competent than men with self-assessment measures, although the levels of depression are not clinical in any group. And finally, participants differ in their assessment of loneliness with regard to marital status, so that those who are in a partner relationship experience lower levels. The recommendations are supplement the above mentioned variables with objective indicators of the quality of life of retirees in the Republic of Croatia, to combine self-assessment methods with qualitative data collection methods, longitudinally monitor developmental changes, and to work on the development of a network of service providers for a wider population of elderly people that could be combined with research activities in the community. Special attention should be paid to the growing trend of institutionalization of older people, which represents a risk factor for the mental health of retirees, especially during and after the COVID-19 crisis


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    Objective: This longitudinal research is to follow the changes in quality of life and in anxiety level of patients treated with bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Subjects and methods: Patients selected in period from 1990 to 2000 were treated with bone marrow transplantation and were invited to participate in the study. In ten years period 299 patients were treated with BMT. 109 patients were included in this study (58 male and 51 female) after their informed consent was obtained. 42 of 109 patients were successfully monitored during a five year period and they successfully returned completed questionnaires. Results: The level of Karnofsky scores show statistically significant difference related to time that passed since BMT. Average value of Karnofsky scores in a group of patients 3 months after BMT was 82.22, and in group five years after BMT was 91.76. There is statistically significant difference between these values (p=0.003). Results of anxiety as a trait and as a state also show statistically significant decrease between measuring after leaving the hospital and five years after BMT. Conclusions: There is statistically significant correlation between anxiety and quality of life, that is, with decrease of anxiety quality of life level increases

    The Attitudes and Sterotypes of Supporting Fields towards the Persons with Disabilities

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    The aim of this research was to establish the attitudes, the views and reactions of the helping fields (which include social workers and medical nurses) and those who aren’t the part of that cathegory, towards the mentally ill people.One hundred and twenty persons questioned have taken part in this research where in the group of supporting fields consisted of social workers and medical nurses (N = 40). The questionnaire was used in examining the attitudes of those questioned persons, the questionnaire that was used in Joki}-Begi}’s research (2005) and it turned out to be a really good one in defining the attitudes and stereotypes towards the mentally ill persons. The questionnaire consisted of several parts in which different things have been examined such as stereotypes, knowledge, attitudes, level of acceptance and social- demographic information. The research has shown the differences among the attitudes and the level of acceptance of the mentally ill as well as the level of knowledge which the examinees had. All the examinees that have been the part of this research mentioned » ill » as a dominant trait of the mentally disturbed person. Furthermore, the characteristics such as instability, insecurity, nervousness and inclination to suicide, indicate that all of these three groups of examinees have sterotypes about unstable emotional condition and state of mind of the sick.The examinees that don’t belong to this group of supporting fields have enough knowledge neither about the emergence of the disease nor about its development and preventive measures. However, the social workers have a bit more negative attitude towards the mentally ill if compared to medical nurses which could be explained by insufficient working experience with the mentioned group of patients. It’s important to say that all of the three groups of examinees don’t have extremely negative attitudes towards the people with mental disorder. We shouldn’t ignore the fact that these three groups have noticable social restraint towards the mentally ill and they cannot easily accept them in their own environment. Considering the fact there is a low number of researches that deal with this problem of labelling or in other words- stigmatization of the mentally ill, this research gives a great stimulus for writeup this very important problem area, especially if we take into consideration that the attitude of the community may help to bring about the feeling of marginalization and unacceptability with the mentally ill